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Combining pure IPv4 hosts and IPv6 hosts
Last adaption: 06.2022
This article refers to a Resellerpreview


Some hosts still have the type "A" or "AAAA", which means that the host only has one IPv4 (A) or one IPv6 (AAAA) address.

Newer hosts are automatically created as type "A-AAAA" and both IP address types can therefore be stored.
It is possible to combine hosts so that two hosts with the same host name are merged into one.

Select host

The host to be combined can be selected under Host Manage hosts.

For this purpose, two hosts must have the same host name, as shown on the right. The type is "A" for one host and "AAAA" for the other.
One of the two hosts is then opened for editing by clicking on the gear wheel.

SPdyn Host kombinieren zwei gleiche Hosts auswählen.png
Select host

Edit host

This opens the dialog for editing the host with the special feature that the following question appears at the top:

Combine host?

SPdyn Host kombinieren Host bearbeiten.png
Combine host?
Yes Opens the dialog for combining the hosts
No Closes the dialog window and the host can be edited as usual. The next time the host is opened for editing, the dialog window appears again.

Convert host

There are also two update tokens for the two hosts and you can now select which of the two update tokens should apply in future. SPdyn Host kombinieren Update Token.png
Convert host - Select update token
Update-Token IPv4 (A Record) The update token of the IPv4 host applies to the combined host
IPv6 (AAAA Record) The update token of the IPv6 host applies to the combined host
Host umwandeln bestätigen Schließt den Vorgang des Umwandelns ab

Change successful

The successful conversion to a combined host is confirmed with the message shown on the right. SPdyn Host kombinieren Änderung erfolgreich.png
Change successful