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Installing self-hosted apps on iOS devices
New article with version: 1.14
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Access: portal.securepoint.cloud  Mobile Security iOS/iPadOS  Apps


This HowTo describes how to install and manage hosted apps/self-hosted apps on iOS devices using the Securepoint Mobile Security Management Portal.
Self-hosted apps are apps that are not accessible through the App Store, or have not been submitted there, but are distributed via its own web server.

This method is not recommended! These apps are not subject to any verification and may contain malware or cause or exploit security vulnerabilities.


In order for a self-hosted app to be distributed, there must be

  • a web server publicly accessible via https and
  • its .ipa file (iOS package App Store) must be hosted on this web server and
  • a so-called .plist manifest file must also be present on this web server

The .ipa file

For the app to be distributed, its .ipa file must be deployed on an https-accessible web server. The .ipa file contains the app package, which provides the compressed data of the app in a packed file.
The .ipa file of the app can be exported via the Apple Developer Website. Alternatively, this file can be created or exported via a corresponding development environment, for example Xcode.

The .plist file

In order for an app to be distributed via a web server, a so-called manifest file .plist file must be created.

Requirements for the .plist file

The manifest file must contain the following:

  • As the name of the file manifest.plist
  • Full URL to the .ipa file on the web server
  • The Bundle ID (bundle identifier) for the app
  • The Bundle Version for the app
  • A name for the app

Creation of a .plist file

An editor is opened and the following content is entered

Entries marked in green are individual configurations.
Necessary manual changes are additionally marked with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
      <string>https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/MeineApp.ipa</string> // 									 The URL to the .ipa file on the web server 
      <string>https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/MeineApp57x57.png</string> // 									 The URL to the display image of the app on the web server.
      <string>https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/MeineApp512x512.png</string> // 									 The URL to the image of the app on the web server
     <string>com.hersteller.meineapp</string> // 									 The bundle ID of the app
     <string>1.0</string> // 									 The bundle version of the app
     <string>My App Name</string> // 									 App-Name

Caption Value Description
url https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/MeineApp.ipa The URL to the .ipa file on the web server
Enter the full URL to the app's .ipa file on the web server.
display-image https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/MeineApp57x57.png The URL to the display image of the app on the web server.
The full URL to the 57x57 pixel PNG image (72x72 pixels for iPad) that will be used during download and installation
full-size-image https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/MeineApp512x512.png The URL to the image of the app on the web server
The full URL to the 512x512 pixel PNG image that displays the iTunes app
bundle-identifier com.hersteller.meineapp The bundle ID of the app
bundle-version 1.0 The bundle version of the app
title My App Name App-Name

After the manifest file named manifest.plist is created, it is also deployed to the web server.

Assign self-hosted app to MDM portal

Under  Mobile Security iOS/iPadOS  Apps via the  App add button, the self-hosted app is added.
This app is configured as follows:

Caption Value Description MS 1.14 iOS Apps selbst-gehostete-App-en.png
Type App Select the type App
Name My App Name Enter the name for the app
Source Manifest URL As app source Manifest URL must be selected
Manifest URL https://www.appserver.anyideas.de/manifest.plist Enter the full URL of the created manifest file on the web server
Take Management    Activate the supervised state for the app or take over the supervision if the app is already installed. The supervised state is necessary to delete the app remotely.
Purchase method Unspecified Select purchase method
Management flags: Both deactivated Select management flags
Device »Add device Add the devices on which the app will be installed
User »Add user Add the users on which the app will be installed
Roles »Add roles Add the roles on which the app will be installed
Tags »Add tags Add the tags on which the app will be installed
Comment Comment A comment can be added
After the configuration has been performed, this pop-up window appears with the app installation of the sample app Speedtest.

After clicking the   Save button, the self-hosted app is deployed to the selected iOS devices, users, roles or tags.
Alternatively, the button /  Install performs the installation and accompanying distribution.