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Possible commands in the "Command Line Interface" of the Securepoint UTM
Last adaption: 06.2023
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
→ Extras →CLI


The Command Line Interface, or CLI for short, is the actual interface used to configure the Securepoint UTM. All graphical administration tools such as the Web Interface, Security Operation Center or Security Manager convert all your settings into commands that can be executed on the CLI. There are of course differences in the structure and scope of the commands between the individual versions.
This article is intended to give an overview of the possible commands and to show in some examples how to work with the CLI.


The commands on the CLI can be divided into different levels. In v11, these levels have been divided into thematic points. For example, all commands relevant for interface configurations are located below "interface", such as the command "interface address get" (displays all existing IP addresses). Below is a list of all the commands on the first level.
As of version 11.6, when passing multiple parameters, note that they are enclosed in square brackets and separated by a space.

user group new name gruppenname permission [ perm1 perm2 ...]

Command Description
alertingcenter Alerting Center Management
appmgmt Management of the applications (start/stop)
captiveportal Captive Portal Settings
cert Certificate management
clear Deletes the current content of the terminal
cli Settings for the output behavior of the CLI
clientlessvpn Settings for the ClientlessVPN
cluster Settings via the cluster
debug Debug routines
dhcp Settings for the DHCP server
dns Settings for the DNS server
exit Ends the current CLI session
extc Management of variables, as well as templates for applications
geolocation List of geolocation
help List of all commands
interface Settings regarding the interfaces
ipsec Settings for IPSec connections
ldap Sending LDAP requests
logout User is logged out after the CLI session ends
mail Mail filter/mail archive settings
manager Administration release
node Configuration of network objects and groups
object List of all objects
openvpn Configuration of OpenVPN connections
pkey Public key settings
qos Settings for QoS profiles
quit Ends the current CLI session
route Network route management
rproxy Reverse-Proxy configuration
rsa RSA key management
rule Management of the port filter (set of rules)
server Management of the backend servers for the reverse proxy
service Management of the services (ruleset)
spf2bd Management of the FailToBan service
ssh Create and manage the SSH keys for the cluster
syslog Management of the syslog server, as well as output of the livelog
system System-specific configuration items
usc_vhost Management of the Unified Security Console (USC)
user User management
view webuser Information of the User-WebUI
webfilter Web filter configuration
wireguard WireGuard configuration
wlan Management of WLAN functionality
wrapper Internal command

2007nx / v10

Unlike in v11, the commands in 2007nx/v10 are not organized by topic, but by function.

Command Description
add Adds configuration settings
change Changes configuration settings
clear Deletes the current content of the terminal
config Configuration management
debug Debug routines
delete Removing configuration settings
export Export functions
import Import functions
load Loading settings
logout User is logged out after the CLI session ends
reboot Restarts the appliance
register Reads the license file
restart Restart applications
run Execution of specific commands (e.g. ping)
show Output of configuration settings
start Launching applications
stop Stop applications
update Commands for updating
help List of all commands