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Creating and using packet filter rules, network objects, services and time profiles

Last adaptation to the version: 14.0.1(01.2025)

This article refers to a Resellerpreview
Access: UTM-IP:Port or UTM-URL:Port
Port as configured at Network / Appliance Settings / Webserver
Default-Port: 11115
i.e.: https://utm.ttt-point.de:11115
Firewall Packetfilter

  • The port filter was renamed the packet filter in version 12.6, which corresponds much better to its mode of operation.
    The function and arrangement in the menu has remained identical.

  • In version, iptables temporarily becomes the default rule engine again.
    For test purposes, iptables can be replaced by nftables.
    Nftables offers more flexibility and more up-to-date kernel support and was developed as a replacement for iptables.
    system rule_engine set value "nftables"
    system rule_engine set value "iptables"

  • Packet filter Description

    Packet filter UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewall Packet filter Log Update Rules UTM v12.8.0 Paketfilter Uebersicht-en.png The packet filter controls the data traffic that passes through the UTM.

    • All network packets that pass through the UTM are filtered and only forwarded based on packet filter rules.
    • Thereby, it is irrelevant whether the destination address and source address of the packet are in the same network, in another, local network or in the Internet and a local network.
    • Based on the source IP, destination IP and service used, the rules are checked from top to bottom.
      The sequential number before a rule # indicates the order of rulecreation and is permanently retained. It does not indicate the order in which the rule is processed!
    • A rule that has been created can be subsequently moved in the order by holding down the mouse button on the icon Dragndrop.png.
  • If an exception is to be created for a rule, the (more specific) exception must first be defined and only then the more general rule.
    If the exception rule applies to a package, the specified action is carried out and the packet filter is terminated.
    If the exception rule does not apply, the more general rule is then checked.
    If this rule then applies, the action specified there is executed.

  • If no applicable rule exists for a data packet, the packet is discarded Default Drop
  • A packet filter rule contains several elements:

    Packet filter rule

    • The basic structure of a rule is :
      Source → Target → Service → Action
    • With copy rulesrules can be copied. The Add Rule dialogue opens with a copy of the respective rule.
    • Logging can be changed directly in the overview for individual rules or rule groups (see section Logging

      UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar4.png
      ) and notempty
      New from v14.0:
      with the button Packetfilter Log for the individual rules or with
      Packetfilter Log
      for all rules.
  • Logging is based on the log attribute and not on the ID, which is not guaranteed to be unique and may therefore result in incorrectly displayed logging entries.
  • Typical examples: # Source Destination Service NAT Logging Action Cloud Active
    The Internet should be accessible from the internal network Dragndrop.png 7 Network.svg internal-network World.svg internet Service-group.svg default-internet HN
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar1.png
    Accept On
    The dmz1 network should be accessible for all services from the internal network. Dragndrop.png 8 Network.svg internal-network Network.svg dmz1-network Other.svg any
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar1.png
    Accept On
    A server in the internal network is to be accessible from outside via ssh Dragndrop.png 9 World.svg internet Network.svg internal-network Tcp.svg ssh DN ➞
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar2.png
    Accept On
    The Internet should be accessible from the internal network, but no ftp should be enabled! Dragndrop.png 10 Network.svg internal-network World.svg internet Tcp.svg ftp
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar2.png
    Drop On
    Dragndrop.png 7 Network.svg internal-network World.svg internet Service-group.svg default-internet HN
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar3.png
    Accept On
  • The packet filter is processed from top to bottom. If a rule applies, the check of the set of rules is terminated and the configured action is executed. Therefore, the prohibition of ftp must be before the general permission rule. A rule that has been created can be moved to the icon Dragndrop.png with drag and drop and placed specifically in the order.
  • Wenn eine Regel über die VPN Konfiguration erstellt wurde, wird dies in der Spalte Cloud-verwaltet mit gezeigt. Diese Regeln können nicht kopiert, bearbeitet oder gelöscht werden. Dragndrop.png Node-group.svg LG2-internal-networks Network.svg vpn-netzwerk Service-group.svg default-internet
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar1.png
    Dragndrop.png Network.svg vpn-netzwerk Node-group.svg LG2-internal-networks Other.svg LG2-any-service
    UTM v12.7 Paketfilter Sliderbar1.png

    Autogenerated rules

    autogenerated The UTM has autogenerated rules ex works.
    These rules initially allow all data traffic into the existing networks and also release the proxy and DNS services of the respective interface for internal networks

    Diese Regeln dienen ausschließlich dazu, die Inbetriebnahme der Firewall zu ermöglichen.
    Sie müssen unbedingt angepasst oder durch individualisierte Regeln ersetzt werden!

