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Konfiguration of the Captive-Portals
Last adaptation to the version: 12.2.0
Updated in v12.2, documantation with v12.6.0
  • No changes to the Server Settings are required any more
  • ACME wildcard certificates can be used for the landing page
Last updated: 
    05.2024: Updated to Redesign of the webinterface
This article refers to a Resellerpreview

Preliminary remark

The captive portal redirects an HTTP client in a network to a special web page (so-called landing page) before it can connect normally to the Internet. Thus, acceptance of the condition of use must take place and additional authentication can be configured.

  • As of version 12, the UTM can manage ACME certificates. (Let's Encrypt)
    It is recommended to use either an ACME certificate or a purchased certificate from an official CA (or an already existing wildcard certificate) for the captive portal to prevent later irritations due to warning messages of the browser.

  • Planning

    The following aspects should be considered before configuration:

    • For which networks should the captive portal be configured?
      Will all potential users be reached exclusively?
    • How and by whom will the terms of use be written?
    • Should authentication take place?
    • Which internal web servers are not allowed to be reached from the network behind the captive portal?

    Jus a few preparations must be made to use the captive portal:

    1. A certificate must be available for the landing page
    2. Implicit and port filter rules must allow access

    Changing the firewall name is no longer necessary since v12.
    The host name of the portal page is configured under Applications Captive Portal  Area General.

    Provide certificate

    Create an ACME certificate

    To use ACME certificates (Let's Encrypt) the following steps are required:

    • Activate ACME service
    • Generate ACME Challenge Token on spDyn
    • Create certificate
    • Add SAN with spDyn hostname and token
    • Create certificate
  • Wildcard certificates are required for use with the Captive Portal!

  • Authentication Certificates  Area ACME

    Caption Value Description Certificates UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierung UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME Nameserver-en.png
    Activated: Yes Enables the use of ACME certificates.
    For more information see below Activate ACME service.
    Use system-wide nameservers for ACME challenges: Yes If the addresses for the servers for the extension of the ACME challenges cannot be resolved via the system-wide nameserver (e.g. due to configured relay or foreward zones), alternative nameservers can be entered by deactivating No.
    Nameserver for ACME challenges:
    Can be used for ACME challenges when system-wide nameserver is disabled
    »»»2a09:9c40:1:53::1»2a09:9c40:1:53::2 Here you can enter the nameservers for the ACME-Challenges.

    Activate ACME service

    Activate ACME service

    Um ACME Zertifikate nutzen zu können, muss dies unter Authentication Certificate  Area ACME Aktiviert: Ja aktiviert werden.

    • Sobald der Dienst aktiviert wurde und dies mit
      gespeichert wurde, wird der Link zu den Nutzungsbedingungen geladen und es lassen sich die Einstellungen aufrufen.
    • With the button Activate Yes and the storage of an Email address for notifications by the ACME service provider (here: Let's Encrypt), the information can be saved with
    • A dialog will appear with a link to the Terms of Use, which must be accepted Yes.

    Generate token

    Generate token

    spDYN To generate the certificates, the ACME token must first be generated in the spDYN portal.
    Within the spDYN portal, the corresponding host must be opened.

    • Call up spDyn Host
    • Select the ACME Challenge Token from the Token drop-down menu.
    • Generate token
      The token is displayed once during generation and cannot be displayed again.

      The token should be noted and stored safely.

    Renewal of ACME certificates

    Renewal of ACME certificates
    New as of 12.4
    The renewal of the ACME/Let's Encrypt certificates takes place via the nameservers used, which are configured under Authentication Certificates  Area ACME (see above)

    ACME Certificates

    ACME Certificates
    After completing the previous steps, the actual certificate can now be generated. A click on Add ACME certificate in the Certificates tab opens the corresponding dialog.
    Caption Value Description Add ACME certificate UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME hinzufuegen-en.pngAdd ACME certificate

    Add ACME certificate

    UTM Dialog Authentication Certificates  Area Certificates  Button Add ACME certificate
    Name acme_ttt-Point Name to identify the certificate
    Key length: 2048 Key length of the certificate. Possible values:
    ACME Account Let's Encrypt ACME account which should be used
    Subject Alternative Name configure with Add SAN

