Installation with the wizard is described in another article].
Last adaptation to the version: 3.4.16 (08.2022)
- Omission of the parameters for Outlook
The installation can be performed via the so-called unattended installation from the command line (also called silent installation). This installation provides additional configuration options.
Silent Installation
Silent installation can only be executed from the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe).
The correct syntax for the silent installation is:
msiexec /l* SetupLog.txt /i SetupAV.msi PROPERTY=''value'' /q
The parameter /l* SetupLog.txt for the logfile of the setup is not mandatory. Instead of SetupAV.msi an absolute path can also be used (e.g. C:\setup\setup.msi). If no absolute path is provided, the current folder in the CMD window must be the one containing the setup file.
The syntax PROPERTY=value is important. The Property must be written in capital letters and no spaces are allowed within the properties (e.g. PROPERTY=value). The order of the PROPERTIES is unimportant. An example for a valid and correct syntax would be:
msiexec.exe /l* setuplog.txt /i SetupAV.msi TID="0000.." ACCEPTLICENSEAGREEMENT="yes" ACCEPTPRIVACYPOLICY="yes" PROXY="" /q
The following PROPERTIES are currently supported for silent installation (Default values, if the property is not set, are written in bold):
Mandatory Necessary
PROPERTY | Remark |
ACCEPTLICENSEAGREEMENT="yes" | Accepting the license agreements |
ACCEPTPRIVACYPOLICY="yes" | Accepting the Privacy Policy |
TID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" | The license key |
Proxy settings | |
PROPERTY | Remark |
USEPROXY (yes/no) | Defined proxy server is used |
PROXY (Host:Port) | Defined proxy server |
PROXYAUTH (username:password) | User Data for Proxy Authentication |
| |
Protection | |
PROPERTY | Activate system monitoring |
WSYSTEM (yes/no) | Activate system monitoring |
Scan PlanningThe default values (underlined) are only valid if at least one of the following properties is available. | |
PROPERTY | Remark |
AUTOSCAN (yes/no) | Enable Automatically Scheduled Scans |
SCANTYPE (quick/standard/full) | Scan profile for scheduled scan |
DAILY (yes) | Intervall für geplanten Scan |
WEEKLY (0-6) | |
MONTHLY (1-31) | Interval for scheduled scan |
SCANHOUR (xx:xx) | |
| |
Installation behaviorThe following PROPERTIES can be used to influence the behavior during and after the installation. | |
PROPERTY | Remark |
UPDATENOW (yes/no) | Execute update when the setup is finished. |
CONFIG (path) | Path to an existing guardx-conf, e.g: CONFIG="C:\mydir"
Error messages
If the installation fails, the reasons can be seen in the installation log.