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Configuration of port-based routes
Last adaptation to the version: 12.2.4
  • Layout adjustments
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

12.1 11.7

Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
→ Firewall →Portfilter

Preliminary remark

Port based routes, also called Policy Based Routing or Rule Routing, are routing decisions that use a predefined rule to decide which gateway to forward packets to based on services, destination addresses or source addresses.

Rules with rulerouting are rarely really necessary and should only ever be an exception to enforce deviating routes for certain services from certain sources.

Set up Rule Routing

The configuration is done either under → Firewall →PortfilterTab Portfilter Button + Add Rule or by editing an already existing rule by clicking .
In the following example, all VOIP packets from the internal-network are routed via the interface LAN2:

Caption Value Description UTM v12.2.5.1 Firewall Portfilter Regel hinzufügen Roulerouting-en.png
Add portfilter rule
Source: Vpn-network.svg internal-network Network object or user group that is allowed as the source of the data packet.
Destination: World.svg internet Destination of the data package
Service: Service-group.svg voip Desired service with stored port
Action: Accept Forwards the package
Type: Hidenat Hides the original IP address behind the IP address of the interface used
Node: Interface.svg external-interface Network object that performs the translation of the IP addresses.
Rule Routing: LAN2 Thus, all VOIP packets are routed via LAN2
To finally activate the rule, click on Update rules!