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Creating and managing groups in the Mobile Security Portal

Last adaptation to the version: 1.23

Last updated: 
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Access: portal.securepoint.cloud  General  Roles

Overview of Role Administration

New roles can be created, existing ones edited and deleted in the role overview. The view of the roles can be displayed in the list or tile view. You can also view details of existing roles and update the list of roles. MS 1.23 Allgemein Rollen-en.png
Overview of roles

General Options

Suche Search for specific character strings in role names
 Add Role see below
Show / hide details: For a large number of roles, it can be useful to hide the display of the linked users for the sake of clarity.
/ Switch between lists and grid view.
Refresh the display

Role Options

With the button at the top right of each roll tile, the following options are available:
 Edit View and change role settings. For details, see Add Role.
 Delete Deletes the roll. The deletion must be confirmed with OK.

Add roles

 Add Role creates a new role. The following information can be entered for this:
Caption Value Description MS 1.23 Allgemein Rollen Rolle-hinzufügen-en.png
role name role name The name of the role
User User Optional Users are assigned to this role
comment comment Optional A comment on this role
Unified Security Console
Access to monitoring functions
Monitoring    If    is activated, access to the monitoring functions is permitted.
Only then is it possible to access the detailed display

of the Unified Security Console.

Full administration access    If    is activated, full administration access is granted.
Only then is it possible to access the detailed displays

of the Unified Security Console.


Special roles


Users with the role admin can login to the portal locally and do all changes there!

The role 'admin is default and cannot be deleted.


For DSGVO-compliant use, it is necessary to activate pseudonymization under  General  Privacy .
An auditor is required to de-pseudonymize pseudonymized devices in the statistics.

USC Administrator

The role as USC-Administrator is not sufficient to be able to log in to the portal locally. A reseller account, or a user with the role admin, is required.

A RSP user with the role USC-Administrator

  • has the Permissions Monitoring and Full administration access automatically active   
    The  Permissions: USC Monitoring and USC Adminsitraton: full are displayed in the user tile
  • can make all changes to  Unified Reporting and Network.svg Unified Security Console
  • but cannot make any changes to  Mobile Security
    The Admin role is required for this, see above