    Add Subject Alternative Name

    Subject Alternative Name »ttt-point.spdns.org The Subject Alternative Name ('SAN) is stored in the certificate and corresponds to the called URL Add SAN UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME SAN-en.pngAdd Subject Alternative Name
  • Wildcard SANs can also be used.
  • Wildcard certificates are strongly recommended for use with a captive portal
    If a forward zone is required for the captive portal in the nameserver and an A record is then entered for it, this is no longer resolved in the public DNS.
    Verification and renewal of an ACME certificate with this name will then fail.
  • Alias ttt-point.spdns.org If the SAN is a spDYN hostname it is automatically taken on as alias.
    (Also for wildcard domains without * )
    Token ••••••••••••• The token from the spDYN portal (see above) proves to the ACME service that you are allowed to dispose of the hostname.
    displays the token.
    When inserting the token from the clipboard it can happen that there are blanks before or after the actual token. These must be removed

    Check configuration

    Check configuration
    Status Not yet checked Before the actual generation of the certificate, the configuration must first be checked. This is done by clicking on the Check configuration button. Add ACME certificate UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME SAN initialisiert.png
    The check can take several minutes. During this process, the dialog is updated regularly.
    Valid If the check is successful, the status Valid is displayed.
    DNS error Possible causes:
    • wrong token
    • DNS resolution disturbed
    • zone forwarding configured in DNS
    • local DNS zone configured in DNS
    • If there is a zone in the nameserver of the UTM for a domain that also uses the ACME certificate, the DNS resolution fails. Solution: Create a CNAME record for this domain.
      • Search for the zone under Menu/Applications/Nameserver/Zones
      • click on Edit
      • Click on +Add Entry in the window
      • enter a suitable name under Name:'
      • select CNAME under Type:
      • enter the domain under Value:
    Configure Subject Alternative Name for an external DNS zone with Add SAN

    Add SAN for external DNS zone

    Subject Alternative Name ttt-point.anyideas.org The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) from the external DNS zone. Add SAN UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME SAN extern-en.png
    Alias ttt-point.spdns.org The alias must also be the spDYN name for the external DNS.
    DNS-Provider Basically, an additional CNAME record with the prefix _acme-challenge and the subsequent host name must be created at the DNS provider hosting the external zone (here: ttt-point.anyideas.org). _acme-challenge.ttt-point.spdns.org. (With "." at the end!)
    An example excerpt from a Zonefile for the configuration of the two hostnames mx.ttt-point.de and exchange.ttt-point.de looks like this:
    _acme-challenge.mx.ttt-point.anyideas.org. IN CNAME _acme-challenge.ttt-point.spdns.org.
    _acme-challenge.exchange.ttt-point.anyideas.org. IN CNAME _acme-challenge.ttt-point.spdns.org.

  • The hostname must be resolvable in the public DNS.
    Certificate creation for .local, .lan, etc. zones is not possible.
  • The UTM must be able to resolve the host name correctly via external nameservers.
    If the internal and the external/public domain are identical, the zone must also be delegated to the internal DNS.
  • Check configuration Additional SANs can be added and checked as long as the Save button has not been pressed. Add ACME certificate UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME SAN überprüft.png
    Status Valid Once all the required SANs have been successfully checked, the certificate can be saved. Add ACME certificate UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME SAN gültig-en.png
    Once the certificate has been saved, no more changes can be made. Only the alias and the token can be changed for existing SANs.
  • If additional or different SANs are required, a new certificate must be created and the existing one has to be revoked.
  • Creation of the ACME certificate

    Creation of the ACME certificate
    If the previous steps have been completed successfully, the actual process for validating and generating the certificate is triggered by clicking Save.

    This process may take some time. To update the status, the dialog must be reloaded manually.

