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Description of the requirements for using Securepoint Mobile Security.

Last adaption: 02.2024

This article refers to a Resellerpreview


The products of Securepoint GmbH are sold exclusively through authorized resellers.
Registered resellers can get a license created for a customer by our sales department or select a company in the reseller portal for an existing or new customer in the tab customers: Customer x and create a License with Lizenz erstellen.

MDM licenses include the complete administration of devices.
Mobile security licenses include additional protection in open networks through security features of the Securepoint Cyber Defense Cloud.
The license is then assigned to the customer and to the reseller.

Resellers can view, select, and edit all customers assigned to them with valid licenses in their Mobile Security Portal when they   Sign in with their reseller account credentials.
Customers can get an access that only shows their own configurations.

Note on Two-Factor Authentication

MS 1.24 2FA-fehlt InfoDialog-en.png
An information dialog with instructions on how to activate two-factor authentication.
As of version 1.24, USP administrators are required to use two-factor authentication as an additional security measure. You should activate two-factor authentication in your user account before the release of version 1.24, otherwise the login to USP will be blocked until two-factor authentication is activated. From version 1.24, activation is also possible via the login screen.
Two-factor authentication must be activated by then.

Activation of two-factor authentication

The activation of two-factor authentication depends on the type of user account:

  • If the user account is linked to the reseller portal and the RSP label is visible on the user account, two-factor authentication is activated via the Resellerportal
  • If the user account only exists in the portal, it is activated via User options reset password
  • A redirection to the necessary 2FA activation takes place via the button  Enable 2FA in the information dialog

Login to the portal

MS 1.24 Login-en.png
MSP v1.5.3 Kundenauswahl-en.png

Only a few steps are necessary for end customers to log into the portal:

  • Assign the × admin role to an user in the customer's tenant.
    The permissions will then be assigned automatically.
    If necessary, create a new user as described in User Management.
  • Call up the login page for the Securepoint Mobile Security Portal.
  • Selection of the option Login with Securepoint Unified Security account
  • Login with
Tenant Domain can be found as part of the URL behind the word tenant. https://portal.securepoint.cloud/…-tenant-123456.sms-…123456.sms
Password forgotten? This link opens a dialog that allows you to reset the password. A password reset email will be sent to the user.
  • The registration now takes place exclusively in the tenant of the assigned customer.
    No information about other customers of the reseller can be viewed.
  • Two-factor authentication

    Dialog for entering the TOTP

    After successfully entering the login data, an input dialog for the TOTP of the two-factor authentication appears.
    Once the TOTP has been entered correctly, the login to the portal takes place automatically.