The Securepoint Unified Security Portal is the gateway to various products:
- USP: Unified Security Portal (Comprehensive for various products)
- MDM: Mobile Device Management, Securepoint Mobile Security
- USC: Unified Security Console
- USR: Unified Security Report
The changelogs for the mobile security clients are located on a separate page
Securepoint Unified Security Portal Version 2
Build 2.2
Build 2.2 Stable- Release Date: 11.02.2025
- Feature
- USP: Threat Visualizer zur Visualisierung der Auswertung von Angriffen auf von Securepoint betriebene Honeypots
- USC: Mehrere Topologien (Core-UTMs) möglich in der VPN-Konfiguration eines Tenants
- USC: Angebundene Profile sind jetzt in der VPN-Konfiguration sichtbar
- USC: In der VPN-Konfiguration wird eine Warnung vor Fehlkonfiguration angezeigt, wenn ein ausgewähltes Netzwerkobjekt außerhalb des UTM-Netzwerkbereichs liegt
- USC: In der VPN-Konfiguration kann die UTM selbst als DNS-Server verwendet werden, damit die zugehörigen Satelliten auf interne Ressourcen zugreifen können
- USC: Es können jetzt mehrere NTP-Server in den UTM-Profilen hinzugefügt werden
- MDM: Account-Based User Enrollment löst für neu zu registrierende Geräte ab iOS 18 das Profile-Based User Enrollment ab (BYOD mit ABM)
- MDM: Für das iOS Account-Based User Enrollment muss jetzt eine Default-Lizenz in der Lizenzübersicht festgelegt werden
- MDM: In einem iOS Geräteprofil kann eine signierte .mobileconfig hochgeladen und gespeichert werden
- MDM: Neue iOS Systemapps (AirDropUI und Passwörter) sind hinzugefügt wurden
- MDM: Der Upload von iOS PKCS#12 Zertifikaten ist jetzt möglich
- Changed
- USP: Performance Verbesserungen
- USP: Vereinheitlichung des Formats der englischen Timestamps
- USP: Changelog-Link im Popup-Fenster öffnet ein neues Fenster
- USC: Optimierung der VPN-Konfiguration Tabelle
- USC: In der VPN-Konfiguration können Netzwerkobjekte, die die IP-Adresse beinhalten, nicht als Teil einer Regel konfiguriert werden. Damit wird verhindert, dass der gesamte Datenverkehr in den Tunnel geleitet wird
- MDM: Bei der Aktivierung des Android Lost Modus muss mindestens eine Adressinformation ausgefüllt werden
- MDM: Es sind maximal 5 Apps in einem Android Profil möglich mit der Einstellung Für die Einstellung erforderlich
- MDM: Beim Kopieren einer iOS App werden keinerlei Zuordnungen (Benutzer, Rollen, Geräte und Tags) übernommen
- MDM: Statusmeldungen für Hardwarestatus, Anwendungsberichte, Softwareinformationen, Netzwerkinformationen und Geräteeinstellungen bei neuen Android Profilen per Default aktiviert
- MDM: Beim Anlegen einer Android ZeroTouch Konfiguration sind die Pflichtfelder deutlich gekennzeichnet und beim Nicht-Befüllen erscheint eine eindeutige Fehlermeldung
- Bugfixes
- USP: Im Firefox werden auch größere Tabellen zuverlässig angezeigt
- USC: Scrolling funktioniert wieder in der VPN-Konfiguration
- USC: VPN-Verbindung wird beim Löschen einer VPN-Konfiguration jetzt korrekt beendet
- MDM: Der Installationstyp für die App Securepoint VPN Clients kann auf einen beliebigen Typ geändert werden
- MDM: DEP Geräte werden verlässlich geladen
- MDM: Lost Tag wird wieder korrekt für Android Geräte angezeigt
- MDM: Android-Apps können wieder vom VPN ausgeschlossen werden
- MDM: iOS-Blocklist bereinigt, so dass das Aufspielen eines Profils wieder möglich ist
Build 2.1.8
Build 2.1.8 Stable- Release Date: 03.02.2025
Build 2.1.7
Build 2.1.7 Stable- Release Date: 27.01.2025
Build 2.1
Build 2.1 Stable- Release Date: 09.01.2025
- Feature
- USC: Zero-Touch-Enrollment und -Konfiguration für UTMs
- USC: Cluster-UTMs können UTM-Profilen hinzugefügt werden
- MDM: Es kann definiert werden, welche Android-App als Passwortmanager (Anmeldedatenanbieter) genutzt werden soll
- MDM: Android - Unterstützung für das benutzerlose Enrollment in Kombination mit der 'Mit Google anmelden'-Funktion für Enterprises, die in Google Workspace eingerichtet wurden
- Changed
- USP: Anpassung der (Hinweis-)Texte beim Hinzufügen von Benutzern und auf der Passwort-Zurücksetzen-Seite
- USP: Umbenennung des Menüpunktes “Allgemein → Einstellungen” zu “Microsoft Entra ID”
- USP: Uhrzeit bei Tenant-Notifications hinzugefügt
- USC: UTM Profile - Umbenennung des “Jobs”-Tab in “Cloud Scheduler Log” und Hinweistext hinzugefügt
- USC: Neuer Hinweis bei Vergabe eines Tags an eine Cluster-UTM
- MDM: Die iOS-Anmeldung mit verwalteter AppleID ist nur für Geräte mit iOS < 18 verfügbar
- MDM: Bei iOS - Warnhinweis, wenn für ausgeloggte Geräte keine ausreichenden Lizenzen mehr verfügbar sind
- MDM: iOS EID der eSIM wird in Gerätedetails mit angezeigt
- MDM: Dropdown mit gängigen Gründen für Androidgeräteortung für das Auditlog
- MDM: Androidspeicherkapazität aus Gerätezusammenfassung entfernt
- MDM: Erstellen und löschen im Menü Andere Geräte (VPN) wurde mit in das Auditlog aufgenommen
- Bugfixes
- USP: Die Sortierfunktion ist wieder funktionsfähig
- USP: Das Auditlog wird im Firefox wieder richtig dargestellt
