Overview of the changelogs for the Securepoint Mobile Security apps
- Android-App
- iOS-App
MDM Toolbox notempty
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MDM Location Plugin notempty
new in the wiki
The changelog for the Mobile Security Portal is on a separate page
Android-App Version 3
Build 3.2
Build 3.2 Stable- Release Date: 27.02.2025
- Planned rollout time frame 14 days
- Feature
- Additional notification when legal regulations (EULA and Privacy policy) are updated while the existing tunnel is maintained
- UI modifications
- Fixed
- Error fixed where a profile change while the VPN was paused could lead to changes in connection monitoring
Build 3.1
Build 3.1 Stable- Release Date: 14.01.2025
- Planned rollout time frame 14 days
- Feature
- Authentication before app start
- UI modifications
- Renaming the connection logs
- Fixed
- Error fixed where an invalid IPv6 address can lead to a crash
- Error fixed where unsaved changes in the profile editor were not recorded correctly
- Error fixed where simultaneous profile update and navigation change can lead to a crash
- Sending function and widget have been fixed for shared work profiles
Build 3.0.1
Build 3.0.1 Stable- Release Date: 25.11.2024
- Fixed
- Via USP configured VPN cannot be started without key transmission
Build 3.0.0
Build 3.0.0 Stable- Release Date: 15.11.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Maintenance / Security / Operating System
- Update OpenSSL
- Feature
- vpn configuration via the USP In preparation for portal version 2.0
- The app can be set up with active Mobile Security during device enrollment
- Mobile Security profiles are now grayed out in the editor
- New app icon
- UI customizations
- Fixed
- If an active profile is missing, an unwanted error message is no longer displayed
- Server IPs are now resolved for IPv6 only
- The sorting of the profile list is now case-sensitive
Android-App Version 2
Build 2.2.2
Build 2.2.2 Stable- Release Date: 30.08.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 14 days
- Fixed
- Username & password can now be saved while the other field is left empty
- Logs no longer expose possibly sensitive URLs
- All connection logs are being shown, where older connections were missing in selection
Build 2.2.1
Build 2.2.1 Stable- Release Date: 05.08.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 14 days
- Feature
- Log messages are now single-line when exported to make troubleshooting easier
- Log messages now have a readable session ID
- Log messages will be exported chronologically from top to bottom
- Fixed
- HTML-Documents follow the system settings now regarding dark mode
- Issue with deleting username & password fixed
- Problem when reinstalling a Mobile Security configuration fixed
- Failed transmission of empty SSID exclusions fixed
- Possible crash prevented when starting the connection under certain circumstances
Build 2.2.0
Build 2.2.0 Stable- Release Date: 24.06.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 14 days
- Feature
- Added differentiating icon to Mobile Security profiles in profile list
- Fixed
- Eliminated possible crash with an unexpected server configuration
Build 2.1.9
Build 2.1.9 Stable- Release Date: 04.06.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 14 days
- Fixed
- Eliminated possible crash with an unexpected server configuration
Build 2.1.8
Build 2.1.8 Stable- Release Date: 17.05.2024
- Planned rollout time frame: 14 days
- Fixed
- Eliminated possible crash when using TLS-Auth with an unexpected server configuration
Build 2.1.7
Build 2.1.7 Stable- Release Date: 23.04.2024
- Planned rollout time frame: 14 days
- Fixed
- TLS-Auth has been deactivated until further notice, since it has lead to increased instability and crashes
Build 2.1.6
Build 2.1.6 Stable- Release Date: 28.03.2024
- Planned rollout time frame: 14 days
- Fixed
- Prevented possible crash when saving a profile outside of the editor
- Corrected input of user name & password with spaces
- Eliminated possible crash when using TLS-Auth with an unexpected server configuration
- Inhibited possible crash caused by weird IPv6 addresses
Build 2.1.5
Build 2.1.5 Stable- Release Date: 27.02.2024
- Planned rollout time frame: 13 days
- Feature: Notification when user interaction is necessary for “Excluded SSIDs”
- Fix: When checking the VPN connection the password is now requested correctly
- Stability improvements
- Update OpenSSL
Build 2.1.4
Release Date: 25.05.2023 Planned rollout time frame: 7 days
- New Feature: The active Profile is now being displayed in the dashboard
Build 2.1.3
- New Feature: Cipher Negotiation (NCP)
- Fixed rare issue of competing statistics overwrititng each other
Build 2.1.2
- Error messages generated in tun_open are now more helpful
- Update OpenSSL
Build 2.1.1
- Fixed a bug that can lead to incorrect conversion of routes in some constellations.
