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Save Home Screen Layouts as templates

Last adaptation to the version: 2.0(11.2024)

  • Fundamental revision of the functions
Last updated: 
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: portal.securepoint.cloud  Mobile Security iOS/iPadOS Home Screen Layouts


Overview of the Home Screen Layouts
Screen layouts can be created for the Home Screen of Iphone, Ipad and AppleTV, which can then be used in a  Profile under the Home Screen Layout tab.
This enables switching between different Home Screen layouts.

Kachel Optionen

New as of: 2.0

Mit der Schaltfläche oben rechts in jeder Kachel stehen folgende Optionen zur Verfügung:

 Bearbeiten Bearbeiten des Home-Bildschirmlayouts
 Kopieren Kopiert die Kachel in die Zwischenablage
  • Die Schaltfläche  Einfügen wird eingeblendet
  • Über diese Schaltfläche öffnet sich ein Dialogfenster, indem ein neuer Name der kopierten Kachel eingetragen werden kann
 Löschen Löscht die Kachel

Add layout

 Add layout

Caption Value Description MS 1.31 Home-Bildschirmlayout-en.png
Adding a new layout using an iPhone as an example:
Name Name Unique name
Device type iPhone Select the device type. Available options include:
  • On the left side, a table displays all apps/web clips available for the selected device
  • It includes system apps and apps available in the portal area  Apps
  • Using drag and drop, apps can be placed onto the displayed Home Screen of the device on the right side, positioning them as desired
  • The layout formats are: iPhone 4x6, iPad 5x6,tvOS 6x4
  • Using the button  New Folder to create a new folder on the Home Screen
  • Using the button Create Right Screen/flip a new blank screen page is added to the right, or it flips to the next rigt screen
  • Using the button Flip left screen/Delete right empty screen the last right screen is removed if it is empty
    to delete a middle empty screen, the screen to the right must first be emptied and deleted
    or it flips to the next left screen
  • Alternatively, you can click on Indikator-Punkte - Icons to navigate directly to the desired screen
 Save Creates the Homescreen Layout and makes it available in the profiles or applies the changes
Close Closes the menu without saving the layout or applying changes