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Download and installation of the Securepoint VPN Client

Last adaptation to the version: 3.0.0 alpha(01.2025)

This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Alpha version - only as reseller preview
Not intended for productive use!

System requirements

  • Windows 10 x64 or higher
  • 1GB RAM


The download takes place in the reseller portal under Support Downloads Tab VPN-Client x


An installation can be carried out in two different ways.

  • The first is installation via a graphical user interface
  • The second is a Quiet installation without user interaction.

Both steps, as well as the Installation with automatic import of a configuration and the Ignore runtime prerequisites are explained below.

GUI installation

The GUI installation is started by executing the previously downloaded file Securepoint-VPN-Client-<Version>.exe.

Installation with automatic import of a configuration

If there is a folder labelled Config in the same path as the installation file Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe, the first configuration file contained there will be imported during the installation process.

Migration of old connections


The migration of connections from the file path of the old Securepoint SSL-VPN Client is carried out via the GUI either at the first start or, if the corresponding function has been activated in the settings, at each start.
In both cases, if a connection to the old client is found, the migration wizard opens.

Installation via the command line (CMD)

The following command can be used to install the client via the command line:
.\Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe /quiet More detailed information can be found in the section on Command line commands.

Installation with automatic import of a configuration

If there is a folder labelled Config in the same path as the installation file Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe, the first configuration file contained there will be imported during the installation process.

Migration via CLI

Migrate VPN configuration: C:\Program Files\Securepoint VPN Client\Securepoint VPN Client.exe" /migrate

Automated installation

Example of an automated installation process:

  1. Notification to users that the new client is being installed
  2. Copy the installation file Securepoint_VPN_Client_vXYZ.exe to the target devices via group policy (GPO) or software distribution system
  3. If necessary, create a folder with the name Config in the same way, which contains the respective configuration
  4. Install new VPN client via:C:\Securepoint_VPN_Client_vXYZ.exe" /quiet
  5. Migrate old VPN configuration if necessary:C:\Program Files\Securepoint VPN Client\Securepoint VPN Client.exe" /migrate
  6. Finally, users may have to deactivate the autostart of the old SSL VPN client and activate it in the new VPN client.
    Eine Instructions for end users can be found here: https://wiki.securepoint.de/VPN/VPN-Client-Umstellung

Ignoring runtime requirements

Ignoring the runtime environment is not recommended.

When installing the client, it is possible to ignore the required runtime prerequisites

  • An option is displayed in the user interface (GUI) to not install the runtime requirements if they are missing on the system
    If the runtime requirements already exist, this option is not displayed
  • The parameter /ignore-prereq is used for the CLI


VPN-Client v1.0 Update-en.png
Update dialogue

As administrator, automatic updates can be activated (see Advanced settings), if this is not desired, an update icon is displayed in the header if an update is available.

  • All active connections are interrupted during an update
  • The service is restarted after an update.
    The client will use the new version the next time it is started.
    Connections that are set up with ‘’Autostart activated‘’ are restarted.

  • Tray-icon

    VPN-Client v3.0 Fenster anzeigen-en.png
    Tray icon of the client in the taskbar

    When the client is started, the client icon appears in the taskbar as a tray icon. The following options are available by right-clicking on this icon:

    • Show the client window
    • Establish or disconnect a connection (is hidden if several connections are active)
    • Close application

    Importing a VPN configuration

    Caption Description VPN-Client v3.0 Import-en.png
    Importing a VPN configuration
    Protokoll Wahl des Protokolls (SSL-VPN oder WireGuard)
    Datei Mithilfe der Schaltfläche   Konfigurationsdatei auswählen
    Verbindungsname Verbindungsnamen bei Bedarf ändern
    Systemverbindung anlegen Wenn der Client als Administrator ausgeführt wurde (erkennbar an dem Hinweis Admin rechts oben in der Titelleiste), kann die Verbindung außerdem als Systemverbindung, also für alle Benutzerkonten des Computers, erstellt werden.
    Importieren Verbindung importieren

