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Getting started with Securepoint Unified Backup

New article: 11.2020(1.2)

This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Preliminary note

This guide shows how you can proceed at the beginning. Often other ways or sequences are possible. Not every step has to be executed in every environment, sometimes further steps are mandatory.

1. Create end customer subsite

All end customers as well as the reseller's own company are organized into their own subsites.
Login to https://backup.securepoint.cloud

Preliminary note

End customers are organized into so-called subsites.
The reseller's hosts are handled (under an NFR license) in the same way in a subsite as an end customer.

For data protection reasons, different end customers must not be organized in the same subsite!


Caption Value Description SUB Homepage Login Fenster-en.png


Login on the page https://backup.securepoint.cloud Login on the page with personal login credentials.
As soon as the login credentials have been created for the first login, a notice will appear in the Reseller Portal after log-in displaying these credentials. The password must be changed during the first login.

Create a new site

Create a new site
Menu Sites / button   Create new site SUB Sites Neue Site erstellen-en.png

Site informations

Site informations
ttt-Point GmbH - 4711
Required details
To ensure uniqueness, an internal customer number should be added to the site name. SUB Sites Button Neue Seite erstellen-en.png
Account number
Customer account number
Contact information
Site mailing address
Optional details that are not mandatory for the operation of Securepoint Unified Backup.

Save site

Save site
Save the details.
This creates a new customer site within which users and computers can now be set up.

2. Create a Vault profile

Create a Vault profile that can later be used for any end user computer.

Preliminary note

SUB v1 Vault-Profile.png

It is recommended to create a vault profile. This can be used as a template to link individual hosts to a vault. This means that it is not necessary to re-enter all the access credentials for a vault for each host.


Sites / Select end customer site / tab

Create profile

Create new profile with the button  Create new profile

Edit profile

In the Action column of the desired profile, use the button Select action and select the option edit.

Profile settings

Caption Description SUB v1 Vault-Einstellungen.png
Freely selectable unique name
The access credentials of the vault account can be found in the Securepoint reseller portal in the related licens at Vault-Address
The access credentials of the vault account can be found in the Securepoint reseller portal in the related licens at Vault-Account-Name
The same value as in the box "Account"
In the licence information in the reseller portal under Vault-Account-Password

Create or save changes with OK

3. Create user

Users are required. To register the clients, a user with the role User in the Subsite of the end client is mandatory.

Overview of the roles and their use in the Securepoint Unified Backup Portal

Role Usage / target group
Administrator Admin-User of the Reseller in the Parent-Site
Manages rights of other users
User Required at least 1x per subsite / end customer for the registration of the agents
Carries out most actions, may be assigned to certain end customers.
Execute only For end customers who want to restore on their own
Read only For monitoring by employees of the reseller or end customer

  • Create a new user who has access rights exclusively for a customer site:
    Menu SitesEnd customer site selection / Tab User / Button  Create new user
    or click on the existing user to edit.
  • New computers must be registered with this user type

  • Create a new user who has access rights to multiple customer sites:
    Menu User / Button  Create new user
    or click on the existing user to edit.
  • Box Value Description

    User info

    User info
    Email address (username):
    Username in the form of an email address
    freely selectable, this address is not used for sending emails.
    SUB v1 Neuer Benutzer.png
    First name
    Last name
    May also occur more than once
    Most actions can be handled with the User role.
    Further information in the article on permissions
    Confirm password:
    Password requirements should be followed. These can be changed in the
    Security Settings
    If the user forgets the password, a new password can be set here.
    User needs to change the password: If this box is checked, the user will have to change his password the first time he logs in.

    User settings

    User settings

    Standard view

    Standard views in the portal, which can be temporarily changed afterwards
    Status-Feed Select
    Backup and recovery jobs
    Job changes
    Agent configuration changes
    Policy changes
    User logins and logouts
    User posts
    Changes to custom commands

    Options can be selected, which will be displayed as default under DashboardNotification Center / Menu Status-Feed. There, the filter can also be changed individually.
    SUB v1 Benutzereinstellungen.png
    Computer name Online & Offline Displays Computers as the default computers that are currently being backed up.
    Deleted In the Computers menu, displays as default computers that have no contact with the portal and whose configuration has been deleted from the portal.



