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Profile configuration in the Password menu item

Last adaptation to the version: 1.28 (07.2024)

  • Changed menu navigation
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: portal.securepoint.cloud  Mobile Security iOS/iPadOS Profile / Tab Passwort

Partial configuration for profiles in the Mobile Security Portal.
Further information is displayed here:



Configuration by clicking on Activate Passcode   

Operation Default Description MSP 1.28 iOS Profile Passwort-en.png
Settings passcode
Request passcode on the device    Enforces the use of a passcode before using the device
Set maximum number of failed attempts   

Number of passcode entry attempts allowed before all data on device will be erased

Maximum number of failed attempts 11Link=

Set auto-lock   


The number of minutes for which the device can be idle (without being unlocked by the user) before it gets locked by the system

Automatic lock after 15Link= minutes

Set maximum passcode age   


The number of days for which the passcode can remain unchanged 730Link=
Restrict password complexity    Allows restricting password complexity
Allow simple value    Permits the use of repeating, ascending, and descending character sequences
Require alphabetic value    Passcodes must contain at least one letter
Minimum number of complex characters 0Link= Smallest number of non-alphanumeric characters allowed
Minimum passcode length 0Link= Smallest allowed number of characters in passcode
Use passcode history    Allows defining the number of different passcodes required between the reuse of passcodes
Passcode history 1Link= Number of unique passcodes required between passcode reuse
Use grace period for device lock    Allows defining the maximum time in minutes to unlock the phone
Grace period for device lock -1Link= The maximum grace period, in minutes, to unlock the phone without entering a passcode.
The default value -1Link= predetermines iOS to not apply a time limit