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This article shows the compatibility of iOS and Android devices and browsers with Securepoint Mobile Security.
Last adaption: 05.2024
  • Note that Android and iOS devices must not be rooted
  • Condensed presentation of technical compatibility with iOS
  • There is general browser compatibility
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Compatibilities iOS

Compatibilities iOS

The compatibility between iOS and Securepoint Mobile Security is always tested on current devices. Securepoint Mobile Security is compatible with iOS / iPadOS 8 and higher.

The device must not be rooted!

iOS / iPadOS Version Mobile Security Remark
≤7 Technologically not compatible
8 - 11 This operating system is no longer provided with security updates. We strongly advise against its use.
12 Technologically compatible, but not all functions are supported by the operating system.
13 Technologically compatible, but not all functions are supported by the operating system.
≥14 Technologically compatible
  • The latest version is required to use all functions.

  • Compatibilities Android

    Compatibilities Android

    Compatibility of Android versions with Securepoint Mobile Security:

    The device must not be rooted!

    Android Version Mobile Security Remark
    ≤6 Technologically not compatible
    ≥7 All devices from Android 7.0 with access to the Google Play Api are supported
    This excludes, for example, newer devices from Huawei that do not have access to Google Play!

  • Due to the large number of different manufacturers and operating system versions we can not guarantee 100% compatibility. Devices that are not explicitly recommended by Google can work. We cannot guarantee a solution for problems with unlisted devices.
  • recommended devices Mobile Security and MDM is compatible with the devices recommended by Google. The current list of compatible devices can be found at https://androidenterprisepartners.withgoogle.com/devices/#

    Compatibilities Browser

    Compatibilities Browser

    Securepoint Unified Security is compatible with all common and current browsers.