    Create configuration

    Call up the configuration wizard in the menu under Create

    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard Schritt 1-en.png
    Start the configuration of a new VPN connection with Next.
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard Schritt 2-en.png
    Step 1
    • gewünschtes Protokoll SSLVPNWireGuard
    • Aussagekräftiger Name für die Verbindung
    • Falls mit Adminrechten ausgeführt: Ggf, BenutzerSystem
      Die Verbindung steht dann in allen Benutzerkonten dieses Computers zur Verfügung


    To configure an SSLVPN connection, follow the instructions below:

    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard SSLVPN Schritt 3-en.png
    Step 2
    • At least one VPN server must be added using the protocol, the IP address or the host name and the port.
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard SSLVPN Schritt 4-en.png
    Step 3
    • Client und Server Schlüssel bzw. Zertifikate auswählen (mit )
      Zuordnung bei typischer Benennung:
      Privater Schlüssen (RSA)
      Öffentlicher Schlüssel (CA)
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard SSLVPN Schritt 5-en.png
    Step 4
    • Configure the connection with the VPN server accordingly
    • Redirect Gateway
      • If deactivated, only packets to a local destination network are routed through the tunnel
      • If activated, all packets are routed to the tunnel and from there routed further if necessary
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard SSLVPN Schritt 6-en.png
    Step 5
    Zusammenfassung aller Einstellungen zur Überprüfung. Wenn alle Einstellungen korrekt sind kann der Konfigurations-Wizard mit der Schaltfläche Anwenden beendet und die Verbindung hinzugefügt werden.


    Follow the instructions below to configure a WireGuard connection:

    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard WireGuard Schritt 3-en.png
    Step 2
    • At least one VPN server must be added using the protocol, the IP address or the host name and the port.
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard WireGuard Schritt 4-en.png
    Step 3
    • Enter client and server key
    • optional Enter preshared key
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard WireGuard Schritt 5-en.png
    Step 4
    • Client IP address required
    • Other values can be left blank, these options are then either ignored or assigned a default value
    • DNS address(es) can also be entered as a domain notempty
      as of v1.0.9
    VPN-Client v3.0 Konfigurations-Wizard WireGuard Schritt 6-en.png
    Step 5
    Summary of all settings for verification. If all settings are correct, the configuration wizard can be closed with the Apply button and the connection added.

    Connection settings

    System and user connections

    User connections are saved in the Windows registry under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER context and are therefore only available to the Windows user who imported the connection.

    System connections are stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and are therefore available to every user of the machine, but require administration rights for import.

    Herstellen einer Verbindung

    Eine Verbindung kann entweder über das Kontextmenü /  Verbinden oder über einen Klick auf die Verbindungs-Schaltfläche hergestellt werden
    VPN-Client 3.0.0 Verbindunsknopf getrennt.png
    Verbindung getrennt
    VPN-Client 3.0.0 Verbindunsknopf verbinden.png
    Verbindung wird aufgebaut
    VPN-Client 3.0.0 Verbindunsknopf verbunden.png
    Connection button


    Caption Value Description VPN-Client v3.0 Verbindungen Uebersicht-en.png
    Status Verbunden Verbindung ist hergestellt
    Verbinde Verbindung wird hergestellt
    Failed Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden
    Getrennt Keine Verbindung
    Name TTT-Point-1 Name der Verbindung
    Mehr Öffnet das Kontextmenü der jeweiligen Verbindung
    Wechselt zwischen Standardansicht und Kompaktansicht des Clients

    Extended view

    VPN-Client v3.0 Verbindungen Erweiterte Ansicht-en.png
    Connection details in the expanded view

    Über den Eintrag Details Anzeigen im Kontextmenü werden zusätzliche Verbindungsdetails angezeigt:

    • Empfangene Daten
    • Gesendete Daten
    • Verbindungsdauer
    • Gerätename (verwendete Schnittstelle)
    • Wintun Version
    • IPv4 Adresse / IPv6 Adresse


    Description VPN-Client 3.0.0 Kompaktansicht.png
    Kompaktansicht VPN-Client
    Wechselt zwischen Standardansicht und Kompaktansicht des Clients
    Volumen Upload und Download sowie Geschwindigkeit

    Context menu

    Aufruf mithilfe der Schaltfläche in der Verbindungsübersicht oder einem rechten Mausklick auf eine Verbindung.

    Menu item Description VPN-Client v3.0 Verbindungen Kontextmenu-en.png
    Connections Context menu
     Verbinden VPN Verbindung aktivieren
    Shows the associated configuration and the certificates that can be edited
     OTP anwenden
    Activates/deactivates the entry of a one-time password during a connection attempt
     Automatisch verbinden Automatically establishes this connection when the app is started.
     Bei Verbindungsabbruch neu verbinden Falls die Verbindung unerwartet unterbrochen wird, wird automatisch versucht sich neu zu verbinden.
     Edit user data
    Opens a window through which you can update the user data
     Delete user data
    Deletes the user data for the current connection
     Ausgeschlossene SSIDs
    Netzwerke konfigurieren, für die keine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll

    Opens a dialogue through which you can export the selected connection as a text file
     Log anzeigen Calls up the log for the specific connection
     Details Anzeigen Opens the connection to the full width and length and displays further helpful information
    • Switches to the diagnostic view
    • Testing server connectivity (Can a specified server be reached?)
    • Analyse the log
    • Testing the public IP address (via https://checkip.spdyn.de)
     Delete connection
    Deletes the current connection


    In einer kommenden Version wird eine Anbindung zum Securepoint Unified Security Portal (USP) zur Verfügung stehen.
    Damit wird es möglich sein, den VPN-Client aus dem Portal heraus zu steuern und eine Übersicht über den Sicherheitsstatus des Hosts zu erhalten.

    Client settings

    VPN-Client v3.0 Einstellungen Anwendungsstart-en.png
    Settings for application start:
    • Run when starting Windows
    • Start application minimised (tray icon)
    • Show migration wizard again
    VPN-Client v3.0 Einstellungen Verbindungen-en.png
    Settings relating to the connections:
    • Minimise the client after connecting
    • Allow multiple VPN connections at the same time
    • Block shutdown during active connection
    VPN-Client v3.0 Einstellungen Aussehen-en.png
    Attitudes towards appearance:
    • Show pop-up window when application is minimised
    • Display flyout information within the application
    • Activate dark mode
    • Choose language
    VPN-Client v3.0 Einstellungen Erweitert-en.png
    These settings are only displayed if the application was started as an administrator, this can be recognised by the "ADMIN" at the top right.

    Advanced settings for administrators:
    • Perform client updates automatically
    • Force DNS, all DNS requests must be made via the VPN


    Button Description VPN-Client v3.0 Log-en.png
    Log overview
    All levels Filters for either all levels (Info, Warning, Error) or only Warning + Error
    Komplett Filters the log by type: Complete log, Client, Connections, Daily, Service
    50 Shows a maximum of the set number of log messages
    Copy Copies the entire currently visible log
    Copy all Copies the entire (also invisible) log
    Export Exports the entire currently visible log

    Command line commands

    Installation, upgrade, uninstallation and repair

    Description Parameter Example
    Installing or upgrading the client Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe
    Installation or upgrade without display
    Can be combined with Uninstall and Repair.
    The parameter /quiet must always be specified first.
    /quiet Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe /quiet
    Uninstalling the client /uninstall Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe /uninstall
    Repair of the client
  • The Repair command must always be executed in combination with the /quiet parameter.
  • /repair Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe /quiet /repair
    Indicates what is being installed and whether it was completed successfully or whether errors occurred | more Securepoint_VPN_Client-<Version>.exe /repair | more

    Commands at runtime

    The commands are always appended to the client call (.Securepoint_VPN_Client-<version>.exe).

    Command Description Example
    Migrate a connection from the file path of the old Securepoint SSL VPN client.
  • The result per connection is either ALREADY EXISTS (connection with the same name already exists in the registry. It is important that only the name is taken into account, not whether an identical copy of a config has already been imported), SUCCESS or FAILED.
  • All connections are created as USER connections. For SYSTEM connections, these must be created manually in the client.
  • .\Securepoint_VPN_Client.exe /migrate
    Exportiert das vollständige Log .\Securepoint_VPN_Client.exe /log
    Help on the commands .\Securepoint_VPN_Client.exe /help