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Maintaining master data in the reseller portal for the "Partner finder" homepage function

New article: 02.2023(3.19)

  • Concretisation: Availability of data on the next work day
Last updated: 
This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: my.securepoint.de Resellerportal Partnerfinder Contact maintenance


Partners can use the new menu item Partner search Contact maintenance in the reseller portal to maintain their data for the partner finder themselves and to store additional locations in the partner finder.

User roles and permissions

Access to this function is given by default to the main user of the business account.

RSP Partnersuche-Kontaktpflege Benutzer-en.png

The main user is marked with a crown icon in the Resellerportal under Resellerportal Users.

Add user permissions

RSP Partnersuche-Kontaktpflege Benutzer Rolle-en.png

The main user can grant another user the permissions needed for this purpose.

  • Under Resellerportal Users click on for the desired user
  • In the Role section, click in the box and click on Partnerfinder Contact maintenance
  • Changes   Save

Partnerfinder Contact maintenance

In the menu Resellerportal Partnerfinder Contact maintenance you can view the existing contacts. You can also search for specific contacts using the search function.

Add contact

In order to add a new contact, the  Add contact button is clicked.

Caption Value Description RSP Partnersuche-Kontaktpflege Kontakt-hinzufügen-en.png
Contact name Anyideas Contact details as they should be publicly visible in the partner search on the Securepoint homepage.
Street address Sample Street 123
Postal code 21339
City Sample City
Country Germany
Email address kontakt@anyideas.de
Phone number +49 4131 2401-0 The phone number for contact. The phone number must start with the international country code (e.g. +49, +1).
Website www.anyideas.de The website for the contact
Click the  Save button to save the entry.
The newly added contact is available on the website no earlier than the next working day

Edit/delete contact

For existing contacts, two buttons exist under Actions:

Allows to edit the contact.
A window similar to Add contact will open.
Changes to contact information are available on the website no earlier than the next working day
Allows to delete the contact