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Registration for end users

Last adaption: 05.2023

  • New article
This article refers to a Resellerpreview


If you have already registered, you can log in with your access data via awareness.securepoint.cloud. Awareness Plus Einloggen.png


Invitation email for registration

Employees who have been registered with Awareness Plus receive an email that looks like the one shown on the right. The email comes externally from the sender: "noreply@sosafe.de".
In order to register, you must first click on the Accept invitation button.
Awareness Plus Einladungsmail Endnutzer.png
Invitation mail E-Learning

Enter your professional email address

The user will now be redirected to a page where the professional' email address must be entered.
This is the email address that employers use to register employees for training courses.

After the email address has been entered, click on the Next button.

Awareness Plus Registrierung Mail eingegeben und Haken-en.png
Enter your professional email address

Enter personal data

The registration page will then open where you must enter your personal details.
Many settings have already been made, so that only the following settings need to be made:
  • The appropriate salutation'
  • First and last name
  • The language in which the training is to take place
  • A secure password' (At least: 12 letters, one capital letter, one number and one special character)

The registration is then completed by clicking on the Register button.

Awareness Plus Registrierung Daten eingeben verpixelt-en.png
Enter personal data

Confirmation message

If the registration was successful, a confirmation window will open (see right). The window can be closed with close.
This will open the Login page, where you can enter your login details.
Awareness Plus Registrierung erfolgreich-en.png
Notification: Successful registration