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Installing the Linux agent with the console

Last adaption: 03.2023(1.2)

  • List of supported file systems
  • Note to BIOS-systems
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: backup.securepoint.cloud Dashboard


The Linux Agent supports BMR backups only on BIOS systems and not on UEFI systems!

Unterstützte Dateisysteme sind:

  • ext2
  • ext3
  • ext4
  • XFS
  • GFS
  • ReiserFS
  • JFS
  • BTRFS is not supported

  • Installation via console

    Preparation for BMR backups

    If BMR backups are to be created, the opensource tool Relax-and-Recover must be installed beforehand.

    • Download and install the tool as described on http://relax-and-recover.org/download/.
      • Installation under Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install rear
    • More documentation on how to install the Relax-and-Recover tool on the website.
    • Installation requirements for Relax-and-Recover:
      • bash
      • mkisofs oder genisoimage
      • mingetty
      • The nfs-utils and cifs-utils tools , which the Relax-and-Recover website also lists as a required prerequisite, are not required for use with Securepoint Unified Backup Linux agent.
  • For existing installation:
    When the Linux Agent is enabled with BMR backups, Relax-and-Recover is configured for use with the agent.
    If Relax-and-Recover is already installed on a server for another use, a second copy of the tool can be installed in a different directory to avoid overwriting existing settings.
    When installing the Linux agent, the directory for the relax-and-recover installation to be used must be specified in any case.

  • Installation of the agent

    The installation under Linux is done using the terminal
    (Enter key assumes any existing default values)

    • Download the required agent from the Download Area of the Dashboard
    • Unpack the archive with the command: tar -zxf PACKAGE-NAME.tar.gz
    • Start the installation file using root permission with sudo ./install.sh
    • Create installation directory if necessary
    • Selection of the encryption method
    • Enable option for BMR backup
    • Path to Relax-and-Recover Tool for BMR restores: Default /usr/sbin/rear
    • Enter login credentials for portal registration:
      • Portal address: backup.securepoint.cloud
      • Portal connection port: 8086
      • Username and password with the role user (
        No Admin)
    • Running the installation

    Installation parameters

    Parameter Short form Description
    -shutdown -s Force the Agent to shut down, if running
    -force -F Force the installation; skip the initial free space check.
    -defaults -D Use the default values for installation.
    --force-defaults Force the installation using the default settings (assumes -s and -F).
    -webregistration=off -W- Turns off Portal registration.
    -webregistration=file -W=file Attempts to register to Portal with the values found in the file. See Linux

    Agent registration options.

    -quiet -! Quiet install; does not echo output to the screen. If user interaction is required in quiet mode, the install will fail unless -force-defaults is


    -log=NAME -L=NAME Writes the installation log to the specified file NAME
    -lang=NAME -l=NAME Selects NAME as the language. Must begin with an ISO language code.

    May optionally be followed by a dash or underscore and an ISO country code (e.g., fr, fr-FR, and fr_FR are acceptable). Character set markers (e.g., UTF-8) are ignored. Languages that cannot be matched will report an error and the language will be defaulted to en-US [English (US)]. If not specified, the language will be guessed from your system value of "en_US.UTF-8".

    -backup=DIR -B=DIR Backs up the current installation of the Agent to the specified directory.
    -verify -V Verifies the integrity of the installation kit.
    path is the location of the Relax-and-Recover tool for the Agent to use (e.g., /user/sbin/rear) to create an iso file for restoring the system.
  • If the -enable-bmr=Y -rear-path=[path] parameter is not specified, -enable-bmr=N is the default value.
  • -enable-bmr=N Turns off support for Bare Metal Restore (BMR) backup jobs.
    -help Shows install.sh command options.