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Global settings of the UTM
Last adaptation to the version: 12.6.0
Last updated: 
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

12.2 11.6.12 11.7

Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
Network Appliance Settings  Area Appliance Settings

Caption Value Description Appliance Settings UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnNetwork UTM v12.6 Servereinstellungen Uebersicht-en.pngAppliance Settings


Firewall Name:     Full Qualified Domain Name-Compliant firewall name.
Here you can define how the UTM responds to requests.
If the mail relay is to be used, it may be useful to enter the FQDN of the mail exchange (MX) here so that other mail servers can match it using the reverse resolution of the PTR resource record (PTR).

Read out:
extc global get variable "GLOB_HOSTNAME"
extc global set variable "GLOB_HOSTNAME" value "utm.firma.local"

Global contact person:     This field is used to enter the name of the administrator or organization that will later be specified in the UTM error messages for queries.
Global email address:     An email address is entered here to which mails can be sent that otherwise cannot be delivered.
Otherwise, undeliverable mails remain on the hard disk space, which can lead to the fact that the available space is no longer sufficient at some point and no more mails will be accepted.
As of version v12.4.2 have an email address has to be stored here.
Otherwise the mail connector and proxy will not start!
A global email address will be requested when logging in.


The global email address is also the postmaster address for the mail relay.

Read out:
extc global get variable "GLOB_ADMIN_EMAIL"
extc global set variable "GLOB_ADMIN_EMAIL" value "utm-admin@ttt-point.de"

Report language: German Language in which UTM reports are sent.
Alternatively to choose: English


Check Nameserver prior to local cache: Off (Default) On Ein activation, the name servers entered here will check the name resolution before the local cache of the UTM.
Primary Nameserver:

Secondary Nameserver:

The IP addresses of two external name servers to which the UTM should forward the DNS queries can be entered here.
  • DNS servers that can be reached via the external interface should be entered here.
  • notempty
    Please do not enter a DNS server from your own internal network.

    Time Settings

    Time Settings
    Current Date: 2020-20-32 25:00:20 The current time can also be entered manually.
    Refreshes the display.
  • In the interaction of servers, VPN connections and especially with OTP authentication, it is important that all components are synchronized in time.
  • NTP-Server: ntp.securepoint.de The required NTP server can be entered here.
    Timezone: Europe/Berlin Correct time zone


  • If the port for the admin or the user interface is set to a well known port (ports 0-1023), access by the browser can be blocked!
    Access may still be possible:
    • The start of e.g. Google Chrome or Edge is done with the start parameter --explicitly-allowed-ports=xyz.
    • For Firefox, a string variable with the value of the port to be released is created in the configuration (about:config in the address bar) under network.security.ports.banned.override.
    • It is possible to create a temporary policy for chromium-based browsers to allow its use.
      This is strongly discouraged for safety reasons!
  • Error message in Chome / Edge: ERR_UNSAFE_PORT
  • Error message in Firefox: Error: Port blocked for security reasons
  • Administration Webinterface Port: 11115Link= Port to reach the administration interface (which is used e.g. to display the web page shown in the image. In delivery state:
    User Webinterface Port: 443Link= Port to reach the user interface. This is used for example to access filtered mails and VPN configurations.
    The user interface port must be changed if port 443 (HTTPS) is used for the reverse proxy.

    The user interface port must be changed if port 443 (HTTPS) is forwarded.
    Certificate:     Without a dedicated selected certificate, the default certificate of the UTM is used, which was issued by the default CA: firewall.foo.local
    If the UTM should be recognized by the browser with a valid certificate, proceed as follows:
    1. Create a CA ( Authentication Certificates  Area CA Button Add CA)
    2. Export the public part of the CA
    3. Create Certificate (Certificates Button Add Certificate
      1. Select the CA that was exported in step 2 as the CA
      2. Alias DNS FQDN - Name of the UTM , as in Network Firewall  Area Server Settings section
        field firewall name: entered
        Multiple entries are possible!
      3. AliasIP IP Address IP address under which UTM can be reached.
        Several entries are possible in each case!
    4. Select the just created certificate under Network Server Settings  Area Server Settings Section
    5. Import the exported CA in the browser as a certificate authority
  • It is also possible to use ACME certificates.
  • Advanced Settings

    Advanced Settings
    Maximum Active Connections: 32000Link= Maximum number of active connections to the UTM.
    This includes:
    • Web interface
    • SMTP
    • SSH
    Last-Rule-Logging: SHORT - Log three entries per minute The Last-Rule-Logging setting controls the number of messages that are written to the Syslog.
    • NONE - Do not log
    • SHORT - Log three entries per minute
    Only the first three log messages per minute are displayed.
    • LONG - Log everything
    We recommend to leave the setting at short.