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Best practice on mail security
Last adaption: 07.2023
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

06.2022 11.7

The article describes a best practice for mail security.
These are our recommended settings.
All information provided without guarantee!


These recommendations refer to the following scenario:

  • Receiving the emails through the mail relay
  • Delivery is made directly via MX
  • Filtering occurs directly on input to MX


Global email address

In order to receive error notifications, a valid postmaster address must be set under → Network →Server settings
Global email address

Mail relay

‌ Mail relay 

Under → Applications →Mail relay, set the configuration to accept only emails to the recipient's address.


Caption Value Description
Mail filter On The mail filter function must be activated
SPF/DKIM/DMARC audits: On Adds an RFC 8601 Authentication-Results header to the mail and allows filtering for corresponding SPF/DKIM/DMARC results in a Mailfilter rule (see below).

Add domain / host


 Relaying list 

Configure with + Add domain / host

Mails, addressed to the anyideas.de domain should be forwarded by mail relay
Domain: anyideas.de Example domains for receiving emails
Option: To
Action: Relay Relay
If outbound emails are to be sent via the mail relay of the UTM, another entry is required:
Domain: IP address of the internal mail server
Option: Connect While making a connection
Action: Relay Relay
Entry for a mail server that is to be blacklisted:
Domain: IP address of the foreign mail server
Option: Connect While making a connection
Action: Denied refuse
 Use exact domain name for relaying:  On This option will not accept emails to recipients within a subdomain.
TLS settings
TLS encryption as a server: On TLS encryption for mail relay must be enabled, otherwise mails will be received over unencrypted connections.

See also the notes of the German BSI for using TLS (german language).

Certificate default Importing a certificate whose CN corresponds to the host name of the UTM is optional. If such a certificate is not imported, the mail relay uses a self-signed certificate for the purpose of transport encryption.
TLS encryption as a client: encrypt Ensures that emails are sent over an encrypted connection in all instances.

SMTP routes

The mail server should reject emails to addresses without a mailbox during the SMTP dialog.



Validation of recipients for valid e-mail addresses must be activated when smtp is used.
This means that only emails that go to a recipient that is also registered on the mail server are accepted.

Verify email address: Off Validation of recipients for valid e-mail addresses must be activated when smtp is used.
This means that only emails that go to a recipient that is also registered on the mail server are accepted. notempty
When using the mailconnector, no emails may be rejected.
In this case, the option is mandatory to disable.
SMTP The Securepoint appliance inquires the internal mail server in the background.
  • The validation must also be active on the mail server! (Recipient Verification e.g. for an exchange server)
  • LDAP The Securepoint appliance inquires the active directory server, for example.
    For authentication via LDAP, the corresponding server must be configured under → Authentication →AD/LDAP Authentication. The user does not have to be an administrator, a user with viewing rights is sufficient.
    Local Email Adress List The known addresses are managed locally on the UTM
    Edit local email address list All known addresses are here.

    Add email address email addresses can be added
    email addresses can be removed


    Greylisting causes the delivery attempt of an unknown mail server to be rejected at first.
    Spambots usually do not make any further delivery attempts, so the delivery of spam has already been successfully stopped before the mail had to go through the spam filter engine.
    A regular mail server, on the other hand, will make another, this time successful, delivery attempt after a certain period of time.

    In addition to fending off simple spambots through greylisting, valuable time is also gained to load new definitions to detect any new spam waves.

    When using the mailconnector, greylisting must not be configured
    Labeling Recommendation Description
    Greylisting: On Enables greylisting.
    SPF: On If the Sender Policy Framework of the sender domain is correctly entered in the DNS, the mail is delivered without delay.

    In the SPF record, all mail server IP addresses of the sender are entered that are authorized to send emails. The recipient then checks the mail header field "Mail From" or the "HELO" command to see which domain is entered or named there and whether it matches one of the IP addresses in the SPF record. If the IP address of the sender does not match those of the SPF record, the mail goes into greylisting.

    Add header: On By default, an additional greylisting entry is added for each recipient listed in the mail header.

    This can cause issues if there are many recipients in the header.
    When disabled No no greylisting headers will be inserted.

    Automatic allow list for: 60Link= days The value can be increased up to 60 days.
    Delay: 2Link= minutes

    Time frame given to the sending mail server to make another delivery attempt.


    Depending on the configuration of the sending mail server, redelivery may be delayed by much more than the configured time frame (default settings 2 minutes) - in extreme cases by several hours.


