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Connection of a spDYN account with an account in the Securepoint Reseller Portal
New article: 06.2020
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: spdyn.de

Spd Dashboard-en.png

Existing spDYN user accounts can be connected to a user account in the Securepoint Reseller Portal. This update token is unique for each host. In contrast to logging on with user name and password, the update token can be exchanged for a single host if necessary (e.g. if the host computer is compromised).


Spd Dashboard Reseller-Portal-en.png
  • To connect the accounts, the following conditions must be met:
    • All active hosts have an update token
    • Each update token must have been used at least once

    • Klick auf die Schaltfläche  Update-Token für alle Hosts ohne Update-Token erstellen
    • Es wird für jeden Host, der bisher mit den Zugangsdaten zum spDYN-Konto aktualisiert wird ein eigenes Update-Token erstellt.
    • Die Datei spdyn_update_token.csv kann anschließend heruntergeladen werden.
      Sie enthält eine Liste mit allen Host-Namen und deren Update-Token, die generiert wurden.
  • Bevor die Verbindung mit einem Reseller-Account hergestellt werden kann, müssen die Token jeweils mindestens einmal verwendet worden sein

  • Connect spDYN account with reseller portal

    Rsp dyndns Benutzerkonto-en.png

    Spd Anmeldung rsp-en.png
    • Click on the  connect accounts button to trigger the process
    • The login window for a reseller account appears
    • The credentials for the reseller account must be entered
    • Click on  Login to establish the connection.
    • For the login to this spDYN account the access data for the connected reseller account are required from now on. In the login dialog please click on the button Spicon-avatar.png Login with Reseller Account.
  • With each Reseller Portal account you can connect exactly one spDYN account.
    If you want to manage more hosts under the same account, they must be moved.

  • Disconnecting from the Reseller Portal

    Rsp dyndns Benutzerkonto Verknüpfung-aufheben-en.png
    • click on the icon
    • The dialog for unlinking the Reseller Portal account is displayed
    • By clicking the button Unlink reseller portal account the connection is released
    • An e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address of the spDYN user account to assign a new password