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Syntax of the CLI command wireguard
Last adaption: 10.2023
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
→ Extras →CLI

  • If no values are to be passed for a parameter, this parameter is not to be specified. If a parameter value is to be overwritten with <empty>, two square brackets must be used.
    Example: wireguard peer set peer_id "3" peer_psk [ ]
  • Command Parameter Description Example


    wireguard update

    wireguard update
    After each Wireguard CLI command, this must be entered so that these commands are saved wireguard update

    wireguard get

    wireguard get
    Listing of all Wireguard connections
    Value Description
    interface_id ID of the wireguard interface
    interface_name Name of the wireguard interface
    interface_description Connection name in the overview
    interface_listen_port Port on which the wireguard connection is accepted
    interface_fwmark is not used at the moment
    interface_keyobj_id ID of the key for the wireguard connection
    interface_keyobj_name Name of the key for the wireguard connection
    interface_public_key Value of the public key of the wireguard connection
    interface_address_list IP addresses used by the wireguard interface
    peer_id ID of the peers
    peer_name Name of the peers
    peer_psk Optional. Pre-Shared Key of the peers
    peer_endpoint End point of the peer
    peer_keepalive Time of the keepalive in seconds of the peer
    peer_public_keyobj_id ID of the public key of the peer
    peer_public_keyobj_name Name of the public key of the peer
    peer_public_key public key of the peer
    peer_address_list IP addresses used by the peer
    wireguard get

    wireguard interface

    wireguard interface get

    wireguard interface get
    Listing of all wireguard interfaces
    Value Description
    interface_id ID of the wireguard interface
    interface_keyobj_id ID of the key for the wireguard connection
    interface_listen_port Port on which the wireguard connection is accepted
    interface_fwmark is not used at the moment
    interface_description Connection name in the overview
    interface_peer_id_list List of IDs of the peers of the interface
    wireguard interface get

    wireguard interface new

    wireguard interface new
    Creates a new wireguard interface.
    Before that, a new interface must be created.
    interface new name "wg0" type WIREGUARD
    interface_name Name of the wireguard interface wireguard interface new interface_name "wg0" interface_description "wg_server" interface_keyobj_id "689" interface_listen_port "51820"
    interface_description Connection name in the overview
    interface_keyobj_id ID of the key for the wireguard connection
    interface_listen_port Port on which the wireguard connection is accepted

    wireguard interface set

    wireguard interface set
    Editing a Wireguard interface wireguard interface set interface_id "691" interface_listen_port "51820" interface_keyobj_id "689" interface_keyobj_name "Wireguard-Key"
    interface_id ID of the wireguard interface
    interface_listen_port Port on which the wireguard connection is accepted
    interface_keyobj_id ID of the key for the wireguard connection
    interface_keyobj_name Name of the key for the wireguard connection

    wireguard interface delete

    wireguard interface delete
    Deletes the Wireguard interface wireguard interface delete interface_id "691"
    interface_id ID of the wireguard interface

    wireguard peer

    wireguard peer get

    wireguard peer get
    Listing of all Wireguard peers
    Value Description
    peer_id ID of the peers
    peer_name Name of the peers
    peer_public_keyobj_id ID of the public key of the peer
    peer_psk Optional. Pre-Shared Key of the peers
    peer_keepalive Time of the keepalive in seconds of the peer
    peer_address_id_list List of IDs of the IP addresses to the peer
    peer_interface_id_list List of IDs of the interfaces
    wireguard peer get

    wireguard peer new

    wireguard peer new
    Creates a new peer for the Wireguard wireguard peer new peer_name "peer" peer_public_keyobj_id "690" peer_endpoint [ ] peer_keepalive "25" peer_address_list [ ] peer_interface_name_list [ wg0 ] notempty
    Syntax corrected
    The parameters of the values at peer_address_list and peer_interface_name_list must be listed with spaces.
    peer_name Name of the peers
    peer_public_keyobj_id ID of the public key of the peer
    peer_psk Optional. Pre-Shared Key of the peers
    peer_endpoint End point of the peer
    peer_keepalive Time of the keepalive in seconds of the peer
    peer_address_list IP addresses used by the peer
    peer_interface_name_list List of interface names to the peer

    wireguard peer set

    wireguard peer set
    Editing a Wireguard Peer wireguard peer set peer_name "peer1" peer_public_keyobj_id "706" peer_endpoint [ ] peer_address_list [""] peer_keepalive "25" peer_interface_id_list ["710"] peer_id "5"
    peer_name Name of the peers
    peer_public_keyobj_id ID of the public key of the peer
    peer_endpoint End point of the peer
    peer_address_list IP addresses used by the peer
    peer_psk Optional. Pre-Shared Key of the peers
    peer_keepalive Time of the keepalive in seconds of the peer
    peer_interface_id_list List of IDs of the interfaces
    peer_id ID of the peers

    wireguard peer delete

    wireguard peer delete
    Deletes a peer wireguard peer delete peer_id "5"
    peer_id ID of the peers