    If a larger value is set for Delay for instance: 30Link= minutes selected, the scan engine may have a higher probability of detecting new outbreaks with redelivered emails, because the virus signatures may have been updated in the meantime.


    Greeting Pause
    Greeting Pause
    Labeling Recommendation Description
    Status On Similar to Greylisting, greeting pause takes advantage of the fact that the SMTP protocol is not fully implemented in spam bots. This allows them to be distinguished from regular mail servers.

    The greeting is a greeting that is transmitted from the mail relay to the sending mail server.
    This could look like this, for example: 220 firewall.foo.local ESMTP Ready
    When the SMTP protocol is fully implemented, a mail server will wait for and evaluate this greeting line before sending further SMTP commands to initiate mail delivery. A spam bot will start sending commands immediately after the TCP handshake is completed. In this case, the mail relay will not accept any further commands and will terminate the connection.

    Recipient limitations
    Recipient limitations
    Status Off
    This option blocks mails that have more than a defined number of recipient addresses. In the meantime, most spam mails are sent as individual mails. This option should only be activated in special cases.
    Limit: 25Link= Number of recipients that must not be exceeded (Attention: May apply to company-internal mail groups!).
    Limitations per client
    Limit connections On Here you can define how many connections the mail relay accepts at the same time.

    Exceptions can be defined for known mail servers as a host list.
    Allowed connections: 1Link= (Leave default value.)
    The connection limit counteracts possible DDOS attacks.
    Enable access control On Possible DOS attacks are counteracted by the access control.
    Time slot: 60Link= seconds
    Connections per time slot: 5Link=
    Exceptions Host If outbound mails are also to be sent via the mail relay of the UTM, the corresponding mail servers should be added.
    HELO required On If HELO is enabled, the SMTP client is requested to give its name.
    Must absolutely remain activated (default) This option exists to ensure backward compatibility.
    Reverse DNS lookup needs: On
    Checks if the HELO name exists and applies in the PTR.

  • When using the mail connector, this action must not be used!
  •  Deactivate action Off

  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is Mailconnector

     Add criterion
  • Accept unresolvable domains: No
    Checks if host address and sender address are resolvable.
    Should remain disabled for SMTP. notempty
    Must be enabled when using the mailconnector
    Maximum number of processes: 10Link= The value should only be adjusted in case of permanently high mail volume and must consider the performance of the hardware!

    Mail filter

    Under → Applications →Mail filter many different Filter rules should be adjusted and/or newly created:

    Filter rules

    Filter rule Description
    Filter rule »is classified as SPAM / SMTP« 
    When an email is received

    and protocol


    and is classified as SPAM

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email
    Default: Quarantine email
    Mail servers or senders whose emails are classified as SPAM have attracted attention as SPAM sources in the past. Emails from these systems should not be accepted under any circumstances.
    Accepting such emails (even if they are quarantined afterwards) only makes the email domain more interesting for potential SPAM and virus senders.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be rejected.
    Filter rule »is classified as suspicious«.
    When an email is received

    and is classified as suspicious.

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email
    Default: Tag email in subject with [Marked as possibly spam]
    Emails that are classified as suspicious contain suspicious patterns and content and should not be delivered to the user's mailbox.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be quarantined.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Filter rule »contains a virus«
    When an email is received

    and contains a virus.

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email
    Default: Filter applicable content
    Accepting such emails (even if they are quarantined afterwards) only makes the email domain more interesting for potential SPAM and virus senders.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be rejected.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion

  • When using the mail connector, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    quarantine email
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is Mailconnector

     Add criterion
  • Filter rule »with content of« 
    When an email is received

    with content of

    File name
    ends with
    Default: ade, adp, bat, chm, cmd, com, cpl, exe, hta, ins, isp, jar, js, jse, lib, lnk, mde, msc, msi, msp, mst, nsh, pif, scr, sct, shb, sys, vb, vbe, vbs, vxd, wsc, wsf, wsh

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email
    Default: Filter applicable content
    Executable files should not be delivered. They are filtered based on the file extension. Can be added to as needed.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be rejected.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Filter rule »is a bulk email« 
    Add rule

    rule name bulk_rescan
    When an email is received

    and is a bulk email

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    Emails classified as BULK are currently being sent out in masses and should not be delivered to the user's mailbox.
    These could be, for example, the first emails of a new SPAM wave.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be quarantined.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    mark email in subject with BULK Mail
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Rules with the action ...and filter again by are applied only once.
    Another rule is needed that defines how to proceed in case of a new scan with the same result!
  • Create a new rule: Add rule
    rule name Bulk_Mail
    When an email is received

    and is a bulk email

     Add criterion

    and header field

    does not contain

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email
    Default: Accept email
    Filter rule »Investigate / further investigations are recommended« 
    Add rule
    rule name Investigate
    When an email is received

    further investigations are recommended / are not strictly necassary

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 15 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    The spam filtering engine expects that the category of this email may change in the next 15 minutes.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be quarantined.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    mark email in subject with Check content (no classification)
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion

  • Filter rule »was caught by the URL filter« 
    Add rule
    Create a new rule: rule name URL_Filter
    When an email is received

    and was caught by the URL filter

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email
    Default: Accept email
    Emails containing a dangerous URL should not be accepted and delivered to the user's mailbox. Please note the settings of the URL filter.
    Securepoint recommends that these mails be quarantined.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • The current threat situation makes it clear that standard procedures can no longer keep up in the fight against malware.
  • Potentially dangerous documents should not be delivered to the user's mailbox.
    Documents are identified by MIME types and file extensions.

  • Filter rule »Word documents based on MIME types« 
    +Add rule
    Create a new rule: rule name Word_Mime
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    MIME type
    MIME types can now be selected in the click box. This list can be entered as content.
    application/msword, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template, application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12, application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    In order for Word documents to be filtered based on MIME types, a new rule is needed.

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Save

    Filter rule »Excel documents based on MIME types« 
    +Add fitler rule
    Create a new rule: rule name Excel_Mime
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    MIME type

    application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template, application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12, application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12, application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12, application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    In order for Excel documents to be filtered based on MIME types, a new rule is needed.
    Securepoint recommends that mails with Office documents attached are temporarily quarantined and filtered again after 30 minutes!

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Save

    Filter rule »Open Office / Libre Office documents based on MIME types« 
    +Add fitler rule
    Create a new rule: rule name OOffice_MIME (Open-Office)
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    MIME type

    application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart-template,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image-template,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web, text/rtf, application/rtf

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email

    ! Securepoint recommends mails with Office documents attached are temporarily quarantined and filtered again after 30 minutes!

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Filter rule »Office documents based on file extension« 
    +Add fitler rule
    Create a new rule: rule name Office_Extension
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    File name
    ends with
    File extensions can now be selected in the click box. This list can be entered as content.
    doc, dot, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, docb, xls, xlsx, xlt, xlm, xlsm, xltm, xlsb, xla, xlam, xll, xlw, ppt, pot, pps, ppa, pptx, pptm, potx, potm, ppam, ppsx, ppsm, sldx, sldm, pub, odt, ott, oth, odm, otg, odp, otp, ods, ots, odc, odf, odb, odi, oxt, rtf

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    In order for Office documents to be filtered by file extension, a new rule is needed.
    Securepoint recommends that mails with Office documents attached are temporarily quarantined
    and filtered again after 30 minutes!

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Save

    Filter rule »Compressed files based on MIME types« 
    +Add fitler rule
    Create a new rule: rule name Compressed_MIME
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    MIME type
    MIME types can now be selected in the click box. This list can be entered as content.

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    In order for compressed files to be filtered based on MIME types, a new rule is needed.
    Securepoint recommends that mails with compressed files attached are temporarily quarantined and filtered again after 30 minutes!

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Save

    Filter rule »Compressed files based on extension« 
    +Add fitler rule
    Create a new rule: rule name Compressed_Extension
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    File name
    ends with
    File extensions can now be selected in the click box. This list can be entered as content.

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    In order for compressed files to be filtered based on the file extension, a new rule is needed.
    Securepoint recommends that mails with compressed files attached are temporarily quarantined
    and filtered again after 30 minutes!

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Save

    Filter rule »ISO files based on MIME type or extension« 
    +Add fitler rule

    Create a new rule: rule name Images
    Rules with or -Connect operators
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    File name
    ends with
    File extensions can now be selected in the click box. This list can be entered as content.

    or with content of

    MIME type
    MIME types can now be entered in the click box. This list can be entered as content.
    application/x-cd-image, application/x-iso-image, application/x-iso9660-image

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes
    Default: Accept email
    In order for .iso and .img files to be filtered, a new rule is needed.
    Securepoint recommends that mails with images attached are temporarily quarantined
    and filtered again after 30 minutes!

  • When using the POP3 proxy, this action must not be used!
  • Here we recommend
    do action:

    filter email content
  • If different protocols are used, this must be selected in the filter conditions beforehand!

    and protocol

    is POP3

     Add criterion
  • Save

    WL_mark or filter attachments
    Add fitler rule
     WL_mark attachments 
     WL_accept attachements 
     Filter attachments 
    Scenario: Attachments from specific senders are to be tagged and delivered. All other attachments should be filtered.
    • 1st rule: Tag emails with attachments from specific senders.
    • 2nd rule: Deliver emails with attachments from specific senders.
    • 3rd rule: Filter emails with attachments that do not come from specific senders.

    Create a new rule:rule name WL_mark attachments
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    File name contains

     Add criterion

    and sender


    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Mark email in subject with Sender verified

    Add fitler rule

    Create a new rule:rule name WL_accept attachements
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    File name contains

     Add criterion

    and sender


    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Accept email

    Since this email was flagged - i.e. a filter applied - it is displayed in the quarantine as filtered. Nevertheless, thanks to the 2nd rule, it will be delivered.

    Add fitler rule

    Create a new rule:rule name Filter attachments
    When an email is received

    and with content of

    File name contains

    and sender

    does not contain

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email and filter again for 30 minutes

  • The check for the set of rules is not canceled for the actions Filter applicable content and Tag email in subject with, but continues. Further filter rules can be applied to such emails.
  • In all other action cases, the verification on the set of rules is terminated if the criteria apply.
  • Create whitelist exception rules
    +Add fitler rule

    If emails from a certain sender (here from securepoint.de) are to be delivered in any case, a whiltelist exception must be created in the mail filter rule set.

    Create a new rule:rule name Whitelist
    When an email is received

    and protocol

    is SMTP

     Add criterion

    and sender

    ends with

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Accept email


    Move filter rule

    For a rule to work as a whitelist rule, the order must be defined so that this rule takes effect before the general spam quarantine rule.
    By clicking and holding with the left mouse button on the whitelist rule (pos. 7) in the "Pos." column, this rule is moved up above the general Spam_SMTP filter rule. When the rule has reached the desired position, release the mouse button.
    The whitelist rule is now assigned a new position number according to its ranking.

  • Whitelist rules should be after the rules for spam and viruses, but before other rules that may unintentionally prevent delivery.
  • Fake sender
    +Add fitler rule
    Fake sender

    In order to avoid accepting emails with fake internal senders (which usually enjoy a high level of trust), we recommend creating three filter rules according to the following example:


    In this example, mails of the mail domain @securepoint.de are to be accepted.
    The IP address of the mail server is assumed to be

    These are only sample addresses that need to be customized locally.

    Create a new rule:rule name fake_sender_internal1
    When an email is received

    and sender


     Add criterion

    and source host

    is not

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email


    Add rule

    Create a new rule:rule name fake_sender_internal2
    When an email is received

    and header field

    From contains

     Add criterion

    and source host

    is not

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email


    Add fitler rule

    Create a new rule:rule name fake_sender_internal3
    When an email is received

    and header field

    From is

     Add criterion

    and source host

    is not

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email


    Filter rule SPF fail
    +Add fitler rule
     SPF fail 
    New in the wiki

    Create a new rule:Regelname SPF fail
    Wenn eine E-Mail eingeht

    and SPF result for domain

    exists and is

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email


    Filter rule SPF permerror
    +Add fitler rule
     SPF permerror 
    New in the wiki

    Create a new rule:Regelname SPF permerror
    Wenn eine E-Mail eingeht

    and SPF result for domain

    exists and is
    »softfail or »permerror

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Mark email in subject with SPF error / check sender!


    Filter rule DKIM
    +Add fitler rule
    New in the wiki

    Create a new rule:Regelname DKIM
    Wenn eine E-Mail eingeht

    and DKIM result for domain

    exists and is

    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email


    Filter rule DMARC quarantine
    +Add fitler rule
     DMARC quarantine 
    New in the wiki

    Create a new rule:Regelname DMARC quarantine
    Wenn eine E-Mail eingeht

    and DMARC result/policy recommendation is


    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Quarantine email


    Filter rule DMARC reject
    +Add fitler rule
     DMARC reject 
    New in the wiki

    Create a new rule:Regelname DMARC reject
    Wenn eine E-Mail eingeht

    and DMARC result/policy recommendation is


    Run action:

    Edit filter rule: Reject email


    URL filter

    → Applications →Mail filterTab URL filter

    The URL filter verifies

    • the URL itself. Add rule Further notes in the wiki about the Mailfilter.
      This can be used in combination with the allow action to create mainly whitelists

    • in which content category the visited page falls. Add category
      This categorization is constantly updated by our content filter team.
      Allowlist entries (e.g. Education (schools and training institutes, universities) can also be created here with the allow action, or blocklist entries with the action.

