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User permissions in the Securepoint Unified Backup Portal

New article: 11.2020(1.2)

This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Overview of the roles and their use in the Securepoint Unified Backup Portal

Role Usage / target group
Administrator Admin-User of the Reseller in the Parent-Site
Manages rights of other users
User Required at least 1x per subsite / end customer for the registration of the agents
Carries out most actions, may be assigned to certain end customers.
Execute only For end customers who want to restore on their own
Read only For monitoring by employees of the reseller or end customer

Permission concept
Permission Administrator User2 Execute only 1 Read only 1
Assign agents to users - - -
Register and configure agents in the portal - -
Create and view schedules - -
Create and edit Backup jobs - -
Advanced agent configuration 3 - -
Delete backup jobs and computers from the portal - -
Start backup manually -
Perform recovery -
View last backup status
View / download log files
View status feed
Backupjob Konfiguration einsehen
Delete backups / computers from the vault - 4 - - -
Use upgrade center - - -
Reporting function - - -
Create user - - -

  1. Agents must be explicitly assigned to these users
  2. Only agents that have not been registered with this user on the portal, but are to be administered, must be assigned to these users
  3. Affects agent description, retention types, email notifications, bandwidth limitation, and agent protocols
  4. Backup jobs and computers can currently only be deleted from the Vault by our support. In the future, this will be possible with administrator rights.