    New as of v14.0.1: Autogenerierte Regeln lassen sich bearbeiten

    The visibility of the autogenerated rules can be controlled in the drop-down menu with this switch: On Show auto-generated rules Default

    Packet filter Rule Settings

    After editing or adding a rule, the rulebook must be updated.
    Only after that will the rules be applied!
    / Add Rule
    Update Rules
    New as of v14.0
    In dem Tabellen-Menü () lässt sich das Layout der Tabelle anpassen. Mehr Informationen sind hier zu finden.
    Caption Value Description Add Rule UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallPacket filter Regel Assistent UTM v14.0.0 Paketfilter Allgemein-en.pngPacket filter rule settings General
    Active: On Only when activated is this rule checked
    Source: Network.svg internal-network Network object or user group that is permitted as the source of the data package.
    Destination: World.svg internet Network object or user group that is permitted as the destination of the data packet.
    Service: Service-group.svg default-internet Desired service with stored port (see tab Services)
    Netzwerkobjekt add / Dienst add Adds a network object or service
    Switch network object Exchanges the network objects Source and Destination
    ACCEPT ACCEPT Forwards the package
    DROP DROP The package is dropped
    REJECT REJECT An ICMP packet is sent to the sender indicating that the port is not available. In the LAN, reject rules can prevent clients from having to wait for a timeout.
    QOS QOS Allows you to specify a Quality of Service profile that limits the bandwidth for data packets to which this rule applies.
    Configuration of the QoS profiles in the Network QoS  Area Profile menu.
    STATELESS STATELESS Allows connections regardless of status
    Group: default Packet filter rules must be assigned to a group. This makes it easier to keep track when adding to the set of rules. In addition, rule groups can be activated or deactivated with a switch notempty
    New as of v12.7.0
    and the logging settings of all rules contained can be adjusted centrally via a button.
    Specifies how extensively the application of the rule is logged.
    New as of v12.7.0
    This setting is also available in the packet filter overview for individual filters as well as complete groups.
    UTM v14.0.0 Paketfilter Log-en.png
    Packet filter rule settings Log
    None No logging (default)
    Short Logs the first entries per minute
    Long Logs all entries
    Log Alias:
    Log Alias
    New as of v14.0
    default Kurzer (maximal 10 Zeichen langer) Alias für die Paketfilterregel, der im Log statt der Id angezeigt wird.
  • Der Alias muss nicht für diese Regel einzigartig sein.
  • NAT
    [ - ] NAT
    Network Address Translation is the conversion of IP addresses used in a network to another IP address from another network. Typically, all internally used private IP addresses are mapped to one or more public IP addresses.
    Type: NONE No NAT is performed
    FULLCONENAT With Full Cone NAT, the same port is set for the sender as for the recipient. However, IPs other than the originally addressed IP are also permitted as senders. This can be helpful with VOIP. UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter FULLCONENAT-en.png
    Full Cone NAT
    HIDENAT Also called Source NAT. Hides the original IP address behind the IP address of the interface used.

    The standard case is data traffic from an internal network with private IP addresses to the Internet.
    The IP from the local network is masked with the IP of the interface that establishes access to the Internet.

    UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter HIDENAT-en.png
    HIDENAT_EXCLUDE HideNAT Exclude is usually used in connection with IPSec VPN connections.
    This ensures that data packets for the VPN remote terminal are routed through the VPN tunnel with the private IP address.
    Otherwise, these would be masked with the public WAN IP address like all other packets in the direction of the Internet and, since they are sent with a private destination address, would be discarded at the next Internet router.
    See also the Wiki article HideNAT Exclude.
  • The HideNAT-Exclude rule must come before the HideNAT rule for the exception to apply.
  • UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter HIDENAT EXCLUDE-en.png
    HideNAT Exclude

    UTM v14.0.1 Paketfilter Hidenat Exclude-Regelübersicht-en.png
    HideNAT Exclude Regel vor HideNAT Regel
    DESTNAT Destination NAT is usually used to offer several services on different servers under one public IP address.

    For example, if you want to access the SSH service (port 22) of the server ( from the Internet via the public IP address of the eth0 interface with port 10000, the rule would have to be created as shown opposite.
    The associated network objects and the service on port 10000 must be created for this.
    UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter DESTNAT-en.png
    Destination NAT
    NETMAP NetMap is used to connect two identical subnets with each other.
    Using auxiliary networks (mapnet), which are not set up on either of the remote sites to be connected, these connections can be created collision-free without completely changing the subnet on either side. Instructions for connecting two networks can be found in a dedicated Wiki article NetMap
    UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter NETMAP-en.png
    Network object: Interface.svg external-interface The IP address of this network object is then used as the sender IP of the data packets in the target network.
    As a rule, this should be the interface whose IP address is known to the target network so that reply packets can also be correctly delivered.
    Service: Tcp.svg ssh Uses the selected service in the local destination network. This value is often (but by no means always) identical with the service above it in the data source package for which the rule is checked.
  • Only available when
    is selected as DESTNAT or NETMAP.
  • Extras
    [ - ] Extras
    Rule Routing
    Rule Routing
    wan0 In the
    [ - ] Extras
    section, the
    Rule Routing
    field is used to specify, based on rules, which route IP packets should take.
    In the example opposite, all VOIP packets are routed via the wan0 interface.
  • The drop-down field only provides wan interfaces for selection.
    If access to the Internet is via a router connected to an ethernet interface, this can be entered manually.
  • UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Rule-Routing-en.png
    Packet filter rule with rule routing
    QOS Allows you to specify a Quality of Service profile that limits the bandwidth for data packets to which this rule applies.
    Configuration of the QoS profiles in the Network QoS  Area Profile menu.
  • Only available when QOS is selected as
  • Time profile Time profile Restricts the validity of the rule to a previously defined time profile.
    See section Time Profiles.
    Show extended rule info On Alternative text that can be displayed instead of the rule details.
    The alternative texts are displayed with the button
    Packet filter UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewall Update Rules UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter Beschreibung-en.pngRule description in plain text

    After editing or adding a rule, the rulebook must be updated.
    Only after that will the rules be applied!
    / Add Rule
    Update Rules

    Network objects

  • Menu under Firewall Network objects
  • Button Description Network objects UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewall Update Rules UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Netzwerkobjekte-en.pngTab Network Objects
    Edit Opens the network group or network object for editing
    Delete Deletes the network group or network object. The deletion must be confirmed once again
  • For GeoIP network objects, after confirmation, deletes all GeoIP network objects with the same prefix
  • Add group Creates a new network group to which network objects can be added immediately
    Show GeoIP objects On
    When disabled Off: Hides GeoIP objects to improve readability.
    Network objects include :
    • a name
    • an address (IP or network), a hostname or an interface
    • and a zone.

    Network objects are mainly used to create packet filter rules, but they are also used in the HTTP proxy.
    The members of a network group are displayed as labels. Clicking on a label displays the details in the table Network objects.

