Save Home Screen Layouts as templates
Last adaptation to the version: 2.0 (11.2024)
- Fundamental revision of the functions
Last updated:
notemptyThis article refers to a Resellerpreview
Overview of the Home Screen Layouts
Screen layouts can be created for the Home Screen of Iphone, Ipad and AppleTV, which can then be used in a under the Home Screen Layout tab.
This enables switching between different Home Screen layouts.
Kachel Optionen
notemptyNew as of: 2.0
Mit der Schaltfläche oben rechts in jeder Kachel stehen folgende Optionen zur Verfügung:
Bearbeiten |
Bearbeiten des Home-Bildschirmlayouts
Kopieren |
Kopiert die Kachel in die Zwischenablage
- Die Schaltfläche Einfügen wird eingeblendet
- Über diese Schaltfläche öffnet sich ein Dialogfenster, indem ein neuer Name der kopierten Kachel eingetragen werden kann
Löschen |
Löscht die Kachel
Add layout
Add layout
Caption |
Value |
 Adding a new layout using an iPhone as an example:
Name |
Name |
Unique name
Device type |
iPhone |
Select the device type. Available options include: iPad TV
- On the left side, a table displays all apps/web clips available for the selected device
- It includes system apps and apps available in the portal area
- Using drag and drop, apps can be placed onto the displayed Home Screen of the device on the right side, positioning them as desired
- The layout formats are: iPhone 4x6, iPad 5x6,tvOS 6x4
- Using the button New Folder to create a new folder on the Home Screen
- Using the button Create Right Screen/flip a new blank screen page is added to the right, or it flips to the next rigt screen
- Using the button Flip left screen/Delete right empty screen the last right screen is removed if it is empty
to delete a middle empty screen, the screen to the right must first be emptied and deleted or it flips to the next left screen
- Alternatively, you can click on Indikator-Punkte - Icons to navigate directly to the desired screen
Save |
Creates the Homescreen Layout and makes it available in the profiles or applies the changes
Close |
Closes the menu without saving the layout or applying changes