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{{var | 1=Status--desc

       | 2=Grüne Kontroll-Lampe bei einwandfreier Funktion. Zusätzliche Hinweise beim hovern: Die Anwendung 'Alerting Center' ist aktiviert.
Die Anwendung 'Mailrelay' ist aktiviert.
Weitere Informationen können im Anwendungsstatus-Dialog gefunden werden.

Siehe auch das Wiki für das Mailrelay. | 3=Green control lamp when functioning properly. Additional notes when hovering: The 'Alerting Centre' application is activated.
The 'Mailrelay' application is activated.
Further information can be found in the application status dialogue.


Function, setup and configuration of the Alerting Center

Last adaptation to the version: 12.5.0

This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
→ Alerting Center 


The Alerting Center automatically sends e-mails with log events. This sets up monitoring of log events and simplifies monitoring. Error messages can be forwarded to the admin before a malfunction occurs or a malfunction can be detected more quickly.

The Alerting Center is always active by default as soon as a valid e-mail address has been entered and the mail relay has been configured correctly.
The Alerting Center sends notifications by e-mail to the global e-mail address.
There are

  • Immediate reports that are sent immediately when an event occurs, and
  • Regular reports that are sent in a fixed period of time.
Priority groups can be assigned to different events


For the Alerting Center to be able to send messages, the Mailrelay must be configured.
If no own mail server or no fixed public IP address is available, a Smarthost can be configured in the menu → Applications →Mailrelay.


Menu Item → Alerting Center 


Caption Default: Description UTM v12.4 Alertingcenter Allgemein-en.png
Alerting Center - General
Recipient: admin@ttt-point.de Here must be a valid mail address.
This is displayed in the menu → Network →Server SettingsTab Appliance settingsglobal email address.
Sender spalertd@firewall.ttt-point.local The sender address can be freely configured.
The default is spalertd@firewallname

Immediate email report

Enabled: Yes Immediate e-mail reports are sent by default UTM v12.4 Alerting Center Umgehender E-Mail Bericht-en.png
UTM v12.4 Alerting Center Umgehender E-Mail Bericht-en.png
Alternative recipient:     Here, an alternative recipient can be entered
Notification types: Level 5 - Urgent warning
Level 6 - Error
Level 7 - Critical
Level 8 - Alert
Level 9 - Emergency
Further priority groups can be selected in the click box.

If an event occurs or a threshold value associated with this group is exceeded, an e-mail is immediately sent.

1. Level 1 - Debug 6. Level 6 - Error
2. Level 2 - Info 7. Level 7 - Critical
3. Level 3 - Notice 8. Level 8 - Alert
4. Level 4 - Warning 9. Level 9 - Emergency
5. Level 5 - Urgent warning
  1. Level 1 - Debug
  2. Level 2 - Info
  3. Level 3 - Notice
  4. Level 4 - Warning
  5. Level 5 - Urgent warning
  6. Level 6 - Error
  7. Level 7 - Critical
  8. Level 8 - Alert
  9. Level 9 - Emergency
Limit: 10Link= Reports Immediate reports for the same error within a time frame
Time frame: 60Link= Minutes Period after which reports are sent again until the maximum number is reached.

Regular email report

Enabled: Yes Regular email reports are sent by default.
This only happens if any event with a log level has occurred. Otherwise, no report will be sent. If a report is desired nevertheless, this can be realized via the Unified Security Report.
UTM v12.4 Alerting Center Regelmässiger E-Mail Bericht-en.png
Alerting Center - Regular mail report
Alternative recipient:     Here, an alternative recipient can be entered
Notification types: Level 2 - Info
Level 3 - Notice
Level 4 - Warning
Level 5 - Urgent warning
Level 6 - Error
Level 7 - Critical
Level 8 - Alert
Level 9 - Emergency
In the click box further priority groups can be selected or deselected.
Events configured with these syslog groups are listed in a regularly sent mail.
Date: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
08 : 30
Click on the days of the week to select or deselect them.