- USC: Neue Netzwerk-Objekte auf einer Satelliten-UTM lassen sich ohne Fehler veröffentlichen
- USC: IPv6-Adressen werden in der VPN-Konfiguration richtig validiert
- USC: Websession kann über “Alle Mandanten” wieder gestartet werden
- MDM: iOS-Apps im Homescreen-Layout werden wieder korrekt angezeigt
- MDM: Android Enrollment mit alten Enrollment-Token funktioniert wieder
- MDM: Anpassung der CSV in der Geräteübersicht
- MDM: iOS-Geräteanmeldung mit PIN wieder zuverlässig möglich
- USR: USR-Dateien werden unter “Berichte” wieder korrekt angezeigt
Build 2.0
Build 2.0 Stable- Release Date: 26.11.2024
- Feature
- USP: Adaptive Secure Connect (VPN-Konfiguration) zur Vernetzung von UTMs und mobilen Endgeräten ( ab UTM-Version 14.0)
- USP: Dialoge für Passwort-Reset und 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung sind jetzt auf Englisch verfügbar
- USC: Websessions per UTM-PIN und Aktionen auf einer UTM können nur ausgeführt werden, wenn der PIN in der UTM gesetzt wurde und nicht gesperrt ist
- USC: Profil-Konfigurationen werden nicht an UTMs übergeben, wenn dies auf UTM-Seite untersagt ist
- MDM: Bei der Inbetriebnahme von Geräten mit Mobile Security wird die App während des Installationsassistenten gestartet und fragt die AGB und Berechtigungen ab
- MDM: In der Geräteübersicht ist der csv-Download von iOS- und Android-Gerätelisten möglich
- MDM: Home-Bildschirm-Layouts können jetzt kopiert werden
- Changed
- USP: Überarbeitung in der E-Mail zum Datenschutz
- USP: Mehrfachauswahl bei Select-Boxen ist möglich mit Alt / cmd-Taste
- USP: Die Anzeige angemeldeter und aktiver Benutzer im Portal wurde optimiert
- MDM: Die Begründung für die Geräteortung in iOS ist jetzt verpflichtend
- MDM: Beim Kopieren eines iOS-Profils werden Benutzer, Rollen und Tags nicht mehr mit in das neue Profil übernommen
- MDM: Android Enrollment-Token: Die Profil-Auswahl ist jetzt alphabetisch sortiert
- MDM: Die Tachos im Dashboard beziehen sich nur noch auf aktive Lizenzen
- Bugfixes
- MDM: Die Sortierung der Android-Geräte in der Kachelliste wurde optimiert
- MDM: Android Enrollment-Token können wieder zuverlässig mit einem PIN abgesichert werden
Securepoint Unified Security Portal Version 1
Build 1.31
Build 1.31 Stable- Release Date: 28.10.2024
- Feature
- MDM: Native Android Lost mode introduced
- MDM: Revision of the Homescreen-Layouts
- Changed
- MDM: New Apps/Wepclips on iOS devices can now only be added through the "Apps" menu item, not through profiles
- MDM: Notification updatet to indicate that Wallpapers cannot be reset after deactivation
- Bugfixes
- MDM: Clicking on the profile label redirects back to the profile
- MDM: Clicking on licenses in Android device details now links to the corresponding license
- MDM: Error message displayed when the location of the Android devide could not be determined
- USP: Notification shown if the API expiration date entered is in the past
- USP: Log window no longer overlays screen
- USP: Visibillity of the "Unified Reporting" menu item adjusted according to the licenses
Build 1.30
Build 1.30 Stable- Release Date: 25.09.2024
- Feature
- MDM: Depseudonymisation in the statistics by an auditor is only possible with a 2FA code
- Changed
- USP: The maximum validity period of a user session in the portal has been reduced from 40 to 7 days
- Bugfixes
- MDM: The user can be changed when a device is logged out (except BYOD)
- USP: If a login to the USP is not possible due to missing licences, the user is now clearly informed of this
- USP: Users from an Entra ID (Azure) with special characters in their name can now also be imported
- USP: Fixed bug that "Action for selected objects" remains displayed if the view is refreshed
Build 1.29
Build 1.29 Stable- Release Date: 22.08.2024
- Feature
- MDM: If communication with iOS devices fails due to a revoked APNS, this is displayed in the log
- USP: Active users are displayed in the title bar (also with IP address and login time when hovering)
- Changed
- USP: The managing director in the licence conditions, terms and conditions and imprint has been adjusted
- USC: The DEP profile PIN is no longer visible by default and can be displayed
- USC: The labels of the UTM firmware updates have been expanded to include explanations of the time
- MDM: The loading times of the cross-client dashboards have been accelerated
- MDM: The setup elements of the DEP profiles to be skipped have been updated
- Bugfixes
- USC: Labels for UTM firmware updates have been improved
- USC: PIN entries under Android (Chrome) are no longer entered backwards
- MDM: Android device is displayed correctly again in the profile details
- MDM: The ‘Add certificate’ dialogue correctly redirects to the original page after using the Enter key
Build 1.28
Build 1.28 Stable- Release Date: 08.07.2024
- Feature
- USP: A floating button "Back to Top" is introduced for profiles with many selection options.
- USP: Expired API keys are labelled and can be hidden.
