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Profile configuration in the Lock screen message menu item

Last adaptation to the version: 1.28 (07.2024)

  • Changed menu navigation
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: portal.securepoint.cloud  Mobile Security iOS/iPadOS Profile / Tab Nachricht auf Sperrbildschirm

Partial configuration for profiles in the Mobile Security Portal.
Further information is displayed here:

Lock screen Message

Lock screen Message

Information that can be displayed on the login screen and lock screen.
Devices used by different people
can thus display accessible information for everyone (e.g. an inventory number).


Supervised devices only.

Caption Description MSP 1.28 iOS Profile NachrichtAufSpeerbildschirm-en.png
Activate configuration    After setting this, you can set the shared device configuration. Shared device configuration options allow you to specify optional text to be displayed in the login window and lock screen (i.e. a ”If lost, return to” message and Asset Tag information). It is supported on iOS 9.3 and later.
Lock screen footnote Enter display text Optional. A footnote displayed on the login window and lock screen.
Asset Tag Information Enter display text Optional. Asset tag information for the device, displayed on the login window and lock screen.
Example: This device belongs to the company TTT-Point AG. The device is called %device_name% and is managed under %device_alias%.