    Certificates UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentifizierungCertificates UTM v12.6 Zertifikate ACME SAN final-en.png

    Status values

    Status values
    The following status values can occur
    Status Description Note
    Valid The ACME certificate is valid
    Not yet verified The ACME certificate still needs to be verified
    Internal error An internal error has occurred Possible causes:
    • Broken hardware
    • Software error
    • Configuration error
    Connection error No connection possible / present Check the connection settings
    Invalid The ACME certificate is invalid and cannot be used
    DNS error A DNS error has occurred Possible causes:
    • wrong token
    • DNS resolution disrupted
    • zone forwarding configured in DNS
    • local DNS zone configured in DNS
    • If there is a zone in the nameserver of the UTM for a domain that also uses the ACME certificate, the DNS resolution fails. Solution: Create a CNAME record for this domain.
      • Search for the zone under Menu/Applications/Nameserver/Zones
      • click on Edit
      • Click on +Add Entry in the window
      • enter a suitable name under Name:'
      • select CNAME under Type:
      • enter the domain under Value:
    Banned The ACME certificate has been revoked Either it has been manually revoked, or it has lost its validity. For example, the ACME certificate expired and was not renewed.
    Initializing The verification of the ACME certificate is initiated This can take several minutes. The status is updated regularly.
    Deferred The verification of the ACME certificate is postponed Refreshing the status will take some time, since the limit of requests was already reached
    Initialized The ACME certificate is being verified The verification of the ACME certificate is initiated

    Purchased certificate

    Alternatively, a purchased certificate can also be imported

    Grundsätzlich bestehen hier zwei Optionen:

    • A Certificate for a FQDN
      • in this case the common name of the certificate would be portal.anyideas.de
    • A wildcard certificate
      • in which case the common name of the certificate would be *.anyideas.de

    1. In the first step, the CA provided together with the certificate must be imported into the UTM.
      Menu Authentication Certificates  Area CA Button Import CA

    2. In the first step, the CA provided together with the certificate must be imported into the UTM.
      Menu Authentication Certificates  Area CA Button Import CA

    Import format

    Certificates and CAs to be imported into a UTM must be in the format .pem or .p12 (pkcs12).

    Certificates can be converted with the tool openssl - available for all common platforms (part of Linux, call via console) - and the following commands:

    Certificate Command
    X509 to PEM openssl x509 -in certificatename.cer -outform PEM -out certificatename.pem
    DER to PEM openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.cer -out certificate.pem
    P7B to PEM openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certificate.p7b -out certificate.pem

    Error message during import

    During import, the error message "The certificate format is not supported..." may appear.
    Password protected certificates in pkcs12 format (.p12 , .pfx , .pkcs12) in conjunction with older ciphers can trigger this error.

    Import is usually possible if in the tab General notempty
    New as of v12.5.1
    the option Support legacy cryptographic algorithms On is enabled. notempty
    Requires a This will interrupt all connections (incl. VPN connections) to the UTM!

    Options for importing certificates:

    • Convert certificate to *.pem
      Certificates can be converted with the tool openssl - available for all common platforms (part of Linux, call via console) - and the following commands:
      openssl pkcs12 -in Zertifikat.pfx -out Zertifikat.pem -nodes
      Alternatively with the help of an online service

    • CLI commands to allow certificate import with obsolete ciphers in the UTM
      extc global set variable GLOB_ENABLE_SSL_LEGACY value 1
      appmgmt config application "securepoint_firewall"
      appmgmt config application "fwserver"
      system reboot

      Requires a This will interrupt all connections (incl. VPN connections) to the UTM!
    cli> extc global get variable GLOB_ENABLE_SSL_LEGACY 
    variable              |value
    cli> extc global set variable GLOB_ENABLE_SSL_LEGACY value 1
    cli> extc global get variable GLOB_ENABLE_SSL_LEGACY
    variable              |value
    cli> appmgmt config application "securepoint_firewall"
    cli> appmgmt config application "fwserver"

    Local certificate

    The UTM can also provide its own certificate

    • At Authentication Certificates  Area CA a CA must be created
    • At Authentication Certificates  Area Certificates a Server- certificate must be created.
      A separate certificate should be created for the captive portal so that it can be revoked if necessary without affecting other connections or applications.