- USC: Actions that require a PIN are logged in the audit log.
- Changed
- USP: The notification window for new versions after logging in now contains an area for special notes.
- USP: The display of the profile dialogues for iOS, Android and UTM has been optimised.
- USC: The web session dialogue contains a note on how to proceed if the UTM has been blocked by entering the wrong PIN too often.
- USC: The web session for UTMs up to version 12.5.0, which requires a public IP, is switched off.
- Bugfix
- USP: If the terms and conditions are rejected, this no longer leads directly to a logout on the portal.
- MDM: Android ZeroTouch profiles are displayed correctly if the associated enrolment token has been deleted.
- MDM: An iOS Webclip installation no longer installs over existing Webclips and their saved content.
- MDM: The bulk deletion of multiple iOS profiles works as expected again.
- MDM: The validation of IP address fields has been improved.
- MDM: The iOS live log can be called up again after a tenant change.
- MDM: Calling up the roles by clicking in a tile view calls up the correct menu.
Build 1.27
Build 1.27 Stable- Release Date: 10.06.2024
- Added
- MDM: Configurations can be transferred to iOS third-party apps.
- MDM: Additional audit log entries for automated iOS enrolment have been added.
- Changed
- USP: API keys are now subject to licence verification.
- USP: System-relevant roles can no longer be deleted.
- MDM: The discontinued Android configuration value 'wifiConfigDisabled' has been replaced by 'ConfigureWifi'.
- MDM: The discontinued Android configuration value 'tetheringConfigDisabled' has been replaced by 'TetheringSettings'.
- MDM: The storage of apps in iOS profiles is marked as 'deprecated'.
- MDM: The pop-up when the maximum number of users for a licence is reached has been removed.
- MDM: In the iOS device tiles, the licence type is displayed instead of the licence name.
- Fixed
- USP: Various adjustments to translations and spelling.
- USP: Various minor bug fixes.
- MDM: The Android profile overview is updated automatically when Android user profiles are created.
- MDM: Duplicates in the iOS log have been fixed.
- MDM: iOS device commands can be cancelled manually in the device log.
Build 1.26
Build 1.26 Stable- Release Date: 14.05.2024
- Added
- USC: PIN input fields can be hidden.
- USC: A note is displayed for UTMs with a version ≤ 12.5.0 that the web session will no longer be usable from portal version 1.28.
- MDM: A reminder field is provided for the GMail address used for Android Enterprise.
- MDM: Audit log entries for Android & Android ZeroTouch have been extended.
- MDM: A note on the purchase of a VPP license for Mobile Security is displayed.
- MDM: The publishing of iOS profiles, apps and commands has been optimized.
- Changed
- USP: The “Copy”, “Paste” and “Import” functions have been harmonized across the products.
- USP: The entry of PINs has been adjusted across various products.
- USP: Devices in an assigned license are displayed alphabetically.
- MDM: The control of iOS web clips has been revised. Uninstallation is now possible.
- MDM: iOS Airprint configurations are given a generic name if there is no description.
- MDM: Android ZeroTouch enrollment is now only possible with a PIN code.
- MDM: The generation of re-enrollment devices can be forced by the reload button.
- MDM: Various improvements in the Android profiles (pre-filled values).
- MDM: Various improvements in the display of iOS home screen layouts.
- Fixed
- USC: Description in the stored device location is displayed correctly.
- MDM: Device tiles for 'other devices' are no longer displayed twice.
- MDM: Assigned Android ZeroTouch devices are displayed correctly in the profiles.
- MDM: iOS tag assignment in profiles correctly triggers publishing of the profile again.
Build 1.25
Build 1.25 Stable- Release Date: 15.04.2024
- Added
- USP: The dashboards and UTM profiles can now also be accessed via the overview page.
- USP: Status displays and labels have been enhanced with icons to provide full insight into the status of the system even in the event of red-green weakness.
- USP: Dialogs after login can now be hidden for 45 days.
- USC: The UTMs have been extended to include the publish status for all affected UTMs.
- MDM: Android devices can be sorted in the tile list according to the last contact.
- Changed
- USP: Please note that changing the 2FA after password reset is optional.
- USP: A tooltip has been added to the license synchronization button.
- MDM: With Android, the Users for BYOD devices can no longer be changed, as with iOS.
- MDM: The validation for the assignment of names for home screen layouts has been improved.
- Fixed
- USP: All audit logs from the last three months can be viewed.
- USC: Inventory details in the UTM detail view can also be deleted again.
- MDM: When re-enrolling a DEP device, a duplicate tile is no longer displayed.
- MDM: When re-enrolling a DEP device, the assigned profile is displayed in the device tile.
- MDM: The successful implementation of the profiles on the iOS devices is updated in the profile overview.
- MDM: For iOS apps, the known installations are always provided with a current date.
- MDM: iOS device profiles can be sorted correctly across all types.
Build 1.24
Build 1.24 Stable- Release Date: 20.03.2024
As of version 1.24, USP administrators are required to use two-factor authentication as an additional security measure. You should activate two-factor authentication in your user account before the release of version 1.24, otherwise the login to the USP will be blocked until two-factor authentication is activated. From version 1.24, activation is also possible via the login screen.
Two-factor authentication must be activated by then.
Further information can be found in the wiki articles Requirements and Login for end customers.
Two-factor authentication must be activated by then.
Further information can be found in the wiki articles Requirements and Login for end customers.
- Added
- USP: The 2-factor authentication is now mandatory for all users.
- USP: The 2-factor authentication and the password reset can be triggered via the Login page.
- MDM: The Re-Enrollment of iOS-devices is now possible.
- MDM: The USB data access for Android profiles can be configured.
- Changed
- USP: The password reset on the user is no longer triggered in the user details, but in the Burger menu of the tile list.
- MDM: AppLock and AirPrint configuration have been removed from Shared Device Profiles, as both are not supported by Apple.
- MDM: iOS VPP apps can no longer be copied, exported or pasted in order to maintain synchronicity with the licenses.
- Fixed
- USP: The notifications can be sorted by name again.
- USC: Resellers without their own USC license can now access their clients' USC.
- USC: The UTM version is updated immediately after an update.
- MDM: The phone number of iOS devices is displayed in the tile list.
- USP: When publishing an iOS profile, Exchange account information is now retained.
Build 1.23.1
Build 1.23.1 Stable- Release Date: 12.03.2024
- Added
- USC: For UTMs from version 12.6.2, further settings can now be configured via the profiles
- Cloud-Backup
- Server-Settings
- Geo-IP
- VPN-Settings
- USC: For UTMs from version 12.6.2, it is possible to set an additional endpoint, which must be reachable before the UTM is finalized after the test run
- USC: Status of the assigned UTM profiles is displayed
- Changed
- USC: The one-time update can now be set via the individual UTM instead of via the profiles
- USC: The setting "only once a month" for regular updates can no longer be selected. Existing configurations remain in place until the profile is changed or the UTM is updated to versions 12.6.2 and higher.
Build 1.23.0
Build 1.23.0 Stable- Release Date: 19.02.2024
- Added
- USC: UTMs can be shut down directly after restoring the factory settings.
- USP: Azure AD / Entra ID can be used for a user import.
- USP: A note on the future mandatory 2FA in the portal is displayed.
- MDM: The DEP enrollment can be secured with a PIN.
- Changed
- USP: Logic adjusted for sortable columns.
- USP: Sorting of audit log entries has been adjusted.
- USP: Audit log entries for background processes are displayed more clearly with "Background process".
- USP: The loading process of the cross-client dashboards has been accelerated.
- USP: Links to external URLs are displayed more clearly in the inventory.
- USP: Auditlog now lists the user name that was selected when the web session was started.
- USC: The PIN entry screen for the UTM web session can be confirmed with 'Enter'.
- USC: Note on moving the automatic update from the profiles to the UTM.
- MDM: In the iOS restrictions, existing apps can be added with one click.
- MDM: Profile assignments have been included in the audit log.
- MDM: Saving the home screen layouts publishes them.
- MDM: Display and options of the passcode rules for the user enrollment profiles adjusted.
- Fixed
- USP: Dark mode remains when reloading.
- USC: When activating the cloud backup, the portal ensures that a password has been set there.
- USR: Report can be resent several times. A transmission confirmation is sent.
- MDM: 404-Undefined Error fixed.
- MDM: Fixed a bug in the creation of home screen layouts.
- MDM: iOS device operating mode no longer shows "Unconfigured".
- MDM: Fixed an error when uploading iOS .mobileconfig files.
- MDM: The iOS inventory location can be updated again.
- MDM: Devices are no longer displayed twice when the search is used.
Build 1.22.0
Build 1.22.0 Stable- Release Date: 15.01.2024
- Added
- USP: The connection for UTM clusters for USC and USR has been implemented (UTM v12.6 required).
- Changed
- USP: The display of API keys has been optimized.
- USP: The queries of the available tags have been accelerated.
- MDM: The Apple VPP API has been updated.
- MDM: Apple TV apps are offered for selection in the corresponding profile.
- Fixed
- USP: The license expiration dates are displayed correctly again.
- MDM: Errors with duplicate apps in Android profiles are intercepted.
- MDM: iOS serial numbers are saved correctly again for DEP devices.
- MDM: Unconfigured Zero Touch devices are no longer displayed as VPN devices.
Build 1.21.0
- Added
- USP: MDM and USC dashboards can now also be used across clients.
- USP: It is now possible to search for multiple strings in the UTM dashboards.
- USC: Preparations for cluster UTMs in the USC.
- Changed
- USP: Design adjustments to the operating elements.
- USP: Display of firmware distribution in the dashboard adjusted.
- USC: The portal displays a pop-up if permissions for the cloud backup are missing.
- USC: The audit log documents more actions from the USC.
- MDM: The processing of iOS commands has been accelerated.
- Fixed
- MDM: The creation of duplicate "managed Apple IDs" is prevented.
- MDM: A display problem with VPP license assignment has been fixed.
- USC: The API for Prometheus/Grafana delivers accurate values again.
- MDM: Incorrect deletion message for Android Enterprise in the audit log has been fixed.
Build 1.20.0
- Added
- UTM monitoring via Prometheus/Grafana has been extended to include VPN connections
- UTMs can now be searched for multiple search terms simultaneously in the UTM dashboard
- Changed
- The display order of a reseller's customers has been optimised
- DEP and ZeroTouch devices are hidden in the MDM dashboard
- Fixed
- API keys without names can no longer be created
- Creation attempts for duplicate usernames are now prevented
- Error when copying Android profiles has been fixed
- Scrolling in the UTM list has been optimised
- Phantom devices in the iOS device list have been removed
Build 1.19.0
- Added
- In the reseller portal, there are direct links to the MobileSecurity and USC dashboards.
- In the reseller portal, MobileSecurity and USC can be accessed directly without a new login
- Additional USC actions (power off, reboot, factory settings and cloud backup restore) now require a PIN (from UTM version v12.5.2)
- UTMs can also be filtered and sorted by tags in the USC dashboard
- Licenses in MobileSecurity dashboard can be sorted
- Changed
- The reseller can limit all licenses for tenants
- Unification of buttons and layouts
- Revision of the displayed mode for iOS and Android devices
- Fixed
- Fixed bug when setting up Android Zerotouch.
- Only resellers can now edit USR branding
- Audit log contains more targeted messages
- Bug fixed for iOS profiles with calendar configurations
- Bug fixed with restrictions for SharediPads
- Bug fixed for iOS wallpaper configurations
Build 1.18.0
- Added:
- USC: Starting with UTM v12.5.1 web sessions can be established without public IP.
- USC: The UTM hardware information has been extended to include the product name and serial number.
- MDM: Android flight mode can now be configured.
- MDM: iOS updates can now be triggered on any selection of devices.
- USP: Duplicates are ignored during CSV user import.
- USP: The first time a user logs in after an update, they will receive a notification.
- Changed:
- USP: The number of elements in the sidebars have been removed.
- USC: Factory reset has been temporarily disabled due to the new security concept.
- MDM: A label on the device tile of iOS and Android devices now indicates the unaccepted conditions.
- Fixed:
- CSV user import has been improved.
Build 1.17.0
- Added:
- USP: Static client-specific dashboard for MDM & USC.
- MDM: Resellers can set a device limit for their customers' MSP licences.
- USC: Cloud backups can be activated via the portal.
- Changed:
- USP: Tenant & instance generation is now also triggered at the first login of an RSP user (roles "end customer").
- MDM: In iOS profile publishing, the iOS restrictions are implemented last.
- MDM: Changed behaviour of Android location to work around network problems.
- Fixed:
- MDM: iOS Customconfigs are now uninstalled correctly.
- MDM: New iOS DEP devices are now reliably assigned to the DEP default profile again.
- USC: Sorting in the results table of the USC Security Scans has been adjusted.
Build 1.16.0
- Added:
- MDM: iOS Firmwareupdates sind genauer steuerbar.
- Changed:
- USP: Die Kunden im Dropdownmenü werden nun alphabetisch sortiert.
- USP: Der Export und Import von .csv-Dateien wurde angepasst.
- USP: Die Benutzerfelder Variablen 1-3 werden jetzt beim Import von Benutzern beachtet.
- MDM: MDM Ersteinrichtungsdialog erscheint nur, wenn eine Lizenz vorhanden ist.
- MDM: Bei iOS Webclips wird die URL mit im Namen angezeigt.
- Fixed:
- MDM: Benutzervariablen wurden auf iOS Geräten nicht umgesetzt, wenn der Profil-Publish sehr kurz nach dem Enrollment erfolgte.
- MDM: iOS WebClip können nun gezielt deinstalliert werden.
Build 1.15.0
- Added:
- MDM: Added another endpoint for Mobile Security connections.
- MDM: For iOS, 'declarative management' for status information has been implemented.
- MDM: Apple's Rapid Security Updates can be detected & executed.
- USC: The new virus scanner is evaluated in the USR and USC.
- Changed:
- USP: Updates to various back-end and front-end software.
- MDM: When LOCATE devices, a justification must be provided.
- USC: In the event of an error in a USC job, the error status text is displayed in the label title.
- USC: For cross-client profiles, the 'Tag' is now a mandatory field.
- Fixed:
- USP: Missing translations added.
- USP: Various adjustments in the inventory menu item.
- MDM: The Device Family of all newer Apple devices is displayed correctly again
- USC: Various adjustments were made in the USC profiles.
Build 1.14.0
- Added:
- USC: Reading API keys for the metrics of the UTMs deposited in the USC.
- MDM: iOS VPP licenses are now assigned automatically.
- MDM: The audit log now stores for 90 days.
- MDM: The audit log is exportable as .csv.
- MDM: To perform a locate, a comment must be entered, which is stored in the audit log.
- MDM: The iOS Livelog supports filters and searches.
- MDM: New features implemented for shared iPads.
- MDM: PopUp, if the Android ZeroTouch T&Cs have not been accepted.
- Changed:
- USC: Change from one-time to recurring update adjusted.
- MDM: If there is a large number of iOS devices assigned to a profile, their number is displayed instead of the name.
- MDM: Behavior of the initial setup dialogs adjusted.
- Fixed:
- USP: Various translations and spelling have been adjusted.
- MDM: The automatic VPP updates now reliably take effect for iOS apps that are maintained in profiles.
- MDM: The serial numbers and DEP status of devices are validated during VPP license assignment.
Build 1.13.0
- Added:
- USC: One-time automatic UTM firmware updates are now possible.
- USC: A warning is displayed for UTMs with less than 4GB RAM, should this disable virus scanners.
- USC: A refresh of the UTM data now also fetches the interfaces of the UTM.
- MDM: iOS error message of the devices are translated.
- MDM: Android ZeroTouch devices now show which enrollment token is assigned to them.
- Changed:
- USP: The local users are now loaded correctly even if other modules fail.
- MDM: iOS restrictions for COPE devices have been merged into the restrictions.
- MDM: The names of the generated Android profiles are displayed in the same way.
- MDM: The iOS restrictions "forceWiFiPowerOn" & "forceWiFiToAllowedNetworksOnly" are now correctly listed with the "supervised" restrictions.
- MDM: The delete dialog for Android devices now explicitly names the selected device.
- MDM: VPP tokens already in use will no longer be reported should they result through Apple Configurator 2.
- MDM: The sorting options of the Android device overview have been adjusted.
- USR: The contact entry in the UTM device tiles has been removed.
- Fixed:
- USP: Various translations and spelling have been adjusted.
- USC: Deactivating the cross-tenant profiles will delete subprofiles correctly.
- MDM: iOS devices are no longer doubled in their count.
- MDM: Clicking on the assigned profiles in the device details correctly redirects to the selected profile again.
- MDM: For iOS dual-SIM setups, the correct number of IMEIs is displayed.
- MDM: Local users with linked managed AppleID can be assigned a role again.
- MDM: Localization map appears correctly on Android devices.
- MDM: The "Hide generated profiles" button performs the expected function again.
- MDM: The error message "The requested object could not be found" has been fixed.
- MDM: Android profiles with spaces in the name can be imported correctly.
- USR: Securepoint Antivirus Pro timestamps are correctly mapped to UTC.
Build 1.12.0
- Added:
- USC: UTM profiles integrated, which enable automated updates of the firewalls.
- USC: Profile of the update jobs are shown in the UTM details
- USC: IPs of the UTMs are displayed in the dashboard and the detail view
- MDM: Android management enrollment token extended validity
- MDM: iOS / iPadOS app "Freeform" added to system apps
- USC: UTM profiles integrated, which enable automated updates of the firewalls.
- Changed:
- Menu structure of the sidebar is more organized.
- USR: Privacy policy has been updated (storage periods increased up to 65 days)
- MDM: In iOS profiles all available variables are suggested
- MDM: When copying AndroidManagment profiles no existing profiles are overwritten
- MDM: Webclips can be created with IPs in the hostname
- Fixed:
- Mobile Security statistics show full traffic again.
- MDM: iOS Webclips interpret the button "isRemovable" correctly
- MDM: In the operation log of the devices the app names are displayed correctly again
Build 1.11.0
- Added:
- User enrollment for iOS BYOD devices has been implemented.
- The portal now offers a specific profile for user enrollment.
- Local portal users can be linked to managed Apple IDs.
- VPP licenses can be assigned to users with a linked managed Apple ID.
- Disable MAC Randomization" restriction is now available for iOS profiles.
- Changed:
- The homescreen layout now supports > 100 apps.
- The VPP license assignment error messages are more informative.
- The user freely definable variables are now usable in the iOS mail accounts.
- All Android legacy devices have been finally removed from the portal.
- Fixed:
- All users of iOS BYOD devices receive the privacy policy via email again.
- ChangeManagementState for iOS apps is saved correctly again.
Build 1.10.0
- Changed:
- USC Firewalls status is more performant in its query.
- For iOS DEP devices, the delete button has been removed.
- VPP licenses can now be assigned to more than 10 devices at the same time.
- The display of licenses has been adjusted in the portal and is now the same everywhere.
- The hint texts in the "managed configuration" for Android profiles have been extended.
- When deactivating location on Android, the location plugin is now also removed correctly.
- The audit log sorts itself correctly by date.
- Fixed:
- Even very long USRs are now displayed correctly.
- Automatically generated Android profiles are no longer user-editable.
- The "Overwrite calendar" button in iOS profiles now correctly saves its value.
- Various spellings and translations adjusted.
- The "Known Installations" of an iOS app are displayed correctly again.
- The information in the iOS device log has been extended and provides more information again.
Build 1.9.0
- Added:
- VPP license assignment has been significantly simplified. Multiple apps and devices can now be selected.
- Home screen layouts can now be designed outside the profile and loaded in the desired iOS profile.
- DEP and VPP shortcuts are now removable.
- For Shared iPads, apps can now be installed from the assigned profiles.
- The possible validity period of Android Management registration tokens has been increased to 90 days.
- Local user management now supports passwords up to 128 characters long.
- Roaming information is now displayed for iOS devices.
- Changed:
- IP address assignment for Mobile Security VPN tunnels has been improved.
- iOS apps can no longer be created without a name.
- iOS".mobileconfig" files can now be attached directly to an existing iOS profile.
- For Android devices, the carrier information of the mobile network is displayed.
- The "force automatic app updates" for iOS is logged in the audit log.
- Android app loading has been optimized.
- The search behavior after creating users has been adjusted.
- The Securepoint GmbH CEO has been adjusted in the corresponding documents.
- Various translations have been added.
- Fixed:
- Deleting an iOS profile now triggers profile publishing.
- UTMs are no longer displayed in the portal after license expiration.
- Android Zero-Touch linking can be completed correctly again.
- The number of Tenant notifications is now displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the display of iOS device tiles (duplicate entries).
- Fixed issues with automatic logout from the portal.
- The switches for the iOS web clips are displayed correctly again.
- Arrays of objects can now be created in the managed configuration.
- Fixed an issue with the display of DEP devices.
- Various spelling errors have been fixed.
- Security:
- The output in the portal of content from unknown sources has been improved.¹
¹) As a preventive measure, Securepoint GmbH has security audits carried out by independent companies at regular intervals. The errors were found during a penetration test by the company RedTeam Pentesting GmbH based in Aachen, Germany (
Build 1.8.0
- Added:
- A separate profile type for Apple TVs (tvOS) has been implemented.
- The app installation requests for iOS / tvOS now state which app should be installed
- The endpoint for communication with iOS devices now supports IPv6
- Changed:
- For performance reasons, the known users of a shared iPad are no longer displayed in the Dashboard overview.
- Depositing an Apple DEP token is no longer possible without a valid Apple Push certificate
- Fixed:
- A loading animation in the portal caused unusually high CPU usage.
- Automatic logout after inactivity of the user (10 minutes or 7 days) works again
- If no open ports are found in the USC security scan, they are indicated with 0 instead of "N/A".
- Apple VPP tokens can be removed from the portal again if they have been invalidated in ASM / ABM
- Fixed a bug that caused invalid enrollment tokens on Android Enterprise when code was used
- Fixed a bug with custom configuration of managed app configurations on Android Enterprise
- Resellers can now administer their customers' products without having licensed such a product themselves
- Security:
- Communication between the reverse proxy and the UTM during the Unified Security Console WebSession is now secured and validated by a certificate starting with UTM version 12.2.3. This measure serves as protection against man-in-the-middle attacks.