Build 2.1.0
- Improvements for Android 12 devices
- Fixed bug with Per-App-VPN
- Fixed a bug that can lead to a disconnection if the credentials are not saved
- It is now possible to set DNS servers in the app
Build 2.0.4
- The layout of the VPN connection notification has been unified according to Android 12 guidelines.
- A running connection setup can be canceled in the overview.
- Incorrect warning was displayed for incomplete profiles after import.
- Error fixed when importing profiles with "redirect-gateway" without parameters.
- Error fixed when switching between active profiles.
- Fixed a bug when excluding WLAN SSIDs.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a disconnect on OTP connections.
- Fixed crash when deleting single logs.
Build 2.0.3
- Fixed problem when switching from WLAN to Mobile data.
- The connection status in the widget was not updated correctly when the connection was terminated from the foreground service
- Improvements in the stability of the VPN
- Fixed an error when pausing/resuming the VPN.
Build 2.0.2
- Fixed bug in log files cleanup.
- Possible crash when pressing the connection button fixed
- Possible crash when asking the current time fixed
- Possible crash when disconnecting in background fixed
- Improved update behavior of ManagedConfigs when using EMM
Build 2.0.1
- Some devices experienced frequent disconnections after successfully establishing a connection.
- When the VPN is in the "Connecting" or "Disconnecting" state, an activity indicator is displayed in the overview bar.
- Fixed a possible crash when granting VPN permission.
Build 2.0.0
- Complete overhaul with new unified layout.
- Android legacy mode removed
Android-App Version 1
Build 1.5.4
- Improvements in the use of managed configurations in EMM operation.
- Fixed error in license validation
Build 1.5.3
- The set legacy app mode now complies with Google's non-stalkerware policy and displays a permanent notice for transferring user data.
Build 1.5.2
- Setup of the app, when using EMM, has been simplified.
- Updates for the Android 11 release.
Build 1.5.1
- Bug fixed in PIN dialog for Android 10
Build 1.5.0
- Logs are sent as a text file in the email attachment.
- Excluded SSIDs are taken into account
- Component updates
- False message of the licensing system fixed
- Fixed connection state display bug on older devices
Build 1.4.9
- Minor bug fixes
- Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1g
- Update of external libraries
Build 1.4.8
- Fixed an error when including or excluding apps from the VPN tunnel.
Build 1.4.7
- Adaptation of the functional scope to Google developer guidelines
- Component updates
Build 1.4.6
- Fixed Playstore update problem when VPN connection is active.
- Component updates
Build 1.4.5
- Component updates
- Minor bug fixes
Build 1.4.4
- Unlimited number of VPN profiles allowed again
- Usability improvements
Build 1.4.3
- Fixed incorrect behavior with numerous VPN profiles
- Fixed various connection setup issues
- Fixed erroneous marking behavior in the diagnostic single report overview
- Added new feature "Add or exclude applications from VPN connection".
- Fixed that in EMM mode the logout switch was visible
- Dark mode is now supported
Build 1.4.2
- Hotfix release for route problems with imported profiles
Build 1.4.1
- New diagnostic report overview
- Usability improvements
- New feature "Quick Settings Tile" added
- New feature "FQDN insertions/exceptions" added
- Bug fixes
- Adaptations for Android 10
Build 1.4.0
- Component updates
- Added two-factor authentication for supported OTP VPN profiles
- Diagnostics page added
- Bug fixes
Build 1.3.7
- VPN pausable for 15min
- Bug fixes
- Usability improvements
Build 1.3.6
- Use of OpenSSL 1.1.1c
- Use of new application and status icons
- Changed progress ring during login process in the login switch
- Several bugs were fixed
Build 1.3.5
- New options in VPN profile editor
- Redirection to Google Device Policy Controller in case an EMM login code was scanned by mistake
- Implementation of Open Network Configuration
Build 1.3.4
- Wireless networks can be configured by MDM
- Behavior for reading .ovpn files changed
Build 1.3.3
- Added status image for messages
- Added app widget for VPN connection control
- Changed behavior of passive app
- App widgets can be added from work profile
Build 1.3.2
- Support of managed settings
- Foreground service considers day/night colors
Build 1.3.1
- Fixed several bugs
- Foreground notification font color fixed
- Fixed installation and uninstallation request problems
- OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1b
- New status images
- Access credentials prompt when activating VPN profiles that don't have any
- Page transitions made more user friendly
Build 1.3.0
- Diagnosis has been moved to "More" tab.
- Messages have been removed from the overview and given their own tab
- Support for work profiles
- Behavioral and display errors fixed
- Import of profile data downloaded via third party applications
- Minor bugs fixed
- Layout adjustments
- Additional VPN profiles policy dependent
Build 1.2.6
- Fixed several bugs
- New user interface
- VPN profile management added
- VPN profile editing added
- Automatic button arrangement on the "More" page
- Fixed unexpected crashes
- VPN profile selection behavior changed
- Tolerance and correction of incomplete VPN profiles
- New app icon
- New status diagrams
- Automatic arrangement of buttons in profile menu
- Backtracking through stacked fragments eliminated
- Lost VPN permission is fetched again
- Fixed that the pause button behavior was not adjustable without Mobile Security VPN profile
- Back arrow for submenus
- Accelerated route calculation as of Android 7
- State of status machines in diagnostic report
Build 1.2.0
- Minor bugs fixed
- New user interface
- VPN profile management added
- VPN profile editing added
Build 1.1.2
- Fixed login error
- Connection establishment stabilized
- Tunnel IP is displayed in diagnostic report
- Foreground notification pause button gives feedback
- Fixed a bug with Android 9
Build 1.1.1
- Bug fixed in the settings page.
- Fixed a bug regarding the size of the diagnostic report.
- Fixed some crashes.
Build 1.1.0
- VPN client is now integrated into the app. You no longer need an additional app
- Foreground notification shows connection status and allows to pause connection
- New settings page:
- Allows to exclude the current WLAN from the VPN.
- Allows to set the function of the pause switch in the foreground notification
- Writing diagnostic reports is turned off by default
- Numerous power consumption improvements
Build 1.0.2
- Bugfix: Fixed crash when uninstalling apps.
- Bugfix: Display error in profile overview page.
- Bugfix: Display error in the portal with MultiSIM.
- Bugfix: In Lost mode "Start ringtone" did not work on some Samsung devices.
Build 1.0.1
- Bugfix: After accepting the privacy policy sometimes the next screen is not loaded.
Build 1.0.0
- Profile overview page (Which policies are implemented).
- New terms and conditions page (Includes privacy policy, end user agreement, legal notice, licenses).
