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Troubleshooting guide to resolve problems with an SSL VPN connection

Last adaptation to the version: 12.6.0

  • Updated to Redesign of the webinterface
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

This guide should be worked through step by step.
A systematic approach is important!

First measures

Possible reason Checking Solution approach
Port filter rules do not work Menu Firewall Packetfilter Refresh Rules is flashing Existing rules must be taken over with Update Rules

Client download not possible

SSL-VPN Client Download UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnfirewall-user UTM v12.6.0 Userinterface RW-en.png

User interface is not displayed

User cannot log in to the user interface

Download option for the client is not displayed

Connection problems

As a general rule:
If no connection is established ( indicated by the red lock symbol in the info bar), the error can only be on the physical level.

Evaluation of the log file of the SSL VPN client:

  • Double click on client icon in the taskbar
  • Right click on connection entry
  • Log (Larger font with CtrlMousewheel up)

Evaluation of the network traffic on the UTM:

  • To use the tcpdump command on the UTM, a root user is required.
  • The livelog shows messages from the packet filter by default. By default, however, it only shows when the default policy discards packets for which there is no matching firewall rule. But you can configure logging for firewall rules you have created yourself, so that an entry appears when this rule is effective.
    • The corresponding implicit rule is deactivated for this purpose: → Firewall →Implicit RulesTab VPN SSL VPN UDP (possibly TCP) Off
    • There must be a network object for the roadwarriors: Authentication User  Area Groups ssl-vpn-user (or corresponding group) area SSL-VPN Available in Port Filter: Yes
    • There must be a port filter rule:

# Source Destination Service NAT Action Active
Dragndrop.png 4 Ipsetgroup.svg ssl-vpn-user Network.svg internal-network Service-group.svg ssl-vpn Accept On

Does not come into effect or is cancelled

SSL-VPN-CLient Error.PNG


No connection to the target host

SSL-VPN-CLient Connected.PNG

If an existing connection is displayed, the error is no longer in the connection setup. If a connection through the tunnel cannot be established (e.g. PING to a host in the network behind the gateway), the reason must be found at the virtual level. Again, it's a good idea to first update the 'port filter ruleset and take a look at the livelog.
There are three possibilities for troubleshooting:

  1. The packet you're looking for doesn't show up
    → If no packet is visible in the livelog, then probably none is reaching the firewall. So the error is to be found in this case on the client.
  2. The package you are looking for shows up and is dropped (DROP)
    → When a package is dropped, the matching FW rule is missing, incorrectly formulated or not yet effective (rule set not yet updated). The error is therefore on the gateway
  3. The packet you are looking for shows up and is accepted (ACCEPT)
    → If a packet is accepted, the error is in the direction of the destination host.

Check Client
Check Client

Check Gateway
Check Gateway

Check target host
Check target host