Build 1.7.1
- iOS:
- minor fixes in the management & assignment of devices.
- Deleting multiple iOS devices at the same time is possible again
- Restrictions of the displayed apps are displayed correctly again
- Android:
- Location for Android devices is implemented and released.
- Portal:
- The default roles 'admin' & 'auditor' are initially created again.
Build 1.7.0
- iOS:
- Display of VPP licenses revised
- API features changed by Apple have been removed or replaced by their successors.
- changed: forceWiFiWhitelisting -> forceWiFiToAllowedNetworksOnly
- changed: whitelistedAppBundleIDs -> allowListedAppBundleIDs
- changed: blacklistedAppBundleIDs -> blockedAppBundleIDs
- added: allowMailPrivacyProtection
- added: allowAutomaticScreenSaver
- Android ZeroTouch:
- Google audits and reviews performed.
- Own landing page for Android ZeroTouch.
- Enrollment and assignment of profiles implemented with Android Zero Touch.
- Portal
- Android Legacy was permanently removed from the portal.
- A selectable dark mode has been implemented.
- Refactoring of the login and many other elements.
- Acceleration of API requests and database queries.
- Various actions have been added to the audit log.
- Various adjustments in translations and labels.
- Various minor bug fixes.
- Preparations for further product support in USP.
Build 1.6.7
- iOS:
- iOS devices remove Mobile Security Profiles even if they were unreachable.
- Notifications are displayed when DEP & VPP tokens expire.
- An iOS firmware update now correctly updates the version display in the portal.
- Android:
- Device alias can now be set without accepting the device's terms & conditions.
- Newly integrated Android devices are reported to the portal by Google
- Various optimizations of the database queries and profile encryptions
- Various adjustments in the translations and labels.
- Various minor bug fixes
Build 1.6.6
- Various adjustments in the translations and labels.
- The display of email accounts and login data has been adjusted.
- iOS web clips can now be added to block & allow lists.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug in the display of iPads with SIM cards.
- Fixed a bug in user management that prevented users from being deleted.
- Android devices assigned to users are now displayed correctly.
Build 1.6.5
- Various adjustments in the translations and labels.
- Licenses can be synchronized from the Reseller Portal at the push of a button.
- Notifications can now be deleted correctly.
- Android
- The Android management connection now displays correctly if access has been blocked by Google or the GMail account has been deleted.
- In case of non-compliance with a policy, it is now possible to define more precisely whether the device or the profile should be blocked.
- For Android COPE devices, it can be defined whether data may be exchanged between the profiles.
- Various information about the security status and the software used is displayed in the device details.
- iOS
- The iOS push certificates get a log for past integrations.
- Profile names for iOS may have longer names.
- Encoding of strings in XML files has been adjusted (noticed with passwords with special characters in POP3 & IMAP accounts).
- The APPLICATION_LIST and MANAGED_APPLICATION_LIST commands now correctly update the 'Applications' device tab.
- In the 'Register new device' menu, the license UUID is correctly transferred when pressing the 'copy to clipboard'.
Build 1.6.4
- Various adjustments in the translations and captions.
- iOS
- eSims are now displayed correctly
- the notifications indicates to other elements
Build 1.6.3
- Various adjustments in translations and labels.
- Android
- Android features discontinued by Google have been removed or replaced by their successors.
- 'safeBootDisabled' was removed
- 'ensureVerifyAppsEnabled' changed to 'googlePlayProtectVerifyApps'.
- 'debuggingFeaturesAllowed' changed to 'developerSettings'.
- New Android API features implemented.
- 'personalAppsThatCanReadWorkNotifications'
- 'commonCriteriaMode'
- Variables in Android 'managedConfigs' are now also transferred with a followed by a space character.
- Android features discontinued by Google have been removed or replaced by their successors.
- iOS
- Ports for Airprint configuration can now be specified correctly.
- License conditions can be rejected again
Build 1.6.2
- Various adjustments in the translations and labels.
- The cookie banner, on the first web page load, was adjusted.
- The rendering of many objects was optimized.
Build 1.6.1
- The iOS profiles for ActiveSync mail connections contain extended configuration options.
- Automatic updates for iOS VPP apps can be prevented.
- Various adjustments to the translations and labels.
- After connecting iOS tokens (PushCert, DEP, VPP), the settings page is reloaded correctly.
- Fixed an issue that prevents global firmware updates should the license be filled.
- Automatically generated Android profiles can be hidden correctly again.
- Rendering of display objects has been optimized.
- The versions of installed iOS apps are now correctly displayed in the devices.
Build 1.6.0
- Implementation of 2-factor authentication for the portal.
- The iOS firmware updates now also work device-specific.
- Various adjustment in the description of settings and translations.
- iOS home screen and lock screen wallpapers are now correctly transferred to the devices.
Build 1.5.9
- Implementation of a dashboard to display
- security statuses on Android devices.
- pending updates on iOS.
- partially installed profiles on iOS.
- Login for customers with expired license is now possible.
- Lock screen message on iOS now supports variables.
- The device alias and device name from the portal can be displayed on iOS devices:
- %device_name% or $device_name$ - the name assigned on the phone (see: Settings -> General -> About -> Name).
- %device_alias% or $device_alias$ - the alias assigned in the portal with fallback to the device name mentioned above.
- For Android Enterprise COPE devices, the RELINQUISH_OWNERSHIP command is now available.
- Added a new button to download the iOS MDM enrollment profile.
- The description of the restrictions on iOS have been revised.
Build 1.5.8
- The actual implemented restrictions on the device can now be viewed.
