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Syntax of the CLI command alertingcenter
New article: 06.2023
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→ Extras →CLI

  • If no values ​​are to be passed for a parameter, this parameter is not to be specified. If a parameter value is to be overwritten with <empty>, two square brackets must be used.
    Example: alertingcenter collectd set plugin "DF" limit_severity_1 "35" limit_severity_2 [ ]

  • Command Parameter Description Example:


    alertingcenter alerts

    alertingcenter alerts get
    Listing of all notifications
    Value Description
    alert_id Alarm ID
    severity Name of the threshold-driven notifications
    time Setup time
    collector Threshold controlled notification
    program Notification
    user_message Message to the recipient
    attribute Parameters that are sent
    value Values of the parameters sent
    alertingcenter alerts get
    alertingcenter alerts program get Listing of all notifications
    programm programm_translated
    fetchmail Mail Connector
    ctasd Spamfilter
    collectd Statistics
    openvpn SSL-VPN
    squid HTTP Proxy
    spf2bd IPS Bans
    spauthd Authentication
    pppd Dial-up
    mailscanner Mailscanner
    tomoyo Mandatory-Access-Control
    server Core Daemon
    dyndns_client Dynamic DNS
    spnetd Network
    dbus DBUS alert
    ulogd IDS/IPS
    policy_greylist_server Greylist
    kryptochef Krypto Daemon
    system_cloudbackup_store Cloud Backup
    spupdater Updater
    new_if_names Interface Changes
    alertingcenter alerts program get

    alertingcenter collectd

    alertingcenter collectd get
    Output of all threshold-controlled notifications
    Value Description
    plugin Name of the monitored system
    tolerance_time Time of tolerated monitoring in minutes
    severity_1 First notification level
    severity_2 Second notification level
    limit_severity_1 First Threshold
    limit_severity_2 Second Threshold
    alertingcenter collectd get
    alertingcenter collectd set Set values ​​for threshold driven notification alertingcenter collectd set plugin "DF" limit_severity_1 "35"
    plugin Name of the monitored system
    limit_serverity_1 First Threshold
    limit_serverity_2 Second Threshold
    tolerance_time Time of tolerated monitoring in minutes
    serverity_1 First notification level
    serverity_2 Second notification level

    alertingcenter report

    alertingcenter report create
    Creates a new periodic notification alertingcenter report create program "fetchmail" collector "MAILQUEUE" severity "WARNING" alert_id "100" period "all" since_id "0800" alert_limit [ ]
    program Notification
    collector Threshold controlled notification
    severity Name of the threshold-driven notifications
    alert_id Alarm ID
    period Time frame of the message to be sent all | today | unit
    since_id Time of delivery of the message
    alert_limit Maximum number of alarm messages

    alertingcenter severity

    alertingcenter severity get
    Listing of all threshold-driven notifications
    Value Description
    priority Priority value (0 - 9) of the threshold-driven notifications
    severity Name of the threshold-driven notifications
    emitter Assigned notification type (report or fast_mail)
    alertingcenter severity get
    alertingcenter severity set Creates a new threshold-driven notification alertingcenter severity set severity "DEBUG" emitter "report"
    severity Name of the threshold-driven notifications
    emitter Assigned notification type (report or fast_mail)

    alertingcenter syslog

    alertingcenter syslog expression get
    Listing of all syslog expressions
    Value Description
    expr_id Expression ID
    pattern_id Service ID
    expr_command Content of the expression
    expr_program Assigned notification
    alertingcenter syslog expression get
    alertingcenter syslog pattern get List of all syslog services
    Value Description
    pattern_id Service ID
    pattern_name Name of the service
    group_id ID of the group
    pattern_message Notification of the service
    alertingcenter syslog pattern get
    alertingcenter syslog patterngroup get List of all service groups
    Value Description
    group_id ID of the group
    group_name Name of the group
    group_severity Assigned threshold-driven notification of the group
    group_message Group notification
    alertingcenter syslog patterngroup get
    alertingcenter syslog patterngroup set Creation of a new service group alertingcenter syslog patterngroup set group_id 26 group_severity "INFO" language de
    group_id ID of the group
    group_severity Assigned threshold-driven notification of the group
    language Language of the service group. German: de, English: en