- BYOD or COPE is now displayed on the main page
- Home button added
- Privacy policy update
Build BETA-Release
- Adjustments for new password restriction messages
- Revision GUI
- Improvement of the Lost Mode
- Suspend VPN
- Disable VPN for SSID
- Extension for new API
- Adjustments of the debug log
- EULA added
- Revision of the app installation
- BETA app client release
iOS-App Version 3
Build 3.2
Build 3.2 Stable- Release Date: 21.02.2025
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Feature
- UI modifications
- Fixed
- An IPv6 as endpoint is now displayed with correct notation
Build 3.1
Build 3.1 Stable- Release Date: 15.01.2025
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Feature
- Authentication is possible before app start
- Titles of the connection logs have been renamed
- App icon in dark mode and tinted
- More detailed logs for ASC
Build 3.0.1
Build 3.0.1 Stable- Release Date: 25.11.2024
- Fixed
- Via USP configured VPN cannot be started without key transmission
- DNS requests are now routed correctly via VPN
Build 3.0.0
Build 3.0.0 Stable- Release Date: 15.11.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Maintenance / Security / Operating System
- Update OpenSSL
- Minimum iOS version upgraded to 15.5
- Feature
- VPN configuration via the USP In preparation for portal version 2.0
- Mobile Security profiles are now grayed out in the editor
- New app icon
- UI customizations
- Fixed
- If an active profile is missing, an unwanted error message is no longer displayed
- Server IPs are now resolved for IPv6 only
iOS-App Version 2
Build 2.3.2
Build 2.3.2 Stable- Release Date: 04.09.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Feature
- Log messages are now single-line when exported to make troubleshooting easier
- Log messages will be exported chronologically from top to bottom
- Fixed
- The iOS Widget will now be displayed correctly on iOS 17
- Username & password can now be saved while the other field is left empty
Build 2.3.1
Build 2.3.1 Stable- Release Date: 26.07.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Feature
- Log messages are now in one line to allow for easier troubleshooting
- Log messages now have a human-readable session ID
- Invalid managed profiles will now be automatically removed
- Fixed
- Inhibited possible crash in OpenVPN connection usage
- Removed issue regarding deletion on user name & password
Build 2.3.0
Build 2.3.0 Stable- Release Date: 26.06.2024
- Planned rollout time frame 7 days
- Feature
- Added differentiating icon to Mobile Security profiles in profile list
- Fixed
- Inhibited possible crash in OpenVPN connection usage
- Mitigated possible crash in handling of device stand-by
- Connection issues after device stand-by on macs
- Fixed failing import of certificates with unexpected new-line characters
Build 2.2.9
Build 2.2.9 Stable- Release Date: 19.04.2024
- Planned rollout time frame: 7 days
- Update
- OpenSSL 3.0.13
- Compatibility changes for iOS 17
- Fixed
- Improved spelling
- VPN connectivity check now asks for user name & password even if they were already entered
Build 2.2.8
Build 2.2.8 Stable- Release Date: 16.06.2023
- Planned rollout time frame: 7 days
- Active Profile is now displayed in the Dashboard
Build 2.2.7
Build 2.2.7 Stable- Release Date: 5.12.2022
- Fixed connection establishment issue
Build 2.2.6
Build 2.2.6 Stable- Release Date: 28.11.2022
- Fixed rare connection issues on iOS after standby mode.
Build 2.2.5
Build 2.2.5 Stable- Release Date: 13.07.2022
- Upload speed improvement
- NCP support
- Fixed connection establishment problems
Build 2.2.4
- In the profile editor you can now enter DNS servers yourself
- Possible connection loss when handover from WLAN to mobile data fixed
- Fixed an error when activating VPNs if a VPN was previously deleted in the operating system settings.
Build 2.2.3
- The app is now also available on M1 Macs running macOS.
- Customization of the bar colors for iOS 15
- Layout improvements for iOS 15
Build 2.2.2
- Feature: Widget that displays the current connection and status.
- Feature: On the diagnostics page there is now a test that shows the public IP.
- Fixed a bug with the VPN resume/pause switch.
- Bug fixed in cleaning up the error logs.
- Bug fixed in the submenus of the profile editor.
Build 2.2.1
- VPN connection problems with shared iPads fixed.
Build 2.2.0
- The exchange of packages has been optimized. This should lead to a significant performance improvement.
- When the VPN is in "connecting" or "disconnecting" status, then an activity indicator is displayed in the overview bar.
- Fixed a problem when the current time zone cannot be determined.
- Old logs are deleted when updating.
- Fixed possible crash when "Cancel" was clicked in VPN pause dialog.
Build 2.1.1
- Fixed DNS issues with connections that do not send all traffic through the VPN.
- DNS search domains are now converted correctly.
Build 2.1.0
- New feature: Graphical display of transferred data volume when VPN connection is active
- New feature: Connection errors are now displayed in the messages tab
Build 2.0.0
- Profile editor with revised layout and many new options
- Diagnostics with revised layout
iOS-App Version 1
Build 1.5.3
- Updated various components
- Bug fixed when importing VPN profiles manually
Build 1.5.2
- Feature: Exclude connected WLAN from VPN: More -> Settings -> Exclude connected WLAN from VPN.