- New features in iOS profiles:
- It is now possible to upload an image or photo as a wallpaper for the lock screen or home screen.
- Google accounts can now be managed
- Notifications settings can now be configured by app
- Home screen settings are now implemented correctly
- The terms Blacklists and Whitelist have been replaced by Blocklist and Allowlist
- Various minor bug fixes
Build 1.5.7
- Redesign of the portal menu navigation
- Separation of iOS & Android
- iOS & Android profile options are now listed in a more intuitive order
- general menu items have been highlighted
- An audit log of changed settings is now available
- Improved editing of object names
- iOS
- Web clips can be installed
- App installation via profiles is now possible
- Home screen layout for iOS and iPadOS
- Android
- Personal use of ProfileOwner devices
- Android Management API updated to version 1.31.0
- Preparation for further Securepoint Cloud products
Build 1.5.6
- DEP profiles are now deletable
- DEP profiles are now easily viewable in the device overview
- More information is displayed for the renewal of ApplePush certificates
- Descriptions of various options adapted
- Various translations
Build 1.5.5
- Show known app installations also for iOS apps installed via a manifest URL.
- Commissioning process optimized
- iOS app installation can be forced again
- Speed optimizations for larger numbers of devices
- Preparations for further shared iPad features
Build 1.5.4
- Support for shared iPads with multiple user profiles.
- Support for DEP profiles for contactless configuration of iOS devices.
- User-defined variables for use in profiles.
- Support for distribution of "Apple Configurator 2" profiles.
- Support for new iOS 14 properties in profiles.
- Improvements in the administration of VPP licenses
- Various translations
- Improved display of menu items
- New iOS features:
- Applock (Kiosk mode)
- Classroom features
- Messages on lock screen
- Various new restrictions
- Firmware update management
- New Android features:
- Advanced options for .apk installations
- Portal performance improved
- Translations
- Multiple selection of objects implemented
Build 1.5.3
- iOS VPP (Volume Purchase Program)
- Improvement of portal performance
- Invitation mail adapted to current enrollment options
Build 1.5.2
- Android Enterprise devices can be protected from recommissioning via Google account
- Invitemails have been updated
- iOS devices now do not ask for the password again when the Exchange profile is pushed again
- GoogleAPI error messages are now displayed in the portal
- Appaudit for Android Enterprise devices
- Description of some options adapted/translated
- Various bugfixes
Build 1.5.1
- Android profiles can now exclude spec. apps from the tunnel
- Inventory has its own tab
- License mapping implemented
- For iOS profiles now multiple mail accounts are possible (ActiveSync & POP/IMAP)
- For iOS profiles the distribution of certificates is now possible
Build 1.5.0
- New variables for iOS Mail and Exchange: %device_user_firstname%, %device_user_lastname%, %device_user_name%
- Status reporting has its own tab
- Reduction of Enterprise (EnterpriseInfo) requests
- Missing translations corrected
- Various bug fixes
Build 1.4.8
- Android for Enterprise
- Copy&Paste of objects (apps, profiles & VPN)
- Notifications for login and logout of devices
- Integration of Unified Reporting
Build 1.4.7
- Adaptation of ActiveSync implementation for iOS
- Device display adjusted
- Typos corrected
- Push of Wifi-configs possible
- Endpoint can be configured in Switzerland
- Adjustment of default firewall ports
Build 1.4.6
- Switch for allowing other/additional VPN profiles
- Refresh of profiles after a revoke
- Disabled enrollment button after reaching device limit
- Translations, spelling errors etc.
- Device IDs in the licenses
Build 1.4.5
- Preparations for an update of the reseller portal
- Preparations for the new Securepoint Mobile Security App
- Preparation for linking with other Securepoint services
- Cleanup of the iOS Profile passcode tap
- Adjustment of the portal for performance enhancements
- Longer Bundle IDs can now be used to install iOS apps
Build 1.4.4
- Maintenance: SMTPS - port 465 part of port filter group Mail
- Maintenance: BYOD - create new users
- Maintenance: Special characters in tenant management
- Maintenance: DEP integration
- Bugfix: License agreements in InternetExplorer11
Build 1.4.3
- Maintenance: Naming in the iOS restrictions changed.
- Maintenance: Supported browsers now: Chrome, Firefox, Edge. IE11
- Maintenance: Assignment of tags revised
- Maintenance: Googlemaps have been replaced by a dummy in the device inventory.
- Bugfix: Display of iOS version in device inventory.
- Bugfix: Warning messages were not sent.
Build 1.4.2
- Maintenance: Changes of the menu navigation
- Maintenance: Adjustments of various translations
- Maintenance: Adjustment of the selection between BYOD/COPE
- Maintenance: Search in statistics accelerated
- Bugfix: Creation of the Apple-CSR
- Bugfix: Portgroup for mail extended
- Bugfix: Several errors in an application were fixed.1
- 1) Securepoint GmbH has security audits carried out by independent companies at regular intervals as a preventive measure. The flaws were found during a penetration test by RedTeam Pentesting GmbH, a company based in Aachen, Germany (
Build 1.3
- Revision layout
- Minor bugfixes
- New inventory information in device details
- You will now receive an email notification before your Apple Push certificate expires
- Password restrictions in iOS profiles
- Unified password restrictions in Android profiles
- Fixed a bug in the statistics
Build 1.2
- Unifications in the web interface
- Import / export of profiles, apps, VPN configurations
- Custom push certificates
- Minor bugfixes
- VPN via TCP and/or UDP
Build 1.1
- Changes to the API
- Revision of the profile management
- Revision of the device view
- Extended logging
- Various translations
- Statistics are now also generated for uncategorized websites
- Update of the license conditions
Build BETA-Release
- Release of BETA-Portal-Clients