    How to create a certificate on the UTM can be read here.

  • Since this certificate is created by its own CA, it cannot be checked for authenticity by a browser.
    The user receives a warning message in which the trustworthiness must be confirmed once.

  • Captive Portal User

    Captive Portal User
    Captive Portal users must authenticate themselves and agree to the terms of use when they connect to an appropriately configured network. Only then is the network access released - according to the port filter rules. User UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthentication UTM v12.6 Benutzer CP Benutzer-en.png
    Firewall users who are members of a group with the permission Userinterface Adminstrator On ( Authentication User  Area Groups Button can access the Captive Portal user management via the User-Interface (in the default port 443)

    Add user

    Add user

    Captive Portal users can be managed by:

    • Administrators
    • Users who are members of a group with the permission Userinterface Administrator .
      They reach the user administration via the user interface.
    Caption Value Description Add Captive Portal User UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAuthenticationUser Print and save UTM v12.6 Benutzer CP Benutzer hinzufuegen-en.png
    Login name: user-DGS-6UM Randomly generated login name.
    Once generated, login names cannot be changed after saving.
    Password: IH3-FF5-BSP-APZ-USC Randomly generated password
    The login name and password can be regenerated with the button. Once saved, passwords cannot be displayed again.
    Expiry date: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Limits the validity of the credentials
    / New as of v12.2.2 These buttons can be used to shorten (-) or extend (+) the expiry date by 24 hours from the current time
    Print and save
    Saves and closes the dialogue, creates an html page with the username and password and opens the print dialogue
    Saves the information and closes the dialogue.
  • The password can then no longer be displayed. However, a new password can be created at any time .
  • Closes the dialogue without saving changes.

    Implied rules

    Implied rules UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewall UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Implizite Regeln-en.png Firewall - Implied rules Menu Firewall Implied rules Group Ein Captive Portal
    At the item Captive Portal in the menu Implied Rules you have to make sure that both rules are activated.
    The switch CaptivePortalPage opens an incoming port on the corresponding interface of the firewall, which is intended for the Captive Portal to be able to display the landing page.
    The switch CaptivePortalRedirection is, as the name suggests, responsible for the corresponding redirection of the traffic to the port mentioned above.


    Regel hinzufügen UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnFirewallPacketfilter UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Packetfilter Regeln-en.png Firewall - Portfilter IP A rule is required in the port filter to allow Captive Portal users to access the Internet.
    Alternatively, an autogenerated any rule can also be created in the Captive Portal settings using the button in the General tab.

    Rule 1
    Source: Ipsetgroup.svg captive_portal
    Destination: World.svg internet
    Service: Service-group.svg default-internet
    [–] NAT
    Type: HideNAT
    Network object: external-interface

    Save and close

    Anschließend mit der Schaltfläche die

    Update Rules

    Settings in the Captive Portal

    Menu Applications Captive Portal


    Caption Value Description Captive Portal UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungen UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Allgemein-en.pngTab general
    Captive Portal: On This switch enables or disables the captive portal
    Implied rules:

    Shows green when the Implied rules of the captive portal are activated.
    If yellow, these rules are not used.
    Port filter rule: Shows green if port filter rules exist for the captive portal.

    With the + button an autogenerated any rule can be created.
    Better, but more elaborate, are rules that only release a selected network
    Portalpage Hostname: portal.anyideas.de In the case of a certificate for a FQDN, this should correspond to the Common Name of the certificate.
    In the case of a wildcard certificate, the host name must correspond to the response to a DNS query of the client.
    Certificate ttt-Point (ACME) Please select the certificate mentioned above.
    Nodes: wlan-0-network (wlan0)  In this field please select the network objects that represent the networks that should be redirected to the landing page.


    Authentication On If desired, an authentication can be enforced here. UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Erweitert-en.png
    Advanced tab
    Portalpage Port: 8085Link= A port must be defined for the captive portal, but this can be changed.
    Maximum connection time (seconds): 1800Link= The time frame in which a registration in the captive portal is valid.
    If the default time has expired, web access to the Internet is blocked and a reconfirmation of the terms of use (and, if desired, authentication) is required.
    Zugriff auf interne Ziele erlauben: Nein Der Zugriff auf interne Netze über den HTTP-Proxy des Captive Portals wird verhindert.