    The following categories are preconfigured in installations since 11.8 and should not be missed in older installations:

    Add category

    Type Name Description Action
    Category Threat Intelligence Feed This category contains URLs currently classified as malicious which spread malware and contain phishing pages (phishing, malware, botnets, crime ware, etc.) block
    Category Porn and erotic This category contains URLs that provide pornographic or predominantly sexual content. block
    Category Hacking This category contains URLs that provide advice on hacking, warez, building malware, tricking systems or subscription traps. block
    Category Update Server Server and services for important software updates
    This category is intended for whitelist environments.
    Other categories are to be adapted to the requirements of the company

    By clicking on Save the filter rule will be added.

    Spam Report

    → Applications →Mail filterTab Settings section
    Spam Report

    Email digest

    The spam report can inform email users at certain intervals about emails filtered, blocked or quarantined by the UTM. This report can be sent either on a specific day of the week or daily, at a specific time.

    Action Value Description
    Enable reports: None (Default) No spam reports will be sent.
    Users Reports are sent to the users.
    Users and Admin Reports are sent to the users and an overview is sent to the administrator.
    Delivery Condition: Deliver always (Default) In any case, a spam report will be sent.
    Not accepted Quarantined or filtered
    Quarantined or filtered A spam report will only be delivered if at least one email has been quarantined or filtered.
    Alternative Hostname / IP:     If the web interface with the mail server is to be accessed via an external IP or another host name.
    Day: Monday (Default) This report can be sent either on a specific weekday or Every day .
    1. Report 20:00 o'clock Specifies the time for sending the report.
    Disabled With every day reports, a total of four reports can be sent at specified times.

    In order for the report to reach the e-mail user, it is necessary for the e-mail user to be in a group with the 'Spamreport permission.

    If several mail addresses for a user are stored in an AD, the entry configured there as Primary SMTP address is used as the default address.

    Add a group under → Authentication →Users

    The setting for this is made in the menu
    → Authentication →Users Groups + Add Group or Edit under Permissions:

    The following sections must be activated here:

    Email digest
    On activates the creation of the spam report
    On The email address can be taken from a directory server such as ActiveDirectory or LDAP if the UTM is connected to it. Otherwise, the user must be created with his email address on the UTM.

    The email address can be taken from a directory server such as ActiveDirectory or LDAP if the UTM is connected to it. Otherwise, the user must be created with his email address on the UTM.

    In the Mailfilter tab, further settings must be made, including the e-mail address to which reports are sent:

  • <This function may allow the downloading of viruses and should therefore only be allowed for experienced users!/li> }}
  • Email address
    Caption Default Description
    support@ttt-point.de Email accounts that can be viewed by members of this group to control the mail filter.
    Delete with
    Email address Adding a mail address to the list
    Allow downloads of following attachments: None (Default) Members of this group can download attachments from mails in the user interface that meet certain criteria.
    Filtered but not quarantined
    Quarantined but not filtered
  • This function may allow the downloading of viruses and should therefore only be allowed for experienced users!
  • Quarantined and/or filtered
  • This function may allow the downloading of viruses and should therefore only be allowed for experienced users!
  • Allow forwarding of following emails: None (Default) Members of this group can forward emails in the user interface that meet certain criteria
    Filtered but not quarantined
    Quarantined but not filtered
  • This function may allow the forwarding of viruses and should therefore only be allowed for experienced users!
  • Quarantined and/or filtered
  • This function may allow the forwarding of viruses and should therefore only be allowed for experienced users!
  • Report email address:     Email address to which a spam report is sent.
    If no entry is made here, the spam report is sent to the first email address in the list.
    If several mail addresses for a user are stored in an AD, the entry configured there as Primary SMTP address is used as the default address..
    AD proxyAdresses spamreport.png

    Report language: Default Default under → Network →Server settings
    language of reports
    It can be specifically selected: German or English

    UTM v11.8.6 Mailfilter Spamreport-en.png

    Spam report to the user.

    Disclaimer and hints

    This website was compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness and accuracy of the information provided. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. If this website refers to websites operated by third parties, Securepoint GmbH is not responsible for any content linked or referred from this site.

    The following wiki articles may be helpful for setup.