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Site-to-site connection of a UTM to a Fritz!Box with WireGuard
Last adaptation to the version: 12.6.0
Last updated: 
This article refers to a Resellerpreview


Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
Auhthentication Keys VPN WireGuard

  • Note
    This article includes descriptions of third-party software and is based on the status at the time this page was created.
    Changes to the user interface on the part of the manufacturer are possible at any time and must be taken into account accordingly in the implementation.
    All information without warranty.

  • Introduction


    This HowTo describes the configuration of a WireGuard site-to-site VPN connection of a Securepoint UTM with a Fritz!Box.

    Add key

    Add key

    The following keys are necessary to enable communication between the UTM and the Fritz!Box:

    • Type x25519 key for the UTM
    • x25519 key for the Fritz!Box

    From both keys the public and the private part is needed.

    Add key
    Open key management under Authentication Key  Button Add key
    Caption Value Description Add key UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuhthenticationKeys UTM v12.6 Schlüssel-Fritz!Box-en.png
    Name: x25519_a.vpn Assign a unique name
    Here the key name for the UTM
    Type: X25519 Select X25519 as type
    Close dialog with Save and close button.
    Repeat the above procedure for a key named x25519_fritzbox-1.
    • Export the public and private part of the key for the Fritz!Box x25519_fritzbox-1 in the .raw format
      For setting the export format, see wiki article Keys.
    • Delete the key x25519_fritzbox-1 on the UTM afterwards
    Keys UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuhthentication UTM v12.6 Schlüssel Fritzbox-öffentlich-en.pngThe finished state of both keys
    Click the Import key button and import the public part of the Fritz!Box key.

    Add WireGuard Connection

    Add WireGuard Connection

    WireGuard configuration on the UTM

    WireGuard configuration on the UTM

    Under VPN WireGuard click on the Add WireGuard Connection button

    Step 1 -Step 1 -
    Es wird empfohlen die WireGuard-Verbindung über die UTM zu erstellen. Daher sollte der Schritt 1 - Konfiguration importieren übersprungen werden.
    Caption Value Description WireGuard Verbindung hinzufügen UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnVPNWireGuard UTM v12.6 VPN Wireguard Step1-en.pngWireGuard Assistent - Schritt 1
    Datei: Datei auswählen Falls die WireGuard-Verbindung über die Fritz!Box erstellt wurde, kann hier die entsprechende Konfigurationsdatei hochgeladen werden.
    Allgemein trägt die Konfigurationsdatei die Bezeichnung wg_config.conf.
    Entsprechend wird unter Konfiguration: das Konfigurationsfeld ausgefüllt.
  • Falls mehrere Peers vorhanden sind, wird bloß der erste Peer übernommen.
  • Konfiguration:     Falls eine WireGuard-Verbindung über die Fritz!Box erstellt wurde, kann die Konfiguration in dieses Konfigurationsfeld kopiert werden.
  • Falls mehrere Peers vorhanden sind, wird bloß der erste Peer übernommen.
  • [Interface] PrivateKey = #privater Schlüsselwert ListenPort = #Der genutzte Port Address = #Das entfernte Netzwerk der UTM DNS = #DNS IP-Adresse DNS = #DNS FQDN
    [Peer] PublicKey = #öffentlicher Schlüsselwert PresharedKey = #Wert vom Pre-Shared Key AllowedIPs = #Erlaubte IP-Adressen Endpoint = #Endpunkt (IP-Adresse oder Hostname) mit Port (durch Doppelpunkt getrennt) PersistentKeepalive = #Zeit des Keepalive