    • The captive portal can and must be customised.
    • In any case, the terms of use must be specified.
    • A design can be created for each language.
    • It is sufficient to enter the details that have been changed for the fallback design.
    • The fallback design must contain all the following information

      Call with the edit button or Add design
    UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Design-en.png
    Tab designs


    Call with the edit button or Add design Design bearbeiten UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungenCaptive Portal Werkseinstellungen UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Branding-en.pngTab Branding

    Terms of use

    Terms of use: Nutzungsbedingungen/Terms of Use Here own terms of use have to be listed.
    For liability reasons we can not provide them. For the same reasons we recommend to consult a lawyer.
    UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Nutzungsbedingungen-en.png
    Tab Terms of use


    Translations for the labels. If a translation is missing, the value of the default language is used. UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Uebersetzungen-en.png
    Tab Translations


    Menu Applications Nameserver  Area Zones
    If the firewall name cannot be changed to a FQDN, for example because the UTM is used as outgoing mail relay, the name server of the firewall must also be used: In this example, it is assumed that the firewall for the network of the captive portal is the responsible DHCP server and is set up as primary DNS server.

    Add Forward Zone

    Button Add Forward Zone

    The zone name to be assigned corresponds to the landing page of the captive portal.
    In the example portal.anyideas.de.
    localhost is used as the host name of the name server.
    The IP address field can be left empty.

    Add Forward-Zone UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungenNameserver UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Nameserver Schritt 1-en.png

    Step 1
    Zone Name portal.anyideas.de
    Add Forward-Zone UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungenNameserver UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Nameserver Schritt 2-en.png

    Step 2
    Nameserver Hostname loacalhost
    Add Forward-Zone UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungenNameserver UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Nameserver Schritt 3-en.png
    Step 3
    IP Address can be left empty

    Edit Forward Zone

    Edit Zone UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungenNameserver UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Nameserver Forwardzone A-en.png Nameserver - A-Record with IP address The following entry is added to the zone just created → Button Add entry  :

    Caption Value Description
    Name: portal.anyideas.de. FQDN of the firewall
  • Mit . Punkt am Ende
  • Type: A A-Record
    Value: IP of the interface via which the captive portal is to be reached (here wlan0 )

    Transparent mode

    HTTP Proxy UTMuser@firewall.name.fqdnAnwendungen HTTP-Proxy Log UTM v12.6 Captive Portal extern-lokal2 Transparenter Modus-en.pngHTTP Proxy - Transparent Proxy Menu Applications HTTP Proxy  Area Transparent mode
    To access the Internet via the required HTTP proxy, at least one rule is necessary (HTTP), better two (additionally HTTPS)

    Button Add transparent rule

    Caption Value
    Protocol HTTP
    Type include
    Source wlan-0-network
    Destination internet

    To access https pages, in the tab SSL Interception SSL Interception On must be activated. (Requires a CA certificate of the UTM)

    Caption Value
    Protocol HTTPS
    Type include
    Source wlan-0-network
    Destination internet


    Finally, the web filter should be configured, since surfing through the proxy is possible without rules in the port filter access to e.g. internal web servers:

    with authentication

    1. Firewall Packetfilter  Area Network objects  Button Add group
      Create a group (e.g. grp_CP_webfilter) that contains the wlan-0-network network object
    2. Applications Webfilter Button Add profile
    3. Network or user group: grp_CP_webfilter Select the newly created group Save
    4. Edit newly generated rule record
      1. webserver.anyideas.de URL of the (internal) server to which access via the captive portal should be blocked Add URL
      2. Leave action on block

    without authentication

    1. Applications Webfilter Button Add profile
    2. Select the user group
    3. Edit newly generated rule record
      1. webserver.anyideas.de URL of the (internal) server to which access via the captive portal should be blocked Add URL
      2. Leave action on block