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Installing the SEWS tool and importing mailboxes
Last adaptation to the version: 3.1.0
This article refers to a Resellerpreview



The Securepoint EWS Tool (SEWS Tool) is used to import emails from a Microsoft Exchange mail system into the Securepoint Unified Mail Archive (UMA).
The Exchange Web Services interface of Microsoft Exchange is used for this purpose.

Conditions for use

  • UMA version 2.5.10 or higher
  • Exchange Server 2010 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
  • .NET Framework 4.0 or higher
  • Configured email accounts in UMA that can be imported into.
  • Access enabled via https (port 443)

Preparation of the UMA

Allow import via SEWS import tool

In the UMA, the use of the SEWS tool must be enabled Import / SEWS / section SEWS Import.

Preparation of Exchange and Active Directory

In order to use the SEWS tool, a user in the Active Directory is required who has the right to access the mailboxes of other users. In the Exchange Server, the mailbox permission for the import must also be set.

The settings items may be located in a different place, depending on the Exchange Server version.

Set mailbox permission in Exchange:

Exchange Server 2010
Grant access permission for superuser

The simplest setting is done with the Exchange Management Shell.
The command to grant the user superuser in the domain securepointdemo.local permission for full access to the mailbox User1 is:
Add-MailboxPermission User1 -User 'Securepointdemo\superuser' -AccessRights 'FullAccess'

If the NETBIOS/WORKGROUP name differs from the domain, ensure that the correct entry is made here with the NETBIOS name. In this example Securepointdemo.

SEWS Exchange 2010 Vollzugriff.PNG

In the Exchange Management Console this can be set under Recipient Configuration / Mailbox in the context menu of the respective mailbox recipient with the entry: Manage "Full Access" Permission....

Exchange Server 2013

As of Exchange Server 2013, this can also be set in the user management.

Exchange Server 2016
  • The command for granting the permission via Powershell must be supplemented by -InheritanceType All.
    Add-MailboxPermission User1 -User 'Securepointdemo\superuser' -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -InheritanceType All
  • Exchange Online / Azure
    Grant user permission in Exchange online
    • Open the Exchange Admin Center
    • Select and edit user ()
    • Mailbox delegation section
    • Full Access
    • Add entry
    • Select user with administrator privileges to be used for the import
    • Save with button Save
    SEWS MS365 admin center.png
    • Microsoft 365 Admin Center
    • ... Show all
    SEWS MS365 admin center Exchange.png
    • Exchange menu
    SEWS Exchange admin center auswahl.png
    • Recipient menu
    SEWS Exchange Admin Center.png
    • Select User
    • Edit ()
    SEWS Exchange admin center mailboxdelegation.png
    • Menu Mailbox delegation section Full Access
    • Add entry
    SEWS Exchange admin center Admin Admin-hinzufügen.png
    • Select user with administrator privileges to be used for the import
    • Add
    • Apply with button OK
    SEWS Exchange admin center Admin user.png
    Apply with Save

    App registration in Azure AD

    In order for the SEWS tool to be allowed access to Exchange online, an app permission must be created in Azure AD as well.

  • This requires a user with the permission Global Administrator and own mailbox/license!
    However, the first preparatory steps can also be performed by a normal administrator.
    • Open Microsoft Azure Active Directory
    • App registrations
    • Create new app registry with account types
    • Add Api Permissions:
      • Microsoft Graph - Delegated Permissions - EWS - EWS.AccessAsUser.All
      • Microsoft Graph - Delegated Permissions - People - People.ReadAll
      • Microsoft Graph - Delegated Permissions - User - User.ReadWrite.All
    • Under authentication, set the default client type to public with Yes.
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS-Azure-en.png
    Opening Microsoft Azure and selecting Azure Active Directory
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS-Azure-AD Menu-App-en.png
    Open App registrations in the menu
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App hinzufügen-en.png
    Button New registration
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App registrieren-en.png
    • Assign a unique name
    • Selection of the required account types
    • A redirection URI is not required.
    • Button Register
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-Berechtigungen-en.png
    Open Api Permissions menu
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-Berechtigungen hinzufügen-en.png
    Button Add permission
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-MS Graph-en.png
    Select Api Microsoft Graph
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-MS Graph-delegierte Berechtigung-en.png
    Select Delegated permissions button
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-MS Graph-delegierte Berechtigung-EWS-en.png
    Grant Api permission EWS.AccessAsUser.All
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-MS Graph-delegierte Berechtigung-Mail-en.png
    Grant Api permissions Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite and Mail.ReadWrite.Shared
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-MS Graph-delegierte Berechtigung-People-en.png
    Add People.Read.All api permission
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-MS Graph-delegierte Berechtigung-User-en.png
    Add Api permission User.Read.All
    For faster retrieval, the entries in the search line can (...filter)
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Fehlende Berechtigung-en.png
    Until now without global administrator permission was used, now the approval of such a user is required
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App API-Berechtigungen konfiguriert-en.png
    Configured permissions
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App Authentifizierung-en.png
    Opening the Authentication menu
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App Authentifizierung Standardclienttyp-en.png
    Configuration in section Advanced settings / Default client type'
    This classifies an application as a public client. Set to

    Exchange-Online settings in the SEWS tool

    Additional configuration in the SEWS tool for connection to Exchange Online:

    • Button Exchange-Online settings
    • Application ID from Azure AD: Application ID (client)
    • Tenant ID from Azure AD: Directory ID (Client)
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Azure-AD App IDs-en.png
    Menu App registrations / Select app name / App overview
    Application ID (client) and Directory ID (client)
    The entries can each be copied to the clipboard with the symbol.
    UMA v3.3.1 SEWS Exchange Online Settings-en.png
    • Button Exchange-Online settings
    • Application ID from Azure AD: Application ID (client)
    • Tenant ID from Azure AD: Directory ID (Client)

    Restriction for hybrid AD environments
  • If users are connected via an Azure AD, either only cloud accounts can be used or only locally synchronized accounts.
    It is not possible to import accounts from blended environments at the same time.
    Users that are created exclusively in the Azure cloud (i.e. whose directory is not synchronized) must be created manually in the current UMA.

  • Installation of the SEWS Import Tool

    • The SEWS tool can be downloaded from the reseller portal:

    Resellerportal Downloads

    • The installation is started after the download with a double click on the SEWS_Installer.exe as administrator.
    • After selecting the desired language and confirming the license agreement, an installation location must be selected.
    • With a click on "Finish" the installation is completed. The tool can now be started.
    SEWS v3.0.2 Installation UAC.PNG
    For the installation, the app permission for Changes to your device must be allowed
    SEWS v3.0.2 Installation Sprache.PNG
    Select desired language
    SEWS v3.0.2 Installation Willkommen.PNG
    Welcome screen
    SEWS v3.0.2 Installation Lizenzbedingungen.PNG
    License conditions must be accepted
    SEWS v3.0.2 Installation Installationspfad.PNG
    Adjust installation path if necessary
    SEWS v3.0.2 Installation Fertig.PNG
    Finish installation with Done

    UMA Import via SEWS Import Tool

    The SEWS Import Tool is started via the application file (.exe).


    1. Configuration

    Caption Value Description SEWS Konfiguration.PNG
    New configuration Creating a new configuration
    Load configuration Various saved configurations can be loaded or copied.
    Also the import from a file is possible.
    Configuration name TTT-Point SEWS Freely selectable name
    Microsoft Exchange
    Microsoft Exchange®-Username administrator@ttt-point.onmicrosoft.com The user name is taken from the Configuration section
    Email-Address: administrator@ttt-point.onmicrosoft.com User email address
    Securepoint UMA
    Host/IP address Host name or IP address of the UMA
    Save configuration A click on "Save configuration" saves it. This also appears as an info message in the lower LOG area.
    Exchange-Online settings
    Tenant-ID: ******************** from Azure AD: directory ID (tenant) SEWS Konfiguration Exchange-Online-Seetings-en.png
    Client ID: ******************** from Azure AD: application ID (client)
     Authentication via App When enabled, Tenant ID, Client ID and Secret Value are sufficient to connect to Azure AD.
    Secret Value: ******************** Displayed and required when authentication via app is activated.
    For the Secret Value, see Users Include Users from an Azure AD.
    Azure Cloud: Azure Cloud Global
    Azure Cloud China
    Azure Cloud US Goverment
    Select the right Azure Cloud
    see Exchange-Online settings in the SEWS tool


    2. Exchange-Browser


    Procedure in three steps:

    1. Enter the password for the import user
    2. Click on Read Exchange
    3. In the field "Exchange Browser", under the generic term "Exchange Alias", the users appear to which the import user has corresponding permissions.
      After the data has been read, a selection of the data to be imported can be made per user.
  • If the local Exchange server or the local AD is not reached, a POP-UP appears in which the path of the Exchange and the IP of the AD must be entered manually. In the following, the certificates of the servers have to be installed and the certificate messages have to be confirmed with "Yes".
  • Procedure for UMAaaS:
    Procedure for UMAaaS:

    Read accounts from CSV file

    If the UMA works exclusively with local user accounts (e.g. UMAaaS), the account selection can be made via a CSV file.

    Structure of the CSV file:

    "Klara Fall","klara","klara.fall@anyideas.de

    In the example, the account rabbit is displayed in SEWS, with the folders of alice@anyideas.de.
    If you import them, they will be stored in the UMA under the local user wonderland.

    Do not create the CSV file with Excel. It may cause formatting errors and thus problems with encoding. Use Notepad, or an equivalent editor.


    3. Filter


    In the "Filter" area, you can create filter rules via Create new rule filter rules can be created, which explicitly exclude emails from import based on subject, TO, FROM, CC or X-header entry or explicitly archive them. Filter rules can be linked with "and/or". In the example below, emails from a specific sender to a specific address are explicitly excluded from archiving.

    If no filter rule is created, everything is archived!

    In addition, all emails, including those imported via the SEWS tool, are filtered based on the blocklist settings in the UMA Admin Interface.


    4. Import

    Caption Value Description
    Section Login credentials
    Microsoft Exchange®-Username import-user@ttt-point.onmicrosoft.com The user name is taken from the Configuration section
    Password •••••• Password of the Exchange Import user.
    Taken from the Exchange Browser section, if already used there.
    UMA-Admin-Password •••••• Password of the administrator for the UMA-Admin Interface
    Section New import
    Start Starts the import
    To ensure that the mails can actually be archived, corresponding email accounts must be configured in the UMA to which the mails can be assigned.
    Test run The test run serves to check whether all data can be imported. If necessary, individual mails can be checked for errors. The mails are processed, but not imported.
    Section Previous imports
    Continue An import can be interrupted (manually with Stop or by error messages) and can be resumed with Resume
    Show error Displays emails with account name, folder path, folder name, subject, error message, import date, sender and EmailMessageID.

    Other options

    Other options

    Other options

    Mail handling and logging settings

    Caption Default: Description
    Email Queue Path: C:\Users\ttt-point-admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ Path of the email queue
    Email queue size: 100 MB the size of the email queue
    Max. email error: 0 Maximum number of errors before an import is aborted.
    In practice, it has proven useful to specify a value corresponding to approx. 5-10% of the total number of mails to be imported
    Successfully uploaded emails upload again on continuation or new attempt. Helpful if already imported mails are no longer available due to a restore or a new setup of the UMA.
    Stop the import process for errors that do not relate to a specific email. In case of errors in the communication or configuration, an import usually cannot be performed and is therefore aborted by default. Deactivation is possible for debugging.

    Exchange-Connections 6 Number of data channels to the Exchange server.
    Can be adjusted depending on the performance of the system.
    Simultaneously processed folders: 3 Maximum number of folders that can be edited per Exchange connection
    Simultaneously processed emails in folders 3 Maximum number of emails that can be processed per folder
    Section Log options
    Log level in the user interface Trace Log messages shown in the lower part of the application window
    Log level in the log file Trace Log messages that are stored in the log file
    User Trace Shows user messages only
    Info Additionally shows status information
    Notice Additionally shows hints
    Warning Additionally shows warnings
    Error Additionally shows error messages
    Verbose Additionally shows all communication messages
    Debug Additionally shows the most important communication messages
    Trace Shows all messages
    Show previous log during configuration load Shows the previous log of an existing configuration in the application window when it is loaded.


    Error message Error message in the log Cause Solution
    Exchange connection error The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal server error.
    The server cannot service this request right now. Try again later.
    When importing a large number of emails, it is possible that the connection is throttled. This may be due to the throttling policy of the Exchange Server.
    • For local Exchange servers, the admin can change the throttling policy.
    • For Exchange Online, the change of the throttling policy must be done by Microsoft Support.
    The import aborts at a random moment. The termination depends on the throttling policy of the Exchange Server. Problems can arise also after 1-2 hours.
    • Adjust the settings in the tool for Exchange connections.
    • It is also possible to adjust the throttling policy
      • Log in to Office 365 with administrator rights
      • Activate and save under Customize Navigation/Select All.
      • Under Support click on New Service Requests.
      • Search for throttling and click on Increase EWS throttling policy.
      • Click on Run Test
      • After the diagnostic test, set Duration in days, check the box and click on Update settings.
      • After the success message, repeat the test after 15 minutes. A message appears that the Exchange service will not be throttled any further.