  • Not shown for administrators, as they have access to all agents on their sites.
  • Show online agents only Displays only agents that can communicate with the portal. SUB v1 Benutzer Agents.png
    Available Displays agents that can be assigned to this user.
    • Agent was logged into the portal with these user credentials
    • User was created on the same site where the agent is registered
    • Agent was not already assigned to this user
  • Users created in a parent site (see below) always have access to all computers of an assigned site

  • Entries can be moved by drag and drop
    Assigned Displays agents assigned to this user



  • Not shown for administrators, because they have access to all vault profiles of their sites.
  • Available Displays vault profiles created on the same site as the user.

    Entries can be moved by drag and drop
    SUB v1 Benutzer Vault-Profile.png
    Assigned Displays vault profiles that the user is allowed to use.

    Subordinate sites

    Subordinate sites

  • Displayed only for users created in the reseller's site and who can be allowed access to different sites.
  • Available Subordinate sites (sub-sites) created by the reseller and available to the user

    Entries can be moved by drag and drop
    SUB v1 Benutzer SubSites.png
    Assigned Subordinate sites (sub-sites) that the user can access
    The user is allowed to access all computers on this site.

    User with the so called button Create or user details Update

    4. Install agent and register with the portal

    A client must be installed on each PC to perform the backups, store them in the Vault, and establish contact with the portal. The installation varies depending on the operating system:

    Wiki for Windows installations


    Installation using Windows Setup:

    • Download the required agent from the Download Area of the Dashboard.
    • Run the installation file on the computer for which the backup is to be set up.
    • Custom setup selection chosen
    • Selection of the account that will be used for logging in the agent services
    • If necessary, additional plug-ins can be installed.
      The image plug-in requires a reboot.
    • Enter the user name in email format and the password of a portal user
      The computer is assigned to the end user site to which the user is also assigned.
    • If necessary, set a Default encryption password.
      Only for sites where Automatic Agent Configuration has been enabled.
    • install

    Script-based / Silent

    The agent can also be installed in silent mode. This is useful if the agent is to be rolled out automatically on multiple systems.

  • The parameters must be enclosed in quotes and are separated only by spaces.

  • Since the password is passed in clear text, after installation it is imperative to remove the script from the computer and/or the user from the portal.
    If the user is removed, initially only an administrator can manage the computer until it is assigned to another user!

  • Agent-Windows-x64-x-xx-xxxx.exe /s /v"Parameter"


    Parameter Description
    Agent-Windows-x64-x-xx-xxxx.exe The setup of the agent (here: x64) is opened.
    /s Required for silent mode. Suppresses messages and prompts from the .exe file.
    /v Passes the parameters (in quotes) to the MSI package.
    No space before the following quotation mark!
    REGISTERWITHWEBCC=True The agent should be registered in the backup portal.
    AMPNWADDRESS=backup.securepoint.de The address of the backup portal is handed over
    AMPUSERNAME=backupkunde@firmaXYZ.de The user of the client site is handed over
    AMPPASSWORD=password The password you assigned for the user of the customer site
    SILENTINSTALLDIR=\"Pfad" Installation path notempty
    Neu § ab Agent 8.90
    NEW_DEFAULT_ENC_PWD=True Enabling the Automatic Agent Configuration feature notempty
    Neu § ab Agent 8.90
    DEFAULTJOBENCRYPTIONKEY=insecure Encryption password notempty
    Neu § ab Agent 8.90
    CONFIRM_DEFAULTJOBENCRYPTIONKEY==insecure Confirm encryption password notempty
    Neu § ab Agent 8.90
    /qn Required for silent mode. Prevents Windows Installer (MSI) input dialogs.
    Parameter for plug-ins
    requires a restart!
    FEATUREEXCHANGE=ON Exchange Plug-in (Legacy)
    FEATUREEXCHANGE2010=ON Exchange Plug-in (As of 2010)
    FEATURECLUSTER=ON Cluster Plug-in
    FEATUREORACLE=ON Oracle Plug-in
    SILENTINSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Example\ Installation path

    Silent agent registration

    If an agent is to be registered in another subsite, for example, the following entry in the command line is sufficient to re-register the agent at the portal:
    C:\Program Files\Securepoint Unified Backup\Agent\buagent.exe" -cmdline --reregister --amplogin backupkunde@firmaXYZ.de --amppassword USERPW --ampserver "backup.securepoint.cloud" --ampport 8086

    The Securepoint Unified Backup services must then be restarted once.
    To do this, start PowerShell with administrator privileges and enter the following:
    Get-Service -DisplayName "Securepoint Unified Backup*" | Restart-Service

    Wiki for Linux installations


    The Linux Agent supports BMR backups only on BIOS systems and not on UEFI systems!

