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Moving hosts in spDYN with move token
Last adaption: 05.2022
  • New functions
  • New design
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: spdyn.de Host Manage Hosts


This article describes how to transfer hosts to another user.

Prepare for move

Preparations are made in account that is to 'hand over the host
The configuration is done in spDYN-Portal.
Login with the standard login credentials.

Select a host

The Host Manage hosts menu can be used to select a host to be moved.
By clicking on the name of the host, an edit dialog opens.
SPDYN Umzugstoken Benutzer auswählen-en.png
Host display

Create move token

Token Move token
  • Choose the option from the drop-down menu
  • If a move token has already been created, the date of creation is displayed here.
Spdyn v3.13 Umzugs-Token wählen-en.png
Dropdown menu: Move token
 Create token
  • Creates a new move token
  • If a move token has already been created, a warning message is displayed in which the creation must be confirmed again.
  • Please note that this will invalidate any existing relocation token.
 Deactivate token Deactivates a previously created move token

Show the move token

  • The host-specific token is now displayed exactly once.
  • If the token is lost, recovery is not possible.
    Instead, a new token must be generated. The token can now be passed over to the new user.

    SPDYN Umzugstoken Tokenanzeige-en.png
    Show the move token

    Carry out move

    This step must be started by the user to whom the host is to be moved to!
    Login to spDYN-Portal with the login credentials of the account that will manage the host in the future. Takeover of the host in the menu Host Move

    Move token: 1234567-abcd-efgh-ijkl Entering the previously created move token
  • For this process, free slots must be available for hosts in this account.
    If this is not the case, further host slots can be requested. Menu: User Request additional hosts
  • SPDYN Umzugstoken Host umziehen Token eingabe-en.png
    Move token input
     Move host Carries out the move