HTTP Request

HTTP Request
Enabled: No By default disabled.
If enabled, HTTP requests can be sent. Thereby, the alerting centre transmits an HTTP request to a defined address with defined content.
UTM v12.4 Alertingcenter HTTP Request-en.png
Alerting Center - HTTP Request
Notification types:     The notification types can be selected in the click box.
Content:     This is where the content is determined, and the structure should look like this:

<init> URL=xxx METHOD=xxx CONTENT_TYPE=xxx <body> My message. </body> </init>

Definition Placeholder
Status/Severity @@SEVERITY@@
Date and time @@DATE@@
Source @@SOURCE@@
general message @@MESSAGE@@
collectd spezifisch
current value @@CURRENT_VALUE@@
Instanz/Plugin @@INSTANCE@@
set limit @@LIMIT@@
Duration of the boundary crossing @@OVER_LIMIT@@
syslog specific
Log message programme @@PROGRAMM@@
Group of patterns found @@GROUP@@
Group message @@GROUP_MSG@@
Pattern name @@PATTERN@@
Message of the Pattern @@PATTERN_MSG@@
Log ID of the log message @@LOG_ID@@

Showcase with a paid service that can in turn forward the messages to a mobile phone app.
<init> URL=https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json METHOD=POST CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded <body> token=xxx&user=xxx&message=Created with Template Datum: @@DATE@@ Quelle: @@SOURCE@@ Schwere: @@SEVERITY@@ Nachricht: @@MESSAGE@@ Weitere Informationen: (Collectd) Aktueller Wert: @@CURRENT_VALUE@@ Instance: @@INSTANCE@@ Grenzwert: @@LIMIT@@ Überschritten seit: @@OVER_LIMIT@@ (Syslog) Programm: @@PROGRAM@@ Gruppe: @@GROUP@@ Gruppen-Nachricht: @@GROUP_MSG@@ Pattern-Name: @@PATTERN@@ Pattern-Nachricht: @@PATTERN_MSG@@ Log-ID: @@LOG_ID@@ </body> </init>

  • Eine Test-Benachrichtigung kann man am einfachsten absetzen, indem man den Schwellenwert 1 für Speicherplatz (DF) auf 99% setzt und "Level 4 - Warnung" und/oder "Level 6 - Fehler" über den HTTP-Request anzeigen lässt.

  • Nach dem Test muss der Wert für Speicherplatz (DF) wieder auf den ursprünglichen Wert zurückgesetzt werden.
  • Notifications

    There are two different groups of notifications:

    Threshold controlled notifications

    These values can be specified:
    Name: CPU 0 utilization user (CPU_0_User) Name of the respective notification type UTM v12.2.3 AlertingCenter CPU-en.png
    Example of threshold-driven notification
    Toleranced exceedance of threshold values: 60 Minutes Accepted duration of the overrun
    First notification level
    Notification type: Level 3 - Notice (Regularly) Select the desired notification type
    Threshold Value: 70 %CPU
    Utilization or higher
    Value from which this level is reached
    Second notification level
    Notification type: Level 4 - Warning (Regularly) Select the desired notification type
    Threshold Value: 90 %CPU
    Utilization or higher
    Value from which this level is reached

    Name: Toleranced exceedance of threshold values:
    Threshold Value: 1
    Notification type: Severity-Level
    Threshold Value: 2
    Notification type: Severity-Level
    • CPU 0 utilization user
    60 Minutes 70 % CPU utilization or higher
    Level 3 - Notice
    Level 4 - Warning
    • CPU 0 utilization system
    60 Minutes 70 % CPU utilization or higher
    Level 3 - Notice
    Level 4 - Warning
    • if required further CPUs
    ... ... ...
    240 Minutes Hard disk temperature rises to 60°C or higher
    Level 4 - Warning
    Level 6 - Error
    • LOAD
      Number of processes that are to be processed simultaneously.
    60 Minutes 1.5 load average (5 minutes) or higher.

    Average value of the last 5 minutes.
    Ideally, the load per processor should not exceed 1.

    Level 4 - Warning

    Level 5 - Urgent warning
    • Mailrelay (MAILQUEUE)
    240 Minutes 100 e-mails or more could not be processed yet and are in the mail queue
    Level 4 - Warning
    1000 E-Mails
    Level 6 - Error
    • Interface eth0 (INTERFACE_eth0)
    0 Minutes 20000 bytes / second or more
    Level 0 - No message
    200000 Bytes
    Level 0 - No message
    • All other existing interfaces and tunnels
    ... ... ...
    • Disk space (DF)
    0 Minutes 20 % free disk space or less
    Level 4 - Warning
    Level 5 - Urgent warning

    Event-based notifications

    For event-based notifications, a Syslog Priority Group is directly assigned to the Notification Type. UTM v12.2.3 AlertingCenter DSL-en.png
    Evident-based notification example

