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Dieser Artikel bezieht sich auf eine nicht mehr aktuelle Version!

Der Artikel für die neueste Version steht hier

Zu diesem Artikel gibt es bereits eine neuere Version, die sich allerdings auf eine Reseller-Preview bezieht


Last adaptation to the version: 11.8.8


  • Password for cloud backup mandatory in 11.8.8
  • Translation

Previous versions: 11.6.11 | 11.7


In addition to a local backup of the configuration or via the Securepoint Operation Center, UTM offers the possibility to store a backup of the boot configuration on our cloud servers.
The communication to our servers is done via a TLS encrypted connection.


  • Installed and licensed UTM
  • Internet access

Message after update

UTM v11.8.8 cloud-passwort-en.png

When updating from a version ≤11.8.7.x to a version ≥ 11.8.8 you will be asked for a password for cloud backups (if they are enabled.)

Passwords must meet the following criteria:
  • at least 8 characters length
  • at least 3 of the following categories:
    • Upper case
    • Lower case
    • Special characters
    • Digits

After login to the administration interface of the firewall (in default state: the cloud backup is located in the menu → Configuration →Configuration ManagementTab Cloud Backup.

Cloud Backup Configuration

Caption Description
Backup Boot Configuration

Backup configuration

will backup the current boot configuration of the appliance.
Set Password allows to set/change an individual password for the backup to be created.

Neu ab 11.8.8: Setting a password is mandatory.
The backup is encrypted with this password and can be decrypted exclusively with the password that was set when the respective cloud backup was created. The Securepoint GmbH has no possibility to decrypt this backup without password!

Regular cloud backup

Regular cloud backup
Regular cloud backup On Activated by default
Every day at: 07 : 00 o'clock Time of Daily Backup

Restore a backup

Loads the selected backup into the Local Configuration Manager under the name backup-YYYY-DD-MM_HH:ii:ss , where YYYY-DD-MM_HH:ii:ss is the time of the original backup.
If a configuration with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
It is therefore advisable to rename the restored configuration if it is to be used in a productive environment.

Backup plan

Backup plan

The servers only hold a certain number of configurations. The rotation is done according to the following scheme:

  • the latest 7 backups are kept (first in, first out)
  • after that 4 weekly backups are kept
  • after that 12 monthly backups are kept

This rotation takes place separately for each license key and also applies to regular cloud backup.

Deleting a backup

Deletes the selected backup
Save Saves the current setting (activation and time of the backup, not the backup itself!)

View in Reseller Portal

RSP Lizenz Anyideas-utm.png

In the Securepoint Reseller Portal it is possible to view a list of available backups for a specific license. The information can be found on the detail page of the license (column "Licensee", if you are on the profile page).
A download of the configuration is nevertheless only possible from an appliance with the corresponding license key. The license(s) in question can be found in the "Serial numbers" column (see figure opposite).


  • Without the correct password, it is not possible to restore the saved configuration.
  • The password can be changed during operation without any problems, but then you have to check yourself which configuration was saved with which password.
  • Access to the secured configuration is only possible with exactly this license key and its extensions and the corresponding password.