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Markierung: Manuelle Zurücksetzung
(Eine dazwischenliegende Version desselben Benutzers wird nicht angezeigt)
(kein Unterschied)

Aktuelle Version vom 26. September 2024, 14:13 Uhr

/*** Tabellenlayout: 2-Spaltig, jede 2. Zeile als Überschrift ***/

/*** Formatierungen für Alle ***/

.language {
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.language:not(.inline) {
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.startbox-head:not(.greenalert) > :first-child {

.startbox-head > h4 + .end {
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a:visited {
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dl {
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dt {
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dd {
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.noitalic dd {
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.startbox .Release + div > ul > li::before,
.startbox .Release > ul > li::before {
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/* .startbox-body-breit li {
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/****** Kann wieder raus, wenn in scss _position_ entfernt ******/
.angel li::before { 
	position:		unset;

.mw-collapsible .mw-collapsible-toggle-default::after {
  content: "";
/***** *****/

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.new.star li:before {
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.spgrid .Leerzeile {
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.spgrid tr {
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.spgrid .colspan2 {
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.startbox-body .Hinweis-Container.Hinweis-Container__einblenden {
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/*** Ende Formatierungen für Alle ***/

/*** Formatierungen Standard (=Monitor) ***/
@media (min-width:769px) {
table { border: 0; }

.startbox {
	margin: 15px;
	min-width: 300px;

.startbox-flex {
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.spgrid tr:last-child > td:nth-child(4) {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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.startbox-body h5:first-child {
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.startbox-body-breit dl:first-child h5 {
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.text-h1.h-box:empty {
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.startbox-body .Einrücken {
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} /*** Ende Formatierungen Standard ***/

/*** Formatierungen für Breakpoint md ***/

@media (max-width:768px) {

.startbox {
	margin: 	15px 0px;
	min-width: 	100%;

.startbox.breit {
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.startbox-body-breit {
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.TOC3 .mw-collapsible-toggle {
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.TOC3 .mw-collapsible-toggle-default::before {
  content: "\f25a";
  font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Pro";
  font-weight: 300;

} /*** Ende Formatierungen Breakpoint md ***/

/*** Formatierungen für Breakpoint xs ***/

@media (max-width:576px) {

table { border: 0; }

.startbox-flex {
	display: 	flex;
	flex-flow: 	wrap;

.startbox-flex.max-content {
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.max-content {
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.startbox-body .startbox-flex {

.Einrücken2 {
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.spgrid tr > td:nth-child(1) {
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.spgrid tr > td:nth-child(2) {
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.spgrid tr > td:nth-child(3), .spgrid tr:last-child > td:nth-child(3) {
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.spgrid tr > td:nth-child(4), .spgrid tr:last-child > td:nth-child(4) {
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.spgrid .colspan2 {
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.spgrid .frei {
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.spgrid .noborderbottom {
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.TOC3 ~ ul {
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.TOC3 .toctogglecheckbox:checked ~ ul {
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.nomobil {
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} /*** Ende Formatierungen für Breakpoint xs ***/

/*** Übersetzungen für Ausklapp Schaltflächen ***/

/*** UTM ***/

.translate.S2E + .language.german.inline + div + span > * > span.mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed >.mw-collapsible-text::after {
	content:		"Alle Artikel zu Roadwarrior Verbindungen";

.translate.S2E + div + .language.english.inline + span > * > span.mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed > .mw-collapsible-text::after {
	content:		"All articles about Roadwarrior Connections";

.translate.S2S + .language.german.inline + div + span > * > span.mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed >.mw-collapsible-text::after {
	content:		"Artikel zu S2S Verbindungen";

.translate.S2S + div + .language.english.inline + span > * > span.mw-collapsible-toggle-collapsed > .mw-collapsible-text::after {
	content:		"All articles about S2S Connections";

/* .translate + .language.german.inline + div + span > * > span.mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded > .mw-collapsible-text::after */
.mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(de)::after {
	content:		"ausblenden";

.translate + div + .language.english.inline + span > * > span.mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded > .mw-collapsible-text::after,
.mw-collapsible-toggle-expanded > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(en)::after {
	content:		"hide";

.translate_enrollment .mw-collapsed > * > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(de)::before{
	content:		"Veraltete Enrollmentmethoden einblenden";
.translate_enrollment .mw-collapsed > * > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(en)::before{
	content:		"Show obsolete enrollment methods";
.Uebersicht_Profilreiter .mw-collapsed > * > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(de)::before{
	content:		"Übersicht der einzelnen Profilreiter einblenden";
.Uebersicht_Profilreiter .mw-collapsed > * > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(en)::before{
	content:		"Show overview of the individual profile tabs";

.Einbau_Hardware * .mw-collapsed > * > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(de)::before {
	content:		"Einbau in G3/G5 Hardware";
	color:			#e52b2b;

.Einbau_Hardware * .mw-collapsed > * > .mw-collapsible-text:lang(en)::before {
	content:		"Installation on G3/G5 Hardware";
	color:			#e52b2b;

/*** Ende UTM ***/

/*** Ende Übersetzungen für Ausklapp Schaltflächen ***/