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Unified Security Console overview dashboard

New article with version: 1.21

This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Access: portal.securepoint.cloud  Unified Security Console Dashboards


The dashboard provides an overview of the current status of the existing UTMs.
For resellers, there is a dashboard view of all their clients.

All clients

To access the dashboard view of all clients, log in to the portal as a reseller. Select the reseller client  Anyideas in the upper left selection button.
The dashboard for all clients is then displayed under  Unified Security Console Dashboards All clients .
USC 1.21 Dashboard Alle-Mandanten full-en.png

Device overview

An overview of the number of UTMs, which are online and which are offline across all clients.

Firmware distribution

An overview of the firmware distribution of the UTMs of all clients is also displayed.


The established UTMs of all clients under  Unified Security Console UTMs with their device information and status are displayed.
Options Shows the tags that are displayed in the UTM table.
Per Default active are Client, UTM, Hostname, Version, Updates, Model, Tags, Connected, License, Last contact and Actions.
All The search filter can be selected.
Other filters are the tags mentioned above.
Search The search runs automatically when an entry is made.
In the Actions column, a web session can be started for an active, connected UTM.
To do this, click on the  Websession button. The icon { describes that access to the web session requires a login.


The licenses set up under  General Licenses are displayed with the following details:
  • Clients
  • License
  • Status
  • ID
  • Type
Options Shows the tags that are displayed in the license table.
Per default active all details are active.
All The search filter can be selected
Other filters are the tags mentioned above
Search The search runs automatically when an entry is made

My Unified Security Console

To access the dashboard view of your own client, log in to the portal. Select the client  TTT-Point from the top left selection button.

The client's dashboard is then displayed under  Unified Security Console Dashboards My Unified Security Console .

USC 1.21 Dashboard full-en.png

Device overview

An overview of the number of UTMs, which are online and which are offline.

Firmware distribution

An overview of the firmware distribution of the UTMs is also displayed.


The UTMs set up under  Unified Security Console UTMs with their device information and status are displayed.
Options Shows the tags that are displayed in the UTM table.
Per Default active are Client, UTM, Hostname, Version, Updates, Model, Tags, Connected, License, Last contact and Actions.
All The search filter can be selected.
Other filters are the tags mentioned above.
Search The search runs automatically when an entry is made.
In the Actions column, a web session can be started for an active, connected UTM.
To do this, click on the  Websession button. The icon { describes that access to the web session requires a login.


The licenses set up under  General Licenses are displayed with the following details:
  • Clients
  • License
  • Status
  • ID
  • Type
Options Shows the tags that are displayed in the license table.
Per default active all details are active.
All The search filter can be selected
Other filters are the tags mentioned above
Search The search runs automatically when an entry is made