    Unterstützte Dateisysteme sind:

  • ext2
  • ext3
  • ext4
  • XFS
  • GFS
  • ReiserFS
  • JFS
  • BTRFS is not supported

  • Installation via console

    Preparation for BMR backups

    If BMR backups are to be created, the opensource tool Relax-and-Recover must be installed beforehand.

    • Download and install the tool as described on http://relax-and-recover.org/download/.
      • Installation under Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install rear
    • More documentation on how to install the Relax-and-Recover tool on the website.
    • Installation requirements for Relax-and-Recover:
      • bash
      • mkisofs oder genisoimage
      • mingetty
      • The nfs-utils and cifs-utils tools , which the Relax-and-Recover website also lists as a required prerequisite, are not required for use with Securepoint Unified Backup Linux agent.
  • For existing installation:
    When the Linux Agent is enabled with BMR backups, Relax-and-Recover is configured for use with the agent.
    If Relax-and-Recover is already installed on a server for another use, a second copy of the tool can be installed in a different directory to avoid overwriting existing settings.
    When installing the Linux agent, the directory for the relax-and-recover installation to be used must be specified in any case.

  • Installation of the agent

    The installation under Linux is done using the terminal
    (Enter key assumes any existing default values)

    • Download the required agent from the Download Area of the Dashboard
    • Unpack the archive with the command: tar -zxf PACKAGE-NAME.tar.gz
    • Start the installation file using root permission with sudo ./install.sh
    • Create installation directory if necessary
    • Selection of the encryption method
    • Enable option for BMR backup
    • Path to Relax-and-Recover Tool for BMR restores: Default /usr/sbin/rear
    • Enter login credentials for portal registration:
      • Portal address: backup.securepoint.cloud
      • Portal connection port: 8086
      • Username and password with the role user (
        No Admin)
    • Running the installation

    Installation parameters

    Parameter Short form Description
    -shutdown -s Force the Agent to shut down, if running
    -force -F Force the installation; skip the initial free space check.
    -defaults -D Use the default values for installation.
    --force-defaults Force the installation using the default settings (assumes -s and -F).
    -webregistration=off -W- Turns off Portal registration.
    -webregistration=file -W=file Attempts to register to Portal with the values found in the file. See Linux

    Agent registration options.

    -quiet -! Quiet install; does not echo output to the screen. If user interaction is required in quiet mode, the install will fail unless -force-defaults is


    -log=NAME -L=NAME Writes the installation log to the specified file NAME
    -lang=NAME -l=NAME Selects NAME as the language. Must begin with an ISO language code.

    May optionally be followed by a dash or underscore and an ISO country code (e.g., fr, fr-FR, and fr_FR are acceptable). Character set markers (e.g., UTF-8) are ignored. Languages that cannot be matched will report an error and the language will be defaulted to en-US [English (US)]. If not specified, the language will be guessed from your system value of "en_US.UTF-8".

    -backup=DIR -B=DIR Backs up the current installation of the Agent to the specified directory.
    -verify -V Verifies the integrity of the installation kit.
    path is the location of the Relax-and-Recover tool for the Agent to use (e.g., /user/sbin/rear) to create an iso file for restoring the system.
  • If the -enable-bmr=Y -rear-path=[path] parameter is not specified, -enable-bmr=N is the default value.
  • -enable-bmr=N Turns off support for Bare Metal Restore (BMR) backup jobs.
    -help Shows install.sh command options.
    Wiki for Hyper-V installations

    Preliminary note

    Installation in Hyper-V environments is a three-step process:

    1. Installing a management tool
      • In cluster environments, the installation must be done on a virtual server, this is also strongly recommended for standalone hosts.
      • The installation requires a restart
      • Even in cluster environments, only one management tool is installed
      • The login credentials for an admin account of the management server must be entered in the portal.
    2. Registering this installation in the portal
    3. Installing the Hyper-V agent on each Hyper-V server
  • There is no installation inside the VMs
  • Installation Management-Tool


      • There must be a user registered in the site where the Hyper-V agent is to be configured
      • It is strongly recommended to install the management tool in a separate Windows server VM
      • The management server needs networks access to the host
        A virtual switch with the connection type Internal network is required for this. The VM must be connected to the switch and given a fixed IP. The virtual interface on the host connected to this switch (created automatically) must be given an IP from the same network.
    • Installation of the Management Tool under Windows 10 is not possible
    • It is possible to install the management tool on a standalone Hyper-V host, but the host must be restarted afterwards.
    • Installation of the management tool on a Hyper-V host in the cluster is not possible


      • Download the Hyper-V management tool from the dashboard download area
      • Enter the username and password of the portal user
        Not an Admin!)
      • If necessary, it can be tested whether the communication port is available
      • Start installation
      • Installation is completed

    • A reboot is required.

    Register management tool

    The management tool is registered as an agent in the portal:

    (Menu Computer / Management server selection

    Value Description
    Selecting the configuration mode
    Configure a new Hyper-V agent If a previous configuration is found, you can choose between reinstall and restore. Select the option Configure a new Hyper-V agent here. SUB v1 Computer Hyper-V Konfig Vault.png

    Registering an agent with the Hyper-V environment
    IP address or FQDN of the Hyper-V host
    For cluster environments, the FQDN of the cluster or the cluster IP must be entered here
    We recommend specifying the hostname when registering an agent in the portal. If the IP address of the portal changes, the change can be intercepted by DNS. Otherwise, the agent must be manually re-registered in the portal.
    Username for an admin account on the management server that is used to authenticate with the Hyper-V cluster or a standalone host.
  • For a Hyper-V cluster, the user must be an Active Directory domain user with administrative privileges and full control over the cluster.
  • For a standalone host, the user can be a local or domain user with administrator privileges.
    • Username
    • domain\username
    • Username@domain
    Password for the admin account
    Domain name.
  • The domain is not required if the domain is specified in the username field or if it is a local user for a standalone host.
  • Verify information Establishes a connection with the specified data for verification purposes

    Vault configuration
    Configure Vault Exits the setup menu and enters the Vault configuration. This configuration can be skipped and done later.

    Install Hyper-V agent

    The Hyper-V agent is being installed on the Hyper-V host.
    No reboot is required.
    In cluster environments, the Hyper-V Agent must be installed on each Hyper-V host.

    • Download the Hyper-V agent from the download area of the dashboard
    • Run the Hyper-V agent
    • Enter network address and port for communication with the management service
    • Start installation
    • Installation is completed

    Wiki for vmWare/Esxi installations

    5. Configure agent (computer)

    The configuration of the agent for a backup is done in three steps:

    5.1. Connect agent to the Vault

    The agent will need to obtain a connection to the Vault (data vault)


    Link agent with vault

    Task / Box Description SUB Computer Manuell Konfigurieren-en.png




    Newly registered computers are displayed in the portal under Computers with the status Not configured.
    The computer to be configured is selected by clicking on it with the mouse.
    Configure manually Creates a configuration and opens the tab
    Vault settings
    Add vault The button bearing the same name can be used to  Add a vault. SUB Computer Vault Einstellungen Vault hinzufügen-en.png
    Vault settings
    Vault ProfileVault TTT-Point AG The settings can be transferred from a profile via the drop-down menu. SUB Computer Button Vault hinzufügen-en.png
    Agent Host Name   
  • The entry must be unique. If necessary, changes can be made to the profile entry by selecting a Vault profile field with a blank entry    .
    The defaults from the previously selected profile are retained, but can now be edited.
  •   Save Saves the data and closes the window

    Re-register computer

    Re-registration allows computers to be linked to a different Vault profile and thus, for example, to a different end-user site.

    Task / Box Description SUB Computer Button Erneut Registrieren-en.png
     DC Under Computer , select the computer to be re-registered with a mouse click.
    At the selected computer, switch to the
    Vault Settings
    Re-register Opens a dialogue window in which a computer can be re-registered.
    Load Computers
    Task / Box Description SUB Computer Erneut Registrieren Auswahlfenster-en.png
    Vault-ProfilVault TTT-Point AG The settings can be adopted from a profile via the drop-down menu.
    Agent Host Name    Select a unique name
    Load Computers Clicking on the button displays in the box the possibilities as which the computer can be registered.
    If, for example, the DC-001 is now selected, its configuration settings are applied again.
      Save Saves the settings and opens a final confirmation window.
    Confirmation window
    Yes Completes the re-registration and overwrites all configuration data for this computer. SUB Computer Erneut Registrieren Warnhinweis-en.png
    No Cancels the re-registration and closes the associated windows.

    5.2 Configure backup job

    Backup job configuration

    When scheduling agent-based backup jobs, you must also additionally distinguish between file-based and

    image-based backup.

    File-based backup Functionality

    • The backup software accesses the file system of the system to be backed up.
    • The files are processed and divided into 32KB blocks, for each of these blocks a checksum is calculated.
    • The checksums can be used to determine the delta in follow-on backups.
    • The blocks determined for backup are compressed and encrypted.

    Advantages and disadvantages


    • BMR backup possible (Bare Metal Restore)
    • Included in the standard scope of the agent, no additional plug-in is required
    • No reboot required after installation
    • Granular troubleshooting possible
    • Files/directories can be excluded
    • Script-based recovery via VPR file possible


    • Slower with many small files (>20,000).
    • Navigation via portal when restoring individual files
    Best Practice
    • For a new setup, file-based backup jobs should only be used for backing up individual files and folders.
    • For existing file-based BMR backup jobs, the "Entire Server" option should be added.
    • For new BMR backups, use image-based jobs.
    Image-based backup


    • The backup software backs up all blocks in a volume one after another.

    The image plug-in installs a changed block tracking driver. (Requires a reboot)
    This can be used to determine which blocks have changed since the last backup.

    • It is possible to set up a BMR backup when all system-relevant volumes are backed up.
    Advantages and disadvantages


    • BMR backup possible
    • Faster with many small files
    • Recommended for 1TB or more of natively protected data
    • Requires less computing power than file-based backup
    • Convenient restore (image is attached)
    • Navigation via Explorer during restore


    • No exclusion of individual files and folders possible
    • Restore only possible to same size/larger disks
    • Restart required after agent installation/update
    • No granular troubleshooting possible
    Best Practice

    For protection of the entire system, including the possibility of a bare metal restore, the "Entire server" and "BMR" options should be selected.

    Funktion File-based backup Image-based backup
    BMR backup
    Bootable in the cloud
    Restore to same size/larger disks
    Restoration to smaller disks
    Included in default installation
    Plugin, selected by default during installation.
    Requires reboot.
    Files/directories can be excluded
    Script-based recovery via VPR file possible
    Well suited up to approx. 20,000 files
    Recommended above 1TB natively protected data volume
    Navigation during the recovery of individual files
    via Portal

    via Explorer


    Create new job under menu Computer / End customer site selection / tab
    / button Select job task
    Edit existing job under menu Computer / End customer site selection / tab
    / button Select action / option Edit job

    File-based backup

    Field Value Description SUB Dateibasiertes Backup Job erstellen inkl Bedrohungserkennung-en.png
    Select job task Create new job for local system Create a new backup job
    Unique job name
    Job description
    Description text that is displayed in the overview.
    Destination-Vault where configuration and backup will be stored.
    The vaults that can be selected are those that have been stored in the
    Advanced backup options This is where the saving of open files and the suppression of the archive bit can be configured. The handling of the log files is also set here.
    Encryption settings:
    AES (256 Bit)
    AES 256 bit encryption is predefined.
    Confirm password:
    Secure password that complies with the password policy (Menu Sites / End customer site selection / tab
    Security settings
    Password security section.)(maximum 31 characters).
    This password is used to encrypt the backup. The password is mandatory for recovery.
    Password hint:
    Reference to the password, which helps only authorized parties.
    Select files and folders to backup Selection of files and folders to be backed up or excluded
  • For a recovery including the operating system, the option SUB PC Icon.PNG Bare Metal Restore must be selected. This backs up the volume on which the operating system is stored. Further volumes must be explicitly included!
  • The option SUB PC Icon.PNGEntire server also backs up hard disks connected in the future. (
    Removable storage devices are excluded: E.g. external hard drives or USB sticks!)
  • Include Copies the selection to the backup set
    Exclude Excludes the selection from the backup set
    Backup set Displays included and excluded files and folders.
    Folder filter a*, b* The filter must not contain any slashes and only one *-element per filter term.
    File filter *.exe, *.dll Applied only to specific files.
    The filter must not contain any slashes and only one *-element per filter term.
    Recursive Will be applied to subfolders as well.
    Cancel/Exit editing
    Removes the backup set
    Activate threat detection
    It is not a threat protection but threat detection!

    A backup is only marked as potentially dangerous after possible damage has already occurred.

    Image-based backup

    Field Value Description SUB Computer Job erstellen BMR Image-en.png
    Select job task Create new job for local system Create a new backup job
    Unique job name
    Job description
    Description text that is displayed in the overview.
    Destination-Vault where configuration and backup will be stored.
    The vaults that can be selected are those that have been stored in the
    Protocol file options
    Scope of the protocol file:
    1. Minimal
    2. Summary (≙ Default)
    3. Directory
    4. Files (≙ Maximum)
    Encryption settings:
    AES (256 Bit)
    AES 256 bit encryption is predefined.
    Confirm password:
    Secure password that complies with the password policy (Menu Sites / End customer site selection / tab
    Security settings
    Password security section.)(maximum 31 characters).
    This password is used to encrypt the backup. The password is mandatory for recovery.
    Password hint:
    Reference to the password, which helps only authorized parties.
    Select volumes for backup Selection of volumes to be backed up
  • For a recovery including the operating system, the option SUB PC Icon.PNG Bare Metal Restore must be selected. This backs up the volume on which the operating system is stored. Further volumes must be explicitly included!
  • The option SUB PC Icon.PNGEntire server also backs up hard disks connected in the future. (
    Removable storage devices are excluded: E.g. external hard drives or USB sticks!)
  • Include Copies the selection to the backup set
    Backup set Displays included volumes
    Removes the backup set



    Create new job under menu Computer / End customer site selection / tab
    / button Select job task / Create new job for Hyper-V
    Edit existing job under menu Computer / End customer site selection / tab
    / button Select action / option Edit job
    Field Description SUB v1 Job Hyper-V.png
    Select job task Create new job for Hyper-V
        Create a new backup job
    Unique job name
    Job description
    Description text that is displayed in the overview.
    Destination-Vault where configuration and backup will be stored.
    The vaults that can be selected are those that have been stored in the
    Confirm password:
    Secure password that complies with the password policy (Menu Sites / End customer site selection / tab
    Security settings
    Password security section.)(maximum 31 characters).
    This password is used to encrypt the backup. The password is mandatory for recovery.
    Password hint:
    Reference to the password, which helps only authorized parties.
    Enable application consistent backups Available for Windows VMs running:
    • MS SQL Server
    • Exchange
    • SharePoint
    • Active Directory
    Using VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service), databases and files are brought into a consistent state for backup.
    In an application-consistent backup, pending application transactions are written to hard drive before the data is backed up. This minimizes the amount of work required to restore the application.If application consistency is not enabled in a backup job, the backups are prone to crash consistency. With a crash-consistent backup, pending application transactions are rolled back and manual steps are required to ensure that applications are fully restored.

  • An account with administrator rights is required for this.

  • Hyper-V Host
    Hyper-V Host
    • Windows Server 2019
    • Windows Server 2016
    VM/guest operating system
    VM/guest operating system
    • VM configuration version from 6.2
      The VM configuration version of the VMs can be determined with the PowerShell command Get-VM
    • Backup (volume shadow copy) integration service must be enabled.
      This service can be selected on the Integration Services pane of a VM’s Settings.

    • Windows Server 2019
    • Windows Server 2016
    • Windows 10
    • SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014
    • SharePoint Server 2019 and 2016
    • Exchange Server 2019 and 2016
    • Active Directory 2019 and 2016
    Login credentials for an account with administrator rights that can be used on multiple VMs
    Shorten protocols As part of an application-consistent backup, the Hyper-V agent can truncate SQL Server, Exchange, and SQL transaction logs for SharePoint Server.
  • The agent can shorten protocols for standard SQL Server instances, but not for individually named SQL Server instances.
  • Virtual machines Virtual machines can be selected by clicking on them and moved with the > arrow buttons so that they are included in the backup job
  • Each VM can only be backed up in exactly one backup job.

  • 5.3 Set schedules

    Define schedules for when and how often a backup is created and how long it is stored


    Schedules control the execution of previously created jobs.
    Creating a schedule is done automatically after creating a job or for an existing job by using the Show/Add schedule action in the Select Action drop-down menu at the end of the respective job's row.

