Last adaption: 11.2024
notemptyThis article refers to a Resellerpreview
Before commissioning
Software and Server
Where does the software come from? Do you have to operate your own server?- Answer
Securepoint Mobile Security is a cloud service provided by Securepoint.
Android and Apple mobile devices communicate exclusively with Apple and Google servers, which are addressed by us.
No proprietary software or hardware is required or possible.
Android and Apple mobile devices communicate exclusively with Apple and Google servers, which are addressed by us.
No proprietary software or hardware is required or possible.
MDM and Mobile Security
What is the difference between MDM and mobile security?- Answer
- Mobile Device Management (MDM) is device management, app installation, and setting the device settings
- Mobile Security (MobSec) is all this PLUS the VPN tunnel to our data center with encrypted communication & content filtering
Recommended Android devices
What Android devices are recommended?- Answer
All devices > Android 7 are officially supported. Securepoint cannot make a direct recommendation here due to the large variety of devices in the Android ecosystem. However, Google provides a collection of devices that have been certified for the API we use:
Move device
Can devices be moved from one client to another?- Answer
No, this is not possible fir iOs or Android.
Delete device
How are devices deleted?- Answer
- The corresponding device tile is selected via Operations tab to reset the device. and the button is clicked in the
- Then delete the corresponding tile when the device reports that it is logged out.
- Android devices are reseted by deleting the device tile.
Windows devices
Can Windows devices also be controlled with the MDM?- Answer
No. MDM can only be used to control devices with the iOS, iPadOS, tvOS or Android operating systems. No Windows.
Can .apk-Files be installed on an Android device?- Answer
- Device integrity is lost
- No real control over the device
- No update channel
- No integrity check of the app by the app store
Basically yes, but the use of APK files on the devices is strongly discouraged. The following problems may occur:
Updates of apps
How are app updates carried out?- Answer
- The device is connected to a WLAN.
- The device is charging.
- The device is inactive (i.e. not being actively used).
- The app to be updated is not running in the foreground. Google Play normally checks for app updates once a day. It can therefore take up to 24 hours for an app to be added to the update queue. It will then be updated automatically as soon as the above conditions are met.
- Apps: Apps are installed automatically every day if the device is registered in the app store. If an installation command for an app is send to a device from the portal and this app is already installed, an app update is carried out immediately.
- VPP apps: VPP apps are automatically checked for updates every night and pushed to the devices regardless of the WWAN connection used by the devices. This can be deactivated globally in the portal under Automatic app updates.
Android: By default, apps are updated automatically if the following conditions are met:
Contact from iOS devices
What does Contact mean for iOS devices?- Answer
The integrated iOS devices do not establish independent contact with the portal by default. Contact in the device tile refers to the last time a command is send to the device from the portal and the device has confirmed receipt of the command.
iOS devices without AppleID
Can iOS devices also be used without an AppleID?- Answer
Devices can be operated without AppleID without any problems. This requires the full integration of DEP & VPP. This is the operating mode recommended by Securepoint. Further instructions can be found in our Wiki.
iOS devices do not respond
What to do with iOS devices that do not respond?- Answer
- It must be ensured that the devices are switched on and connected to the Internet.
- If there is a connection to the Internet, please ensure that communication is not hindered or restricted.
- If necessary, use an access point from a smartphone
- Check Apple Push certificate
- Encrypts the connection between the portal and the devices
- Must be renewed annually
- If a new certificate is imported during renewal instead of renewing the old certificate, you will lose communication with the devices that use the old certificate.
- Compare whether the Apple Push certificate in the portal and on the device are the same:
- Apple Push Certificate click on the button Update, there under 2. under Here is a list of your last uploads the certificates under UID at
- Device | Settings | General | VPN and device management | Securepoint MDM | More details | Mobile Device Management | Topic
- These two values must be identical.
- If the values are not identical, a new certificate has been uploaded to the portal, which means that the devices can no longer be accessed. The old certificate must be renewed and uploaded again. Devices that have been enrolled with the new certificate must then be re-enrolled.
- If the devices cannot be reached despite the correct certificate:
- Is the communication interrupted by a faulty VPN tunnel?
- Is the firewall blocking the communication?
- Hosts and networks that must be accessible:, portal.securepoint.cloud, dns-001.securepoint.de, ios.securepoint.cloud
- Ports that must not be blocked: 53, 80, 123, 443, 2197, 5223
Website in the stats
Why is not every visit to a website included in the statistics?- Answer
Mobile Security must be used for the statistics. The statistics count calls to the proxy. Data cached by the browser does not appear here.
Streaming services with VPN security function
Why do streaming services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video not work when the VPN security function is active?- Answer
Streaming services generally use IP-based geo-blocking to comply with the right to use the content.
If VPN is active, the actual IP address of the dial-in and thus the geographical assignment is not visible to the streaming provider.
DEP profiles: next commissioning
What does the display mean for DEP profiles: Will not be applied until the next commissioning?- Answer
The DEP profiles determine the dialogs that are displayed in the installation wizard when the iOS device is started up. To ensure that these are used correctly, they must be assigned before the device is initialized for the first time.
Terms and conditions in the VPN app
Why do the terms and conditions in the VPN app have to be explicitly accepted by the user?- Answer
Both Apple and Google require users to be informed about the use of the data or to give their consent before a VPN service can be used.
Privacy considerations in MDM location tracking
Are there privacy risks for users when tracking device locations (activation of Lost Mode)- Answer
- a) Full Management: Devices are the property of the company, private apps and data are prohibited (COBO - company owned, business only)
- Mobile devices can generally, without exception, be located only if location tracking is activated by an administrator. Upon activation, only the specific location at the time of tracking is logged.
- For each tracking instance, users automatically and immediately receive a notification on the affected device, ensuring that covert tracking is not possible.
- b) Partial Management: Devices are the property of the company, private apps and data are permitted (COPE - company owned, personal enabled)
- The same principles as under a) apply, with the exception that the user's consent on the end device is additionally required before location tracking can be activated via ther portal.
- c) Private end devices with apps and data for work purposes (BYOD - Bring your own device)
- Tracking is not possible for private devices that are used for business purposes.
The primary purpose of tracking mobile devices is to determine their location in specific situations, such as in cases of loss or theft. User privacy interests were carefully considered in the design phase to prevent potential covert tracking, like creating movement profiles (Privacy by Design and Default). It is imporant to distinguish between: