Key management on the UTM
Last adaptation to the version: 12.6.1
- New key type: OVPN_STATIC_KEY
notemptyThis article refers to a Resellerpreview
Preliminary note
- The keys on the UTM are used both for encryption (e.g. of VPN connections) and for signing (e.g. DKIM)
- Locally generated keys always consist of a public and a private part
Only the public part should end up in someone else's hands
Key overview
Caption |
Key management
Name |
Name of the key
Type: |
Key type
- x25519
- ed25519
- OVPN_STATIC_KEY notempty
New as of v12.6.1
Hash |
Hash value of the key
Length |
Key bit length
Export key
Public part (Format) |
Key part is saved as a file in the set format (see below)
Public part (Format) |
Key part is copied to the clipboard in the set format (see below)
Delete |
Deletes the key
Opens the key export settings
 Dropdown menu with settings for key export
Export destination |
FileClipboard |
Exports the respective key part either to a file or to the clipboard
RSA export format: |
PemHEXB64 |
Exports the RSA key part in Pem, Hex or Base64 format
ED25519/X25519 Export Format: |
PemRAW |
Exports ED25519/X25519 keys in Pem or RAW format
Add key
Create a new key with the Add key button.
Name: |
RSA-Demo |
Enter the desired name of the key
Add key dialog
Type: |
Select cryptographic method RSA used for: IPSec, Mailrelay
ED25519 |
Used for: Mailrelay (signing)
X25519 |
Used for: WireGuard
OVPN_STATIC_KEY notempty New as of v12.6.1 |
Used for static SSL VPN keys (openvpn tls-auth)
Key length: Only for RSA: |
512 1024 2048 3072 (Default) 4096 |
Select bit-length of the key
Creates the key and closes the dialogue
Closes the dialogue without creating a key
Import key
Import a key by clicking the Import key button.
Import from file
Import Option: |
FileClipboard |
The import is done from a file. The key name corresponds to the file name followed by the format
Import key from file dialog
Datei: |
Browse... |
Select the file that contains the key to be imported
File type: |
determine automatically |
The key type can be determined automatically. Alternatively, type can be specified manually.
Format |
Select the format in which the key is provided
Type: Only for RAW, HEX & B64 |
private |
The key is to be imported as a private key part
public |
The key is to be imported as a public key part
Import from clipboard
Import Option: |
The import is carried out by entering a value
Dialog Import key from clipboard
Name | |
Enter the desired name of the key
Key value |
Key from the clipboard
File type: |
determine automatically |
The key type can be determined automatically. Alternatively, type can be specified manually.
Format |
Select the format in which the key is provided
Type: Only for RAW, HEX & B64 |
private |
The key is to be imported as a private key part
public |
The key is to be imported as a public key part