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Create PPPoE connection for ADSL modem connection
Last adaptation to the version: 12.6.0
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

PPPoE 12.5.1 VLAN v12.2 PPPoE 12.2 PPPoE 11.7

Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
Network Network configuration  Area Network interfaces

  • Please refer to the separate Error Analysis article

  • Requirements

    Network configuration UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnNetwork Datei:UTM v12.6 PPPoE Voraussetzungen-en.pngNetwork configuration with free interface A0 Required are:

    • an unused Ethernet interface to connect to a modem
    • one free SFP interface for direct connection to a fiber optic line
      new as of v12.5
      (As of version 12.5, the VLAN ID can also be specified in the PPPoE wizard.)
    • corresponding zones
  • access data of the Internet provider
    Please make sure that the person with the login credentials is available at the time of installation.

  • Create PPPoE interface

    The wizard is called up with the PPPoE/VDSL button, both for connection to a modem and for connection to a fiber optic connection.

    Name and Interface

    Step 1 - Name and Interface
    Caption Value Description Add interface UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnNetworkNetwork configuration UTM v12.6 PPPoE Anlegen Schritt1-en.pngPPPoE wizard step 1
    Name: wan0
  • The prefix wanx should be kept at all costs. The prefix wan is used to identify this interface as a WAN interface and, possibly, displayed or hidden in selection menus.
  • Interface: A0 The physical interface to which the PPPoE interface is to be bound.
    PPPoE for VDSL/fiber:
    Off On Must be enabled to specify a VLAN ID for VDSL or fiber connections.
    VLAN ID:

    Only with VDSL/fiber optics
    7Link= The VLAN ID is usually specified by the network operator

    Login Details

    Step 2 - Login Details
    User name: abcde Access data issued by the provider UTM v12.6 PPPoE Anlegen Schritt2-en.png
    PPPoE wizard step 2
    Password: •••••••••
    Displays the password in plain text


    Step 3 - Zones
    Zones: »external »firewall-external »external_v6 etc. The wizard automatically takes over all zones of the physical interface.
    The zones are no longer needed there. The physical interface (here: A0) is only used for communication between the firewall and the modem.
    However, it is possible to manually select previously created zones in the click box and remove existing ones.
    UTM v12.6 PPPoE Anlegen Schritt3-en.png
    PPPoE wizard step 3 (zones)
    Add new zone No Automatically adds a new zone and associates it with the WAN interface.
    The associated zone for the interface itself (firewall-) is automatically generated and does not need to be specified.
    dmz3 if necessary: Name for the new zone
    Generate rules: No Creates autogenerated rules to facilitate commissioning. These rules cannot be changed and must be replaced by individual rules in any case.
    Update associated network objects: notempty
    new as of v12.6.0
    on If an existing zone has been selected, all network objects that are already in this zone and have an interface as a target are moved to the new interface.
    Complete the wizard with Finish
    As soon as the status in the network overview changes to green and a public IP address is output in the IP addresses field of the PPPoE interface, the connection to the provider has been successfully established. Network configuration UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnNetworkNetwork UTM v12.6 PPPoE Anlegen Abgeschlossen-en.pngNetwork interfaces with PPPoE

    Create default route

    A default route must be created for this connection:
    Network Network Configuration  Area Routing Button Add Default Route
    Caption Value Description Add Default-Route UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnNetworkNetwork configuration UTM v12.6 PPPoE Default Route anlegen-en.pngCreate default route
    Gateway Type: Interface Set to Interface to be able to select an interface.
    Gateway wan0 Select the desired interface.
    Closing dialog with the button.
    Default route for IPv4.
    If necessary, another default route for IPv6 must be created.
    Network configuration UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnNetwork UTM v12.6 PPPoE Default Route anlegen Abgeschlossen-en.pngRouting with PPPoE

    Network objects and packet filter rules

    If not available, corresponding Network objects

    Name Address Zone
    Interface.svg external-interface firewall-external
    World.svg internet external

    and port filter rules must be created.

    # Source Destination Service NAT Action Active
    Dragndrop.png Network.svg internal-network Network.svg internet Service-group.svg default-internet HN ACCEPT on