    Edit / Add Network Groups

    Edit / Add Network Groups

    Menu under Firewall Network Objects  Button + Add Group

    Caption Value Description Edit / Add Network Groups UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallNetwork objects UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Netzwerkgruppe bearbeiten-en.pngEdit / create network group dialog
    Name: Geo-DACH Freely selectable name for the network group
    Network objects: Map-marked-alt.svg GEOIP: AT (Austria) Map-marked-alt.svg GEOIP: CH (Switzerland) Map-marked-alt.svg GEOIP: DE (Germany) Existing network objects can be added in the click box
    Opens the dialog for adding another network object
    Removes a network object from the network group

    Create / Add network objects

    Edit / Add Network Objects
    Caption Value Description Add network objects UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallNetwork objects UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Netzwerkobjekt hinzufuegen-en.pngCreate / Add network objects
    Name: Host-Objekt Freely selectable name for the network object.
    OK - not really free: Even if it should be technically possible, refrain from using cryptic special characters such as curly brackets, backslashes and similar. At the latest in an AD environment, such things may lead to problems.
    Type: The type determines how the affiliation to this network object is determined.
    Host A single host with an IP address e.g. → 
    Network (address) A complete network, e.g.
    A 24 network is entered as default. However, this can be changed as desired.
    Network (address with custom mask) Network with any subnet mask. This is useful when the prefix may change. (Example: oder 2001:DB8::1234/::FFFF:FFFF)
    Network (interface) A complete network behind an interface e.g. eth0
  • Attention: With HideNat, only the first IP lying on this interface is used.
    When using with HideNat, try to use a network address.
  • VPN-Host A single VPN host with an IP address, e.g. → 
  • Only zones that have a flag Policy_IPSEC or PPP_VPN in the zone management ( Network Zone Settings  Button w) can be selected as zones for these network objects.
  • VPN network A complete VPN network, e.g.
    A 24 network is entered as default. However, this can be changed as desired.
    Static interface A configured IP address of an interface can be selected from a drop-down menu, e.g.
    Dynamic interface A dynamic assignment of the address of the interface based on the assigned zone. E.G.: oder eth0
    Hostname A host name, e.g.: my.host.local
    GeoIP Creates a network object in the specified zone for each country.
    IP addresses are assigned to a country via organizations and institutions to which the associated IP networks are assigned.
    The actual location of a host may differ from the assignment or may not be visible, e.g. due to a VPN tunnel!
  • Das Hinzufügen eines Netzwerkobjektes vom Typ GeoIP erzeugt ca. 250 neue Netzwerkobjekte!
  • Address: Depending on the type selected. See above.
    For type only Network (interface) orDynamic interface
    LAN1 All hosts behind this interface belong to this network object
    IP address:
    For type only Static interface All hosts behind the interface with this IP address belong to this network object
    For type only Hostname
    my.host.local Hostname of the network object
    For type only GeoIP
    ext2_ Prefix placed in front of the network objects (for better identification)
    Example_ Prefix ext2_  → Network object Map-marked-alt.svg ext2_GEOIP:DE
    Zone: Zone Zone in which the network object is located.
    By linking an object in the set of rules with the interface via the zone, it is achieved that a packet filter rule only takes effect if not only the source, destination and service match the rule, but the connection is also made via the correct interfaces. This prevents all attacks that involve IP spoofing. The assignment of an object to an interface is done by binding the zone to the interface on the one hand and the assignment of the network object to a zone on the other.

  • Depending on the selected network type, a zone is already suggested or a restriction of the zone selection is made.
  • Groups: »internal-networks Network objects can be grouped together to assign packet filter rules to multiple objects.
    Network objects can also belong to several groups.
    This can lead to contradictory rules for the same network object that are not immediately obvious.
    As with all rules, the rule that is executed first is the one whose network group contains the network object.
    Saves the network object, but leaves the dialogue open to be able to create further objects.
    Save and close
    Saves the network object and closes the dialogue


  • Request moved to: Firewall Services
  • notempty
    New as of v12.7.2:
    Alle ICMP-Dienste sind für IPv4 und IPv6 verfügbar. Die IPv6 Dienste beginnen mit icmpv6- anstatt icmp-.

    Services UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewall UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Dienste-en.pngMenu Dienste

    Add / edit services

    Add / edit services

    If a service does not exist, it can be created with Add object.
    Depending on the protocol used, further settings can be made:

    • Ports (TCP and UDP)
    • Packet types (ICMP)
    • Protocol type (gre)
    Add service UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallServices UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Dienst hinzufuegen-en.png
    The name of the service and the protocol must be specified in each case.
    Add service UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallServices UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Dienst tcp hinzufuegen-en.png
    With the tcp and udp protocols, sharing can be restricted to a single destination port or port ranges. Source ports can be any (None), a single port or a port range.
    Edit service UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallServices UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Dienst https bearbeiten-en.png
    If an existing service is to run on a different port, the service can be edited and the port changed.