Build 1.5.1
- Dark Mode support in iOS13
- UI bug fixed in iOS 13
- VPN is now terminated immediately if there is no internet connection anymore
- Diagnostic report improvements
Build 1.5.0
- OTP mode
- Diagnostic reports revised
- Different views
- Only device information
- The complete log (as before)
- Single connections
- For single connections errors are displayed directly in the overview
- Logging enable switch revised
- Different views
- Diagnostic function
- Reports connection type (WLAN/WWAN/No connection)
- Server reachability test
- Tests hostname resolution
- Tests server reachability
- VPN connection test
Build 1.4.3
- Fixed error when connection is terminated while connection establishment is in progress.
- Diagnostic report shows information about Internet availability
Build 1.4.2
- Connection establishment optimized
- Crash when closing a VPN connection fixed
- Diagnostic report logging performance improved and missing messages fixed
Build 1.4.1
- VPN connection establishment is now about 30% faster
- Bug fixed for own IPv6 routes
- Bug fixed for excluded IPv4 routes
- Redirect gateway flags selectable in profile details
Build 1.4.0
- New function: Edit profiles
- UI improvements
- UI bug with notch devices fixed
- Diagnostic report in the same layout as the rest of the app
- MTU range restricted
- Included routes configurable in the app
- Redirect gateway configurable in the app
- Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1b
Build 1.3.0
- Overview: Layout revised
- New messages tab: With easy to understand status messages
- Diagnostic report is now available under "More"
- Crash fixed during profile import
- Bug fixed with DNS servers that are pushed by the VPN server
Build 1.2.1
- VPN profiles can be imported as .zip.
- The app now has a folder in the "On my iPhone" section which can be accessed via the file browser.
- This folder can be accessed via iTunes or Apple Configurator2.
- Profiles from email attachments or download links can be saved to this folder.
- Performance improvements in the UI
Build 1.2.0
- Support for multiple profiles
- Profile details view
Build 1.1.2
- Fixed problem with excluding WLAN SSIDs
- Fixed problem with temporary pausing of VPN
- Many small UI improvements
- New app icon
Build 1.1.1
- Improved color selection in the user interface
Build 1.1.0
- Improved interface
- FAQ function
- Fix bug in diagnostic report which prevented refreshing when filtering
- Fix bug in "Pause VPN" notification
- Fix status bar color bug
MDM Toolbox
MDM Toolbox Version 1
Build 1.0.4
Build 1.0.4 Stable- Release Date: 26.02.2024
- Resolved unlikely crash in app dashboard
Build 1.0.3
Build 1.0.3 Stable- Release Date: 25.05.2023
- Feature: Updated design
- Fix: Removed dialog shown on devices with correct settings
- Feature: Integrated license view as native Android view
- Feature: Integrated Android 13's new notification permission
Build 1.0.2
Build 1.0.2 Stable- Release Date:
- Fix: Moved permission dialog in app flow
Build 1.0.1
Build 1.0.1 Stable- Release Date: 01.04.2022
- Fix: Resolved issue in app navigation
- Feature: Added flow for app hibernation exemption
Build 1.0.0
Build 1.0.0 Stable- Release Date: 31.01.2022
- First official Release:The MDM Toolbox enables the MDM Location Plugin to locate lost Android devices without Google-Account via our Unified Security Portal.
MDM Location Plugin
MDM Location Plugin Version 1
Build 1.0.3
Build 1.0.3 Stable- Release Date: 25.07.2024
- Planned rollout time frame: 7 days
- Feature
- Logs can now be deleted via the Toolbox
- Upload failures result in retry-uploads as soon as an internet connection is available
Build 1.0.2
Build 1.0.2 Stable- Release Date: 25.05.2023
- Feature: Updated design
- Fix: Improved location stability in bad connectivity situations
Build 1.0.1
Build 1.0.1 Stable- Release Date: 01.04.2022
- Fix: Resolved issue in app navigation
- Feature: Added flow for app hibernation exemption
Build 1.0.0
Build 1.0.0 Stable- Release Date: 01.04.2022
- First official Release:The MDM Location Plugin can locate lost Android devices without Google-Account via our Unified Security Portal.