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Return codes of the Securepoint spDYN
Last adaption: 08.2022
  • Layout adjustment
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

If the Update-URL is used, the following return values are obtained, which are also displayed in a browser:

Return code Description
abuse The host cannot be updated because it is locked due to previous incorrect update attempts.
badauth An invalid user name and/or password was entered.
good The host name has been successfully updated to the new IP.
!yours The specified host cannot be used under this user account.
notfqdn The specified host is not an FQDN.
nochg The IP has not changed since the last update. If this host continues to attempt updates within a short period of time, it will no longer be able to accept updates for a certain period of time.
nohost The specified host does not exist or has been deleted.
fatal The specified host has been manually disabled.