    Service groups

    Service groups

    Services can be grouped together in service groups. Here, too, there are already predefined groups that can be added to and changed. Detailed display by clicking on the button .

    Aktualisiert zu v12.7.2:
    Die Dienstgruppe Windows-Domain wurde erweitert.
      Tcp.svg  domain-tcp Destination ports: 53
      Udp.svg  domain-udp Destination ports: 53
      Tcp.svg  ldap-tcp Destination ports: 389
      Udp.svg  ldap-udp Destination ports: 389
    Tcp.svg  ldap-ssl Destination ports: 636
      Tcp.svg  ms-ds Destination ports: 445
      Tcp.svg  netbios-tcp Destination ports: 139
      Udp.svg  netbios-udpDestination ports: 137:138
    Tcp.svg  netbios-rpc Destination ports: 135
    Udp.svg  w32time Destination ports: 123
      Tcp.svg  kerberos-tcp Destination ports: 88
      Udp.svg  kerberos-udp Destination ports: 88
    Tcp.svg  kerberos-password-change-tcp Destination ports: 464
    Udp.svg  kerberos-password-change-udp Destination ports: 464
    Tcp.svg  ldap-gc Destination ports: 3268
    Tcp.svg  ldap-gc-ssl Destination ports: 3269
  • Die Änderungen werden nur bei Neuinstallation wirksam, aktuelle Konfigurationen werden nicht verändert.

  • notempty
    Neu ab v12.7.2:
    Es gibt eine Dienstgruppe namens sp-backup, die die Nutzung von Securepoint Unified Backups ermöglicht.
    Tcp.svg  sp-backup-portal Destination ports: 8086:8087
    Tcp.svg  sp-backup-vault Destination ports: 2546

    Example: The group default-internet contains, for example, the services:

    Icon Name Protocol Edit service group UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallServices UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Dienst Dienstgruppe default-internet-en.png
    Udp.svg domain-udp udp Port 53
    Tcp.svg ftp tcp (ftp) Port 21
    Tcp.svg http tcp Port 80
    Tcp.svg https tcp Port 443
    Icmp.svg icmp-echo-req icmp Pakettyp 8

    Add/remove service from a service group

    • Clicking in the click box selects the desired service and thereby adds it.
    • Clicking the button creates a new service and then adds it to the service group.
    • A service is removed from the service group by clicking on .

    Time profiles

    Time profiles UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewall Regeln aktualisieren UTM v12.7.0 Paketfilter Zeitprofile Uebersicht-en.pngZeitprofile Übersicht Zeitprofile dienen dazu Paketfilterregeln nur zu festgelegten Zeiten zu aktivieren. Im abgebildeten Beispiel greift das Profil täglich zwischen 3:00 Uhr und 3:59:59 Uhr sowie werktäglich von 7:00 Uhr bis 17:59:59 Uhr. Dies ist in der Tabelle unter Zeitfenster zu erkennen.

    Angepasst zu v12.7
    Unter Verwendet in Paketfilter-Regeln Werden die IDs zusammen mit den Beschreibungen der Paketfilter aufgelistet, für die dieses Zeitprofil eingerichtet ist. Außerdem kann mit einem Klick auf den entsprechenden Eintrag der Paketfilter bearbeitet werden.

    Create time profiles

    Add time profile UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallTime profiles UTM v12.6 Paketfilter Zeitprofile-en.pngAdd time profile

    • Create a time profile under Firewall Time profiles  Button Add time profile.
    • Select times
      • Individual fields or time ranges can be selected by clicking the mouse
      • Several fields and time ranges can be selected by holding down the mouse button
    • Accept the time settings with the button
      Save and close

    Use time profiles

    Time profiles can be selected under the
    section when creating or editing packet filter rules.

    Eine Beschreibung der Impliziten Regeln ist hier zu finden.