    Step 2 - InterfaceStep 2 - Interface
    Caption Value Description UTM 12.6 VPN Wireguard Schritt2-en.png
    WireGuard assistant - Step 1
    Interface: wg1 Name of the interface that will be created for the connection (automatic default, cannot be changed)
    Name: wg_s2s_fritzbox Unique name for the connection
    IPv4 address: IPv4 address for the network interface of the UTM's transfer network
    IPv6 address: fd00:0:0:0::1/64 IPv6 address for the network interface of the UTM's transfer network (optional)
    Listening Port: 51820Link= Default-Port for WireGuard connections
    Private key:
    Select from Keys x25519_a.vpn Private key of the UTM in x25519 format.
    Only those keys that also have a private key part can be selected.
    Share server networks globally:     Additional networks for the (local) server side, which can be accessed by the WireGuard tunnel of the peers
    Step 3 - Peer Step 3 - Peer
    Use AD users as peers: Off The use of An AD users as peers is recommended if they are connected to an AD/LDAP server and have the correct attribute settings. Furthermore, a user group on the UTM must be linked to a user group in AD/LDAP and this user group must have WireGuard authorization.
    Further information can be found in the wiki article AD/LDAP Authentication.
    UTM 12.6 VPN Wireguard Schritt3-en.png
    WireGuard assistant - Step 3
    Name: wg_peer_fritzbox-1 Description of remote terminal for the Fritz!Box
    Share peer networks: » The internal network of the Fritz!Box to be accessed
    Endpoint: d-vpn.spdns.org Public DNS resolvable FQDN of the Fritz!Box
    Endpoint port: 51820Link= The Listening Port of the Fritz!Box
    Public key:
    Select from Keys x25519_fritzbox-1_pub_b64 Select the public key part of the Fritz!Box
  • Public key present but not selectable?
    Only keys for which there is not yet a connection on this interface can be selected. The PublicKey must be unique within a connection, as the routing of incoming packets is carried out via it.
    If the same PublicKey is to be used for a peer, e.g. for a fallback, another WireGuard connection must be created for this.
  • Pre-Shared Key (optional): …8DmBioPyPNqZ7Rk= Pre-shared key for further securing the connection
    Show / Hide the pre-shared key
    Generate Generates a very strong pre-shared key
  • The pre-shared key must be identical at both ends of the VPN connection!
  • Copy to clipboard Copies the PSK to the clipboard
    Keepalive: Off Regularly sends a signal. This keeps connections open on NAT routers. On Activation is recommended.
    25Link= Seconds Interval in seconds at which a signal is sent
    Step 4 -Step 4 -
    Create routes to the peer's networks: No
    Activation On is recommended.
    Routes are created to the networks / hosts that were entered in step 3 under Allowed IPs with the interface as gateway that was displayed in step 2.
    UTM 12.6 VPN Wireguard Schritt4-en.png
    WireGuard assistant - Step 3
    Generate zones: Yes Generates a new zone for the WireGuard port
    Zone Name: wireguard-wg0-1 Enter a name for the zone
    Generate network objects for peer: Yes
    Creates Yes button when enabled for network objects (IPv4 and if necessary IPv6) of the remote terminal. Automatic suggestion can also be changed.
    Generate rules between peer and internal-networks: No Generates autogenerated rules that facilitate implementation. notempty
    It is essential to replace these rules with your own rules that allow only necessary services with necessary network objects.
    The settings are applied with the Done button.
    Then the RestartRestart button restarts the WireGuard service.
    The UTM will not be restarted.

    WireGuard configuration on the Fritz!Box

    WireGuard configuration on the Fritz!Box
    Step 1 - Public key Step 1 - Public key

    Export the public part of the key of the UTM x25519_a.vpn in .raw format.

    Step 2 - Create configuration file Step 2 - Create configuration file

    A configuration file with the following content is created. To do this, open a file in any editor.


    Caption Value Description FRITZ!Box-7590 VPN WireGuard Konfigurationsdatei.png
    Example of such a configuration file
    PrivateKey = $PRIVATE_KEY_FRITZBOX Enter the private key from the downloaded key
    ListenPort = $LISTENPORT_WIREGUARD_FRITZBOX Enter the ListenPort of the Fritz!Box
    In the example 51378
    Address =
    $LOCAL_IP_FRITZBOX/$NETMASK Enter the static IP address of the Fritz!Box in the internal network with the netmask
    In the example
    PublicKey = $PUBLIC_KEY_UTM Enter the downloaded public key of the UTM
    PresharedKey = $PRESHAREDKEY Enter the preshared key of the UTM
    AllowedIPs =
    $NETWORK_SECUREPOINT/$NETMASK Enter internal network / internal networks / transfer network of the Securepoint
    In the example (from step 2 - IPv4 address)
    Multiple IP addresses must be separated by a comma.
    Example: IPv4 address:,
    Endpoint = $HOSTNAME_UTM:$LISTENPORT_WIREGUARD_UTM Enter the host name of the UTM and the endpoint of the UTM (from step 2 - interface). Separate both with a colon.
    PersistentKeepalive = 1 Interval in seconds at which a signal is sent (from step 3 - Peer)
    In the example 25
    Step 3 - Upload configuration fileStep 3 - Upload configuration file

    Log into the Fritz!Box interface and go to InternetShare→ Tab VPN (WireGuard).
    Click Add connection there.

    FRITZ!Box-7590 VPN Wireguard Schritt1-en.png
    In the new window, click on  Custom Setup and then on Next >.
    FRITZ!Box-7590 VPN Wireguard Schritt2-en.png
    Click on  Yes for the question under Set custom settings and then on Next >.
    FRITZ!Box-7590 VPN Wireguard Schritt3-en.png
    Enter a name in Name of the WireGuard connection and select the created configuration file via Browse.... Then click on Finish.notempty
    Enabling the option  Allow NetBIOS over this connection may solve problems, e.g. with SMB orTP. .

    After the automatic switch to the VPN (WireGuard) dialogue, click Refresh and the WireGuard connection is active.
    If, among other things, an error occurs when uploading the configuration file, the corresponding error message is displayed under SystemEvent Log.

    Troubleshooting the port after importing the configuration file

    Troubleshooting the port after importing the configuration file

    When importing the configuration file, it can happen that the Fritz!Box ignores the port entered and assigns its own port independently.

    • In InternetShare→ Tab VPN (WireGuard) the button Edit opens the configuration dialog of the corresponding WireGuard connection
    • In the section Used Internet address of the remote terminal and your Fritz!Box you can read which end port (after the colon) is used
    • If this port was changed, enter it as listening port in the WireGuard connection of the UTM