    Every schedule creates a Safeset from which data can be restored.
    The storage type defines how many safesets are stored for how many days.

  • A maximum of 44 safesets may be created.
  • Show/add schedule

    Box Value Description SUB Computer Aktion auswählen Zeitplan anzeigen-en.png
    Storage 30_days The default storage type here is 30_days.
    More schedules should be defined.
  • The different storage types are defined in the
    Storage types
  • Schedule: see below
    Compression Smaller Creates the smallest possible backup file to be transferred. (Default)
    Faster Performs faster compression, but creates larger files.
    Is deferred (0 for none) None
    The defer function is used to interrupt a backup after a defined time and resume it at the next scheduled run. The defer function should only be used for the initial backup.
    If the transfer is aborted unexpectedly, the next time the schedule is run, the transfer would be completely restarted and the backup would never be complete.

  • We recommend in the agent description (Menu Computer / End customer selection-Site / tab
    / tab
    to place a notice that the defer function is active in the schedule. After the first successful completion of the backup without deferral, the function and the reminder from the agent description can be removed from the schedule.
  • Activate Activates or deactivates the schedule
    Priority Moves the entry up or down.
    Top entries are executed first. Coinciding entries will be ignored afterwards. In order for a monthly safeset to be executed after 30 days of daily backup (30_days), the schedule 12_month must be above it. If different times were specified here, one too many safesets would be generated.
    Removes the schedule

    Box Value Description
    Schedule Clicking on the schedule opens another window where different types can be selected

  • Schedules are processed one after the other from top to bottom. If a schedule has a start time at which a schedule above is still being executed, the latter will not be processed. Thus, the sequence must be from rarely to often. Daily and monthly should be defined for the same time. Then after 30 days instead of a daily (30_days) the overlying monthly safeset (12_months) is generated.
  • 21:45 Last

    Recommended in conjunction with the storage type

    Schedule view
    Days of the month
    Any day of the month can be selected. Additionally there is the value Last.

    21:45 A time must be set. In order to ensure the consistency of the safesets, the schedules of a job should be set to the same time.

    SUB Computer Aktion auswählen Jobzeitplan konfigurieren Monatsansicht-en.png
    21:45 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

    Recommended in conjunction with the storage type

    Schedule view
    Days of the week
    Each day of the week can be selected individually

        A time must be set. In order to ensure the consistency of the safesets, the schedules of a job should be set to the same time.

    SUB Computer Aktion auswählen Jobzeitplan konfigurieren Wochenansicht-en.png

    Recommended in conjunction with the storage type

    Schedule view
    You can freely define any schedules.
    For the storage type 4_intraday, for example, it is recommended to back up every 4 hours from 6 am until 6 pm.
    Example of a backup on every first Monday of the quarter at 21:45 45/21/1-7/1,4,7,10/1
    This example would have to be used with an extra defined storage type!
  • In the first position, there must never be an asterisk. This would attempt to run the job every minute.
  • A maximum of 44 safesets may be created.
  • There must be at least 4 hours between every backup.
  • SUB Computer Aktion auswählen Jobzeitplan konfigurieren Benutzerdefiniert-en.png

    Special schedules

    Hourly Backups

    Under Computer / Choose the computer the respective backup jobs can be created and edited.

    Process Description SUB stündliche Backups einstellen.png
    Under the week Set schedule to "under the week"
    A job is only allowed to have one schedule under the week.
    Every 1 hours, at 0Link= minutes past the hour. Set schedule with "1" to hourly
    If desired, set the active period.
    Set the storage time to either 24 or 48 hours (remember the safeset).
    Then confirm with OK.

    10 years storage time

    Under Computer / Choose the computer / tab
    new storage types can be created in the
    Storage types
    Process Description SUB 10 Jahre Aufbewahrungszeit einstellen.png
    Name Choose unique name
    3653 days Select enough days so that the 10 years are full.
    Due to leap years, the retention period may only be 3652 days.
    10 Enter the required number of backup copies
    Save Saves the storage type
    Customised Set schedule view to user-defined SUB benutzderdefinierte Zeitplanansicht.png
    0/20/31/12/* Set schedule to (0/20/31/12/*)
    OK Saves the storage period