    Name: Message: Default Syslog Group:
    ACME Errors Error messages for ACME certificates Level 6 - Error
    ACME Information ACME certificate messages Level 3 - Notice
    AD/LDAP Connection problems to Active Directory or LDAP server. Level 4 - Warning
    Cloud-Backup Regular cloud backup failed. Level 6 - Error
    Cluster Switch Cluster: Switching between MASTER and BACKUP. Level 8 - Alert
    Connection Tracking The maximum number of Conntrack entries has been reached Level 7 - Critical
    DBUS Rule Policy DBUS security violation detected. Level 7 - Critical
    DSL_VDSL Dial-up problem over DSL or VDSL. Level 4 - Warning
    DynDNS-Client Account Account error message of the DynDNS client. Level 4 - Warning
    DynDNS-Client Host Host error message of the DynDNS client. Level 4 - Warning
    DynDNS-Client Server Server error message of the DynDNS client. Level 4 - Warning
    Fallback-Interface Fallback interface activated/deactivated. Level 7 - Critical
    Firmware Updates Firmware update messages Level 2 - Info
    Firmware Update Error notempty
    New as of v12.5
    Firmware update error messages Level 6 - Error
    GeoIP Objects Notifications from the GeoIP service Level 4 - Warning
    GeoIP Update GeoIP databases were updated. Level 2 - Info
    GeoIP Update Error Error updating the GeoIP databases. Databases were reset to their previous state. Level 4 - Warning
    HTTP-Proxy Workers HTTP-Proxy: No more worker processes.
    For load balancing, the HTTP proxy squid outsources its services to worker processes. When all worker processes are terminated, the HTTP proxy no longer runs.
    Level 6 - Error
    IPS Blocking Blocked IP address messages due to incorrect logon Level 4 - Warning
    License Error License error messages Level 6 - Error
    License Information License information messages. Level 3 - Notice
    Mail Scanner Mail scanner has detected a virus Level 6 - Error
    Mailconnector Authentication Mailconnector authentication problem to the e-mail provider Level 6 - Error
    Mailconnector Fetch Mailconnector rejects an e-mail due to message size Level 4 - Warning
    Mailrelay Greylist Pass-All Mode Failed to reset greylisting database, greylisting module will be bypassed (deactivated). Level 7 - Critical
    Mailrelay Greylist Reset Failed to load greylisting database, greylisting database will be reset. Level 4 - Warning
    Mandatory Access Control (MAC) Security breach detected (MAC) Level 7 - Critical
    Network Interface Changes Change of a network interface detected. Level 4 - Warning
    Shutdown Detection Unclean shutdown detected Level 7 - Critical
    Spam Filter Cloud Spam Filter can not connect to cloud Level 4 - Warning
    Squid Virus Scanner Squid (HTTP-Proxy) has detected a virus Level 6 - Error
    SSL_VPN Authentication failed with SSL VPN Cert&Auth Level 4 - Warning
    Threat Intelligence Filter - FORWARD Forwarding to an IP address prevented by Threat Intelligence Filter Level 8 - Alert
    Threat Intelligence Filter - OUTPUT Calling an IP address prevented by Threat Intelligence Filter Level 8 - Alert
    Threat Intelligence Filter - INPUT External access from an IP address prevented by Threat Intelligence Filter Level 8 - Alert
    New as of v12.5
    USC PIN Block
    An incorrect USC PIN was entered multiple times for authentication on the UTM. Authentication via a PIN is thus blocked. Unlock the PIN in the UTM by authenticating yourself at the UTM with username and password (and OTP if necessary). Level 7 - Critical
    New as of v12.5
    USC PIN Mismatch
    The verification of the USC PIN for authentication at the UTM failed. Level 6 - Error

    The settings are concluded with Save.


    Notifications are now sent to the specified mail address at the configured times and system states.
    The subject of the messages is structured as follows: Subject:Alerting-Center (firewall-name): Report type. Where this means:

    • Report → Regular report
    • Error / Critical / Alert / Emergency → Syslog severity level of an immediate report

    In the report the messages are first sorted by syslog level and then by date/time

    Example for Immediate email report
    Example for regular email report


    If the Alerting Center function is not desired, the service can be deactivated:

    Menu → Applications →Application Status Entry Alerting Center (spalertd) Button: ■ Stop

    